Flash News No. 43/2016 | December 16

Over six years of successful corporate management
New leadership team at Buzil
Klaus Karl, who has been working as a Managing Director at Buzil-Werk Wagner GmbH & Co. KG alongside the owner Isabell Janoth since 1 July 2010, will soon be leaving the company. Considerations relating his departure began a little over a year ago.
Klaus Karl has played a significant role in the successful innovations of recent years. Since mid-2015, and increasingly since January 2016, he has been transferring most of his operational responsibilities in turn to his successors, and has been focussing primarily on strategic issues. He will give up his role as Managing Director, and cease to be a Buzil employee, at the end of the year.
Klaus Karl (image: Buzil)
The existing management team consisting of Isabell Janoth, Thomas Ulbricht as the new Managing Director, along with Reik Zeller and Dirk Tesch as prospective authorised signatories, has been in place since the middle of the year.
Importantly, the new management team brings together individuals with a great deal of experience gathered within the organisation, thereby ensuring the company's viability long term.
The new management team (from the right): Isabell Janoth, Thomas Ulbricht, Dirk Tesch and Reik Zeller. (image: Buzil)
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