Roy Baker
Offshore living has its share of unpredictability, what
with sudden downpours, falling branches, sinking tinnies
and the uncertainty of a spot in the car park. But for the
last 19 years one thing has been reliable: the helpful and
friendly service of Brian Dickeson, keeper of the Church
Point Post Office.
But soon that will be gone, as Brian retires later this
month. How will we cope without him? It's a measure of the
warmth and familiarity of offshore living that we all know
our postie’s name, and many of us feel that we have far
more than a business relationship with him.
There has been a post office at Church Point since at
least 1908, although it used to be located more or less in
the middle of what is now Thomas Stephens Reserve, the
paved area adjoining the Pasadena. Like today, the post
office doubled, and in fact started out as a general
store, owned by James Booth, who also owned the boat shed
on the site occupied by the current general store.
The post office grew along with the onshore and offshore
community. But because there has never been a postal
delivery service to offshore Pittwater, Church Point post
office has always played a special part in the lives of
islanders and western foreshore residents.
The post office wasn’t always the sophisticated operation
it is today. Within living memory, residents who wanted to
check their mail simply walked in and gave their name,
whereupon whoever was on hand would sift through a pile of
alphabetically sorted letters.
Brian began at Church Point in 2003, by which time
mailboxes had been installed and things were rather more
efficient. Brian initially worked with Brian Wright before
running the show single-handedly. With the growing
popularity of online shopping, the heart of the operation
switched from letters to parcels. Prior to 2020 the post
office received fewer than 400 parcels a week. But that
number doubled as a result of COVID.
Today, Brian processes around 750 parcels a week, let
alone the many letters and flyers he handles. Brian
estimates that around 70% of his business comes from
offshore residents.

Point's original post office,
from the rear (c. 1909)
Despite his daunting workload, Brian remained invariably
efficient, affable and seemingly unflappable. He always
had a moment to chat with customers, and seemed
particularly understanding of the peculiar needs of
offshore residents.
Brian was more than our post man. He was at times an ad
hoc lost property office, a place to leave messages for
neighbours and friends, or the guardian of shopping bags
while their owners went off to look for somewhere to
‘I’ve even been asked to mind children’, says Brian. ‘I’d
just say “leave them over there next to the fishing
Brian, who used to live in Mona Vale but has now moved to
Dee Why, says he will miss offshore residents. ‘They are a
nice bunch,’ he remarks.
Without Brian, posting a letter or receiving a parcel will
never be quite the same. But he promises that he will,
from time to time, return to the Point. No doubt many of
us will once again appreciate his warm, disarming manner,
and his readiness to pass the time of day. Thanks, Brian,
for looking after all our letters and parcels.

Point, c. 1909.
old general store and post office can be
seen on the right, with a boatshed occupying
the present site of the store.

three fastest runners:
Will Blackband, with 2nd placed Peter
Cumming and 3rd placed Craig Lauchlan
Last Sunday saw the running
(and walking) of the second annual Scotland Island race,
this time held in memory of Graeme Crayford, keen jogger
and former president of the fire brigade, who died
earlier this year.

and youngest first:
Derijk blows the starting whistle for the
2022 island run.
23 runners and walkers registered to take part, almost
double the number last year. Participants lapped the
island once, starting and finishing in Catherine Park.
They then completed an obstacle course designed by Andy
Derijk, a fitness instructor and resident of Elvina Bay.
Immediately after the race,
prizes were given, followed by breakfast at the Two
Catherines Café. As a result of the event around $300
were raised for the island fire brigade.
Despite a muddy course, a new record was set by race
winner Will Blackband (aged 11). Will completed his lap
of the island in 12 mins 5 secs, beating last year’s
record of 12 mins 13 secs.

Dwyer works the exercise ropes, helped by
grandson Lewis
In second place was Elvina Bay resident Peter Cumming,
and third was newcomer to the island Craig Lauchlan.
The fastest female runner
was Ros Forrest (14 mins, 7 secs), followed by Christine
Penny Wise was fastest
walker, marching around the island in 24 mins 24 secs.
What’s particularly encouraging is that almost everyone
who took part last year managed to improve on their
time. The biggest improvement was that of George Orr,
who went from 16 mins 44 secs down to 15 mins 37 secs.
A last minute surprise entry was Lewis, five-year-old
grandson of Billy Dwyer. Both competed the run in fine
Congratulations and thanks go to all runners and
walkers. Thanks also go to Andy Derijk for once again
volunteering his time, as well as George Orr for baking
the tasty prizes, and the various timers and others who
helped out.

Scotland Island Recreation
Most Saturdays throughout
the year
2 - 3 pm: Introduction to
Table Tennis
3 - 5 pm: Table Tennis
Groups meet most Saturdays
and anyone over 12 is welcome. Sessions are supported by
the Scotland Island Recreation Club.
Play from 2 - 3 pm is
intended primarily for those new to table tennis. The
session from 3 - 5 pm is open to everyone, regardless of
your standard of play.
Sessions do not run every Saturday. If you are interested
in taking part then it's best to join the table tennis
WhatsApp group to receive up-to-date information on who is
playing. If you would like to join the group, please email
Alternatively, you can just turn up and take your chances.
Scotland Island
Saturday, 16 April, 5:00 -
7:30 pm

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 17 April, 10 - 11
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade presents the
great annual Easter egg hunt. Families with children are
invited to Catherine Park to search for cunningly hidden
There will be three separate hunts, each for a different
age group:
- Children under five will have their eggs hidden
within the perimeter fence of the Recreation Centre
(the old kindy);
- Children from five to nine will be excluded from the
above area, and will need to look for their eggs
further afield in Catherine Park;
- Children aged 10 and above will need to search for
and then answer questions if they are to enjoy any
eggs. The questions will test their powers of
Following the hunt, toasted hot cross buns will be served,
courtesy of your friendly firefighters. All welcome.

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 23 April, 7 - 9
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 24 April, 10 - 12
Thomas Stephens Reserve,
Church Point
Monday, 25 April, 10.45 am
Our traditional
ANZAC Day service will be held at Thomas Stephens Reserve,
Church Point on Monday, 25 April, commencing 10.45 am.
The guest speaker will be
Andrew Cutler, captain of West Pittwater Rural Fire
Brigade. He will speak about his uncle, Sir Arthur Roden
Cutler (1916 - 2002).
Sir Roden was the
longest-serving Governor of New South Wales and
recipient of the Victoria Cross in relation to his
service in Syria during World War II. Following the war
he served in Australia's diplomatic service.
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 26 April, 11 am -
12.30 pm
The Recreation Club has a new discussion group, meeting
on the last Tuesday of each month, from 11 am to 12.30
pm in the Recreation Centre. Everyone is welcome.
Members take it in turn to design a session, choosing
material for discussion. This can consist of essays,
articles or podcasts, or a combination of all three. The
idea is that group members shouldn't be committed to
more than a few hours' preparation in terms of listening
or reading. The idea is to be open to a wide range of
topics and material.
The inaugural meeting consisted of Jane Rich leading a
discussion on Water Access Only: More Tales &
Adventures from Pittwater. The ensuing debate
covered issues such as the meaning of 'community', the
effect that talk of an inclusive offshore community might
have on people who don't feel included, connection with
place, construction of individual identity, memories of
family relations, what makes for a happy and interesting
life, and more.
In the next meeting, Roy Baker leads a discussion on
social class. For most of the last couple of
centuries, debate around social injustice in western
nations centred largely on social class. More recently
there has been a marked shift, with the focus moving to
race, gender, sexuality and disability. While attention to
disparities involving these characteristics is obviously a
good thing, have we lost something by overlooking class?
● Listen to 'Why don't we talk more about class?' The
Minefield, ABC Radio National, available here. (54 mins, 7 secs);
● Read some or all of the Wikipedia entry on Social
Class, available here (and as many of the connected
entries or readings as strike your fancy);
● Optional extra: 'How America Fractured Into Four
Parts' by George Packer, The Atlantic, available here.
● And if you are really keen: 'The Collapse of
American Identity' by Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker,
available here.
Contact Jane Rich ( for more
information or to express your interest in participating.

Scotland Island Fire
Saturday 30 April, 7:00 -
11:00 pm

Lovett Bay Boat Shed
Saturday 30 April

Scotland Island Fire
Friday 6 May, 6 - 8 pm

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 7 May, 5.30 pm
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 8 May, 10 - 12 noon

Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)