Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of the place, The-LORD-Will-Provide; as it is said to this day, "In the Mount of The LORD it shall be provided."


We see lots of poor examples of people being prepared these days. In sports, the games expose lack of preparations with miscued plays and weak defense. In politics, cookie cutter answers to tough questions, or avoiding the question altogether, shows a lack of knowledge or prepared plan of action. In relationships, such as marriages, few seem to be preparing for conflict resolution in knowing how to remove pride, humbly apologize, and seek God's forgiveness from one another.

But the Lord has blessed us with great examples of people in His Word who did prepare for the ups and downs, temptations and challenges of life. Noah patiently endured 120 years in preparing the ark at God's command (Genesis 6-8). Moses prepared by seeking God's strength to return to Egypt to deliver the Israelites (Exodus 5:1ff). Elijah prepared daily by finding his trust in God almighty who miraculously sustained himself, a widow, and her son for months on almost empty jars of oil and flour (1 Kings 17:13-15).

Abraham too was tested in having to prepare an altar to sacrifice his only son Isaac as an offering to God (Genesis 22). God prepared Abraham's faith to the point where he, with trust in God, could confidently endure such a challenge. God's mercy shines through on that mountain where "the-LORD-will-provide" (Genesis 22:14), when He saw to it to give a ram in Isaac's place. This same God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, and Elijah, provided a Lamb -- His own Son Jesus Christ to take our place as the sacrifice for all our sins! That Lamb of God went uncomplaining forward bearing the guilt of all the world to give us a faith that can trust confidently the love of our Father in Heaven -- for us! Our Immanuel!

When we see the countless poor examples in the world around us of many who fail to prepare and fail to seek God's wisdom and forgiving grace, turn to the Word of God and see how our Lord has provided! And count on finding the overwhelming preparations God made to demonstrate His love to you!