Dear Friends,
We hope you, your family, and friends are safe and sound. Here is this week’s Library Minyan Weekly Update for March 12, 2021.
If you have suggestions or would like to include something in a future Weekly Update, please email Jerry Krautman at or reply to this email.
Shabbat Shalom
The Arc of Grieving: Poems for the Journey

I’m excited to announce the publication and release of my wife, Suzanne Weiss Morgen’s, new poetry collection,
The Arc of Grieving: Poems for the Journey now available on Amazon. Please visit
here and have a look. The book is a labor of love dedicated to the memory of her parents who died within months of each other several years ago. The poems move through the grieving process from the beginning angst through the hope and resilience that emerge over time. She wrote this book to provide words that poignantly express the many thoughts and emotions grievers often experience — to offer support, comfort, recognition, solace, understanding, and reassurance you are not alone. Although not written to expressly address the uniquely difficult circumstances of COVID-19, the poems illuminate many universal touchstones regarding grieving, bereavement, and the transformation often brought on by the death of a loved one.
Suzanne wants this book to be a resource to serve and assist the grief community for any and all who might find it useful. Poetry can be a powerful tool to help people process their pain, heartache, trauma and uncertainty.
If any of you know of specific institutions or agencies such as temples, churches, hospices, mortuaries and cemeteries, or any other suggestions for people to connect with such as grief therapists and grief support groups, chaplains or clergy, please let us know. Suzanne is eager to investigate and reach out. She would also be very grateful if you would share this announcement with your own friends, family and social networks to help spread the word!
Henry Morgan
Haftarah Plethora
The haftarah for Shabbat Ha-Hodesh is once again from the Book of Ezekiel. Larry decides that the boys know him well enough to call him Zeke and then offers an explanation for the Ashkenazim adding extra versus focusing on Ha Nasi or the Prince. Rick thrills to the plethora of Pazers, Zarkas and Segols in the haftarah and suggests that there’s a lesson for organizing traffic at the Shabbat Kiddush table.
The Mishnah Study Group will be gathering to learn on March 13th with Bert Kleinman.