January 2024
Reduced stress. Increased productivity. Improved well-being.
Forte Organizers helps individuals and families stay organized at home, as well as teaching business people organization skills at work.
New Newsletter ...
It's been a while since our last newsletter so I thought I would start off the New Year with a new newsletter that you will love! Besides some great organizing tips and resources, take note of our Upcoming Seminar in March.
Closet Update...
In the last couple of homes we have worked in, I've noticed several closets that were being underutilized. The closets were originally designed with a rod for hanging coats with one shelf above. Nothing was hanging on the rod and items where haphazardly thrown in the bottom of the closet.
We determined the closets would get more use if the rod was removed and more shelves were installed. Hiring a contractor to add additional shelves or simply buying a freestanding shelving unit to put into the closet made sense for these clients. The once coat closet now has become a pantry for a nearby kitchen and served as additional storage for items that were more suited for shelves.
Walk through your home and see if your closets are working for you. If not, adding more shelves may be the answer to the additional storage you always wish you had.
What Message is Your Office Projecting...
A disorganized office not only impacts your efficiency, but it also sends a message to coworkers, managers and clients who see it. You may be a great leader, a capable and dependable employee or amazing with customer service, but your office is not conveying this message. 
I’ll give you an example. When you board an airplane and look into the cockpit, you are looking at the pilots ‘office’ for the day. You notice the cockpit and things look in order, so you go to find your seat where you may decide to read, nap or watch a movie.
Let’s say the same pilot decides to keep old flight logs, personal belongings and several coffee mugs filled with pens in the cockpit. Now when you board the plane and look into the cockpit, it looks more like someones personal office or living quarters. Would you feel comfortable moving on to find your seat? Or would this make you pause to question the authority, capability and common sense of the pilot? 
When I give this same scenario in my seminars, the audience defiantly feels more fear about the leadership of the team in the disorganized cockpit, even when I tell them it’s the same crew.
What is your office saying about you? Make sure it’s saying what you want it to say.
Upcoming Seminar...
Who's In Charge...You or Your Stuff?
Clark County Library, 201 S Fountain Ave, Springfield, OH 45506
Thursday, March 7, 2024 from 6:00-7:30pm
Call the library for more information at (937) 328-6903 
Community Resources...
Washington Township Super Service Saturday
Document Shredding/Disposal
Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10:00 am-1:00pm
Location:  Public Works Building - 8190 McEwen Rd.
Drug Drop Off
Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10:00 am-1:00pm
Location:  Fire Headquarters - 8320 McEwen Rd.
For more details on both click here:  Super Service Saturday
Lose Your Stuff, Find Yourself...
In her book, "Lose Your Stuff, Find Yourself," Lori offers solutions on how to make more time to do those things you love.
"Excess stuff doesn't bring happiness, but experiences do.  Make time to part with these unnecessary items so you can have more time doing the things you love."
Pick up a copy of Lori's book by using this link:   Amazon.com
One More Thing...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. " ~ Henry David Thoreau
Happy Organizing,