If you want to keep track of the latest recalls, here is a direct link to the FDA website that lists the current foods on their list:

And here are the free shelter feed links:
Celebrity Cat Lovers
Annalynne McCord with her cat, Mouse
As always, be sure to check in with your local shelter(s) to see what they need.
If you can't adopt - foster
If you can't foster - volunteer
If you can't volunteer - sponsor
If you can't sponsor - donate
If you can't donate - educate, share, network
We can all do something to help animals in need.

 Here is an organization that does a lot of research:
                                    July 21, 2014
Feared Cat Parasite May Help in Cancer Studies
Many cats lose their homes due to fear of the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. But that fear may be overstated. Here is an interesting study:
And here is an article I wrote about it 5 years ago:
Granted, the condition is horrific. However, it's just not that "easy" to get it.
Click the link to see this in action! This could help cats who have a lot of energy to spend while you're away at work, and maybe they won't shred the toilet paper!
For those of you with do-it-yourself skills, here's a homemade version you might enjoy:
Wealthy Real Estate Attorney Leaves Fortune to Cats

Brian Russell Kirchoff of San Rafael, Calif. was a true cat lover. To be sure the homeless cats in his community would be well cared for, he left $800,000 to the Marin Humane Society.
Of course, there are those who have criticized his kindness as misguided.
Brought to you by  (c)2014 
RJ Peters, the Happy Cat Lady    hipaws at