June 12 - 8 am - 10:30 am
Hermitage House Smorgasbord
3131 Lebanon Pike
Nashville, Tennessee
You can register online or print out a form to mail in at
Two fans may register on the same form, or a fan and a guest. I do need your name and city, state. That can be added on the PayPal page. Click on the word ADD.
You can still register on Paypal if you are not a member. They will accept a credit card.
If you choose to print out the form and mail it in, please e-mail me your intentions. I will hold your spot for a week while I wait for the mail.
Register early. We usually sell out quickly.
Refer talent buyers to Wade's management
Mike Robertson Management
Phone: 615-329-4199
Fax: 615-329-3923
E-mail: assistant@mrmmusic.com
If you want to see Wade in your local area, ask your favorite venues to seek booking information.
Supplemental Booking - especially Texas
Mike McCary
If your venue is interested in booking Wade, an offer can be submitted at this site:
Welcome Colleen from England!
WOWW!, an e-mail newsletter to Wade Hayes fans, began in December, 1997. Subscribers reside in FIFTY (50) states as well as -
Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand, Hong Kong.
Mailing Address:
WOWW! News / Helen Neal
P O Box 148274
Nashville, TN 37214
Messages for Wade can be sent to the same address. Mark ATTN: Wade Hayes
Wade has requested, "No presents, please."