Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ephesians 5:21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


Does anyone remember Gale Sayers? Sayers was a speedy running back who played for the Chicago Bears during the 1960's. But, for many, Sayers is best remembered for the statement: "The Lord is first, my friends are second, and I am third!"

His words certainly fit with what Scripture teaches about one's relationship with God and neighbor. It also fits with what Christ teaches about marriage. There are three individuals involved in your marriage. There is you, your spouse, and the Lord. In which order should each appear?

Too often the prevailing mindset is "I am first". This mindset pushes aside love for God and love for spouse in favor of its own priorities. It will not sacrifice its personal success at work, its enjoyment of some hobby, or anything for the sake of God or mate. It will not listen to God, but will go ahead and get a divorce -- if that's what it takes -- to protect its own interests and happiness.

Does your marriage suffer because of your selfishness? Mine does! What must happen to make things better? Repentance must happen! Repentance is the Holy Spirit's work to change our hearts and lives. In repentance the Spirit, by God's Word, leads us to bring our selfishness (and all other sins) to Jesus' cross for forgiveness. In repentance the Spirit replaces sinful pride with love that puts God first and others before self.

However, as every Christian couple knows, it's a daily battle to keep things in the right order. That's one reason why Christian couples keep Jesus' cross close at hand. They know their marriages stand in constant need of true repentance; of Christ's healing; of the Spirit's transformation. They know that only God can truly keep the "I am third" mindset alive and active in their marriages. They know that such a mindset makes for a healthy and happy marriage -- a truly Christian marriage!

-- From the "Lutheran Spokesman"