Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth."
Nowadays we use salt chiefly for seasoning. (And in Michigan as a winter road treatment.) In Jesus' day the primary use was as a preservative. Before refrigeration it was used to keep meat from spoiling. Peter, James, and John were commercial fishermen. The fish they netted from the waters of Galilee ended up in barrels -- layered in salt to keep them from decay.
The world in which we live is corrupt in many ways. Rotten. Decaying. The spoilage is chronicled daily in the newspapers and on TV. Truth is called intolerance. Wrong is defended -- no, promoted and championed. Perversion and filth and moral decay are accepted by all too many as normal, as simply other options among life's choices.
One would think that after separating us from the control of this sinful world our Lord would direct us to live in colonies, communes or cloisters, to avoid all association with the unbelieving and corrupt. Instead, He says, "I make you a force to check the moral corruption of this world. You are the salt of the earth!"
Salt must be in contact with the food it preserves. As Christians we cannot withdraw from this world and the problems that afflict it because of sin. We are to live out our faith right in the middle of unbelief. We are to practice Christ's mercy, love and forgiveness right where there is so little mercy, love and forgiveness. Where lies and misconceptions rule we are to boldly speak the truth in love.
By living our faith in word and action we Christians are God's preservative in a rotting world, counteracting the decay and corruption that is all too prevalent We do this holding fast the truth of God's Word, by prayers of intercession, by the example of godly living.
This is not about telling people off, but about using law to revel sin so that we might effect a rescue of sinners through the Gospel. Through our witness people are drawn out of the corrupt mass and they too become Christ's salt. Indeed, it is because of the spread of the Gospel that this world still stands.