Monday, August 11, 2014

Ephesians 5:18b-20 But be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always and for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Have you ever heard of the term earworm? It's not an actual worm that lives in your ear, but a catchy song or verse that gets stuck in your head. The tune replays itself over and over in your mind and it is often quite difficult to get rid of. 98 people out of 100 experience this phenomenon.

Music certainly has many amazing properties, especially the way that it enhances our ability to memorize. Think of how many verses and choruses you know simply because at some point someone put them to music. Supercalifragilistic ... Doe a deer ... We are the champions ...

This amazing gift of God has been twisted like everything else in creation by sin. We memorize the words to songs whether they are good or bad. So we need to be careful what kind of music we are putting in our minds. Songs that talk about sinful, immoral things are just as likely to stick in your mind as a hymn.

One of the reasons that God made man in the first place is to give glory and honor to Him. A great way to do that is through songs and hymns. God loves it when we sing to Him. No matter if we are loud or quiet, no matter if we are great singers or tone deaf, when we sing to God, we are giving Him the praise, honor, and glory that He deserves.

He deserves it for what He did for us. For sending His Son to die on the cross for us to take away our sins, God deserves every second of every one of our lives to be lived in service to Him. As Christians, that is what we strive to do, to live for Him.

So let's all live our lives as a song to God. Let's always have that melody of sins forgiven and life eternal be an earworm stuck in our heads. A melody so bright and sweet that we can't help but share it with others.