I used to barter sulfur to one of my wholesalers, a colon hydrotherapist for weekly sessions in which he'd irrigate my colon to flush the built up fecal matter out.
He has state of the art equipment and I thought I was getting a "great deal" until my girlfriend asked me how I could be sure I was getting my money's worth?
She wondered if herbalist Richard Schulze's Bowel detox protocol (which you can read about here) might work better and cost less! When I balked at trying it, she challenged me to respond to her question, and I had to admit that I DIDN'T really know unless I tried it.
You will see a complete description of these products at the links above. They work synergistically to really help you purge yourself of deeply impaced fecal matter that has been putrifying in your colon for decades, acidifying your body, making you far more prone to every sort of degenerative disease, and robbing you of energy!
You owe it to yourself to do this bowel detox, every bit as much if not more than you need to do regular oil changes on your car!
I spent extra time on mine because I felt that I really needed to. I had never done a bowel detox before in my life, and what came out of me was astonishing!
What came out included residue not only from the chemtrails, but from toxic Rx drugs and OTC drugs I hadn't used in decades, along with residue from toxic boatbuilding chemicals I hadn't been exposed to in decades along with toxic food additives from processed foods I hadn't eaten in years!
I had to literally RUN from the bathroom while hitting the fan switch on my way out the door! What exited was the blackest, most foul smelling, most odiferous feces that have ever exited my body and I was DAMN GLAD to be rid of this TOXIC WASTE because my ENERGY LEVEL shot up by 70%! I went from needing 8-10 hours of sleep per night to only needing 3-4!
The extra energy I got from it encouraged me to go on to do Dr.Schulze's OTHER cleanses, so I went on to ALSO detox my liver/gallbladder, kidneys, and blood (by doing a SECOND bowel cleanse since everything from the liver/gallbladder, and kidney detox went into my bowel which is the "sewer" of the body, so I went on to clean it again!
I did this entire series of cleanses two summers ago, but since then I do one quarter of it every change of seasons to keep "tuned up."
All of the extra energy I got from doing Dr. Schulze's detoxes I put back into expanding Sulfur for Health beyond Sulfur because I realized I now needed to also call all of this other stuff to your attention!
We're also into cold season. I encourage you to also consider getting some Echinacea Plus, which ramps up killer T cell activity and macrophage activity for fighting pathogens. This also helps to kill weaponized parasites that are being sprayed on us!
96% of people in North America are iodine deficient. This is a leading cause of metabolic syndrome which can cause obesity and type 2 diabetes. Iodine deficiency causes your thyroid gland to be underactive which causes chronic fatigue and lethargy.
I prefer using Magnascent iodine to other forms because it is not so dose specific, its the safest form to use because you just piss out any your body can't assimilate. It also helps to reduce inflammation if you have trouble with your sinuses due to allergies.
I have posted numerous comments at the end, and encourage you to join me in waking more people up by posting your own comments!
Please tell more people about your own efforts to detoxify yourself via sulfur and these other detox supplements! See my replies to the numerous paid shills and other idiots and please join me in waking up more people!
If you haven't yet donated to Michael Murphy's efforts to complete
"An UN conventional Shade of Grey" please go to the trailer at this link at buy an advance copy to help him complete the film! Please urge more people to do this also!
need badly need this film completed to monkeywrench the UN climate change treaty that the
UN/Vatican plan on shoving down our throats under false pretenses just
before Christmas! The Treaty would cause massively increased
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