What's New, Reduced Prices and Free Shipping
To see the full HTML color version with photos click http://www.mrbead.com/midmay11.htm
Click a picture below to see one of this month's new beads.
To receive free shipping enter "reduced" (without the commas) in the box at checkout, and click "Redeem Coupon".
Use NOW - as expires Thursday 19th May 2011.
Please allow a few days extra for delivery as we will be busy with the bead shows.
Click a link below to see one of this month's new beads:
52 x 8mm Lipstick-Pink & Yellow Calsilica Beads
Cheeky Mauve & White 8mm Calsilica Beads
Large Black & White Zebra Calsilica Diamond Pillow
22 Large Sensual Soft Pink Mother-of-Pearl Shell Button
36 Large Lustrous Pearl Nuggets - 12mm
154 Slinky Black Hematite Disc Heishi Beads - Heavy!
25 Shiny Black Cone Hematite Beads - 16mm
Heavy Midnight Blue Chrysocolla Pendant - Large!
Enchanting Olive Green Serpentine Jade Pendant
Wavy Desert Jasper
Oval Pendant
100 Rain Flower
Viewing Stone Beads
Rain Flower Viewing Stone Rondelle Beads
Graduated Rain Flower
Viewing Stone Beads
Splendid Spider Vein Blue Turquoise Oval Beads - 29mm
Unusual Aurora Borealis
Slinky Green Agate
Tube Beads
To see all What's New in our US store click MrBead.com, or UK MrBead.co.uk
See us in the UK for a Free Gift!
After being shut away in a little office reading and sending e-mails, we love to see customers!
Visit us in the UK and say you're a MrBead Newsletter reader, and we'll give you a free gift!
Sunday 15th May 2011 - Cheshire Bead Fair - Nantwich Civic Hall, CW5 5DG
Sunday 29th May 2011 - Lakeland Bead Fair - Rheged Discovery Centre, Penrith, CA11 0DQ
For details of all our 2011 bead fairs click here.
More Reduced Prices
To help you out in these hard times we have reduces the prices of 61 of our items.
These are:
gz897, ga684, ga3063, ga232, ga2084, ga2080, ga2077, ga2072, ga2038, ga2007, ga2005, ga1984, ga1963, ga1454, ga124, ga1212, ga1806, gz438, ga821, ga1653, ga1408, ga1094, gz872, ga1928, ga1380, ga1236, gz325, ga2070, t496, hz242, ga4183, ga2070, ga1341, ga1246, ga4038, ga4053, ga4162, gz218, ga4041, gz1018, ga68, ga1910, t132, t269, ga1205, ga4053, ga1914, ga1588, t138, ga1965, ga1652, ga1151, gz521, ga1327, ga4479, a487, ga136, gz369, gz1019, ga595, gz820.
From our new book How to Make a Killing Selling Bead Jewelry - to buy at a 33% discount to listed price click: US Version or UK Version
To see all What's New in our US store click MrBead.com, or UK MrBead.co.uk
To go to the US MrBead store click MrBead.com.
Or our UK shop at MrBead.co.uk
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