Foundation for the
Urban Environment

"Smart and
sustainable cities"

Bolzano 22-24 March 2017

Foundation for the
Urban Environment
Read the online version

The second edition of the international conference on “Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions” – SSPCR 2017. The SSPCR 2017 will take place in Bolzano (Italy) on March 22-24, 2017.

The Conference faces the challenge of inspiring the transition of urban areas towards both smarter and more sustainable places to live. It covers: the issues related to climate change and energy efficiency, the changes introduced by cities’ digitalization and the integration of information technology in infrastructures, mobility, and social interactions.

See general link for registration and registration link for participants. 

Read the programme (full version) - (short version)

Pierre LACONTE, President of the Foundation for the Urban Environment, partner of the Conference has been invited as keynote speeker (read abstract).
It refers to the book "Sustainable cities. Assessing the Performance and Practice of Urban Environments" (I.B. Tauris, London-New York).


The book proposes a critical assessment of the techniques used to assess urban environments, including factors affecting climate change.

It presents a number of best practices, including Urban Transport in France (Peter Hall’s last paper), Manchester’s waterfront, Amsterdam’s ring canals, London’s King's Cross development, Hamburg’s energy efficiency district, the Lee Kuan Yea World City Prizes Bilbao, New York and Suzhou (see illustration), Singapore being their common model, and the new university town of Louvain near Brussels. The presentation will focus on the cases of Singapore (state), Bilbao (city), and Louvain (part of a city).

Price £75.00* - Hardback | 288 pages | 234 x 156 mm | 9781784532321 | Order online

Event Organizer: Dar Al Riyadh  And  Nispana Innovative Platforms Pvt Ltd

Consult the Association Partners

The first annual Saudi Smart Cities conference is a platform bringing together over 1000+ participants from ministries and governmental bodies from across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

With the event held endorsement of Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MoMRA), the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs will use this conference as a platform to bring in all the key stakeholders who are and will be involved to learn about the best-practices and state-of-the-art technologies and products that will play a key role in developing their upcoming Smart Cities.

Acting on the Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s Kingdom’s Vision 2030 plan, the Kingdom will be investing over US$ 500 billion into modernizing its infrastructure across the 285 municipalities to provide the best quality of life for their citizens on par with global standards. The Saudi Smart Cities conference being the first its kind in the Kingdom promises to feature international best practices, state-of-the-art technologies and create an interactive dialogue to engage citizens, youth and women in developing Kingdom’s future cities.

With all the 285 Municipalities going private, this conference is the need of the hour which will bring together the public and private entities from national and international front and create dialogues which will help in taking important decisions.

World of Cities

FU-US/FFUE - "A World of Cities 2017/1"
  • Vrijdag 21/4: An Rekkers & Hans Tindemans (Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimtelijke Planning - VRP) (N)
    • "Naar een samenhangende aanpak van mobiliteit en ruimte in Vlaanderen"
  • Mardi 30/5 : Guillaume van der Vaeren (JNC International, urbaniste-paysagiste) (F)
    • "Infrastructure et paysage"
  • Vrijdag 30/6: Prof. Hans Bruyninckx (KULeuven), CEO, European Environmental Agency (EEA) (N)
    • "Levenskwaliteit van de Europese steden: milieu- en klimaatsuitdagingen en mogelijke oplossingen"
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