Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Some people ask: Who do we witness to and how do we speak to others about Christ? How do you ask how as if you do not know? Shame on your sinful flesh that you speak as though you do not know how to witness. If you were to ask how do I teach, or how do I preach, than I would say to you go and learn. But if you ask how do I witness, I say again shame on you and shame on me, for yes I have thought this many times also. And how very often don't we have to say, shame on you, sinful flesh.

A witness is someone who has seen an event and then speaks of it afterwards to those who are willing to hear. You are a witness if you have seen the grace of God. And if you have seen it then you can tell about it to others. When you ask how do I witness? The answer is you tell those things God has done for you.

A little child of six can teach you how to witness. He goes to Sunday school and learns what Christ did for him and comes home and is that eager to tell everyone what Jesus did for him. Jesus loves me so much. How much? This much. And he stretches out his hands to let you know that Jesus stretched out His hands for him.

A man asks you how you are doing. Tell him the simple truth, today I am a blessed man because Jesus died for me. A man asks you where you are going, tell Him the simple truth I am going to heaven, because Jesus died for me. A man asks you what is up, lean over real close to him, incline your head briefly, then whisper Christ is risen up from the grave, and because He lives I too shall be saved.

This is simple, basic. This is what a child old enough to speak can describe, but we, we are much older we have much more to say.

The apostles say in Acts 4:20 "We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." They had no choice, what they had witnessed was too awesome not to speak about it. If you were to see the largest animal in the world would you go home and plan out how to speak about it and wonder if it wasn't really an appropriate thing to talk about? No you would run to your best friend and your eyes would get huge and you would yell in your excitement at her or him. Then you would go tell other people. You would never come and ask how did I speak of this thing to others? How can anyone else help you with that? They didn't see it you did, you need to describe it, and so easily you can, just tell everyone how big it was. How big was that love that Christ bore for me? It was this big, it was so big He died on the cross for me. How big is that love that Christ still shows to me in my everyday activity it was this big, it was so big He died on the cross for me.