
T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S


Saturday April 7, 5:30-7:00 @ Eileen Fisher, Northampton, MA

Join us for a poetry reading with three stellar poets hosted by the Eileen Fisher Store in Northampton, MA. The reading showcases Perugia Press poet Ida Stewart and CavanKerry poets Sarah Sousa & Cindy Veach. This is the local book launch for Sarah's new book: See the Wolf! Don't miss this line-up of incredible voices in a beautiful space. 
Celebrate Poetry Month with us! 

Perugia Press also plans to be at three wonderful
literary festivals in Massachusetts this spring!

 Check out our table at the Juniper Literary Festival 
at UMass Amherst on Saturday April 7, 10:00-2:30

Look for us at the at the Easthampton BookFest
 Literary Marketplace on Saturday April 14, 12:00-5:00

 And come visit our table at the Massachusetts Poetry Festival
in Salem on Saturday May 5, 11:00-4:00

Perugia Press AWP Highlights
Tampa, Florida * March 8-10
We had a wonderful time at the annual AWP Conference & Bookfair in Tampa last month. It was great to meet new folks and visit with friends of the press and Perugia poets Diane Gilliam, Linda Tomol Pennisi & Lynne Thompson. 

Above: Lynne Thompson, Rebecca Olander & Patricia Smith

Above left: Ellen Doré Watson, Rebecca Olander & Amy Dryansky
Above right: Robin Becker & Rebecca Olander
Above: Rita Dove & Rebecca Olander

Support Perugia Press this Poetry Month

This April we are asking the Perugia Press community to support small press publishing and launching women's voices into the world through poetry. Our April Poetry Month Appeal will culminate on May 1 with Valley Gives Day, a 24-hour day of giving in the Pioneer Valley of MA, where Perugia Press makes its home. You can give on our website through the secure "Support the Press" tab, or you can choose to make your donation during Valley Gives Day on May 1 at the Perugia Press VG page. Thank you for your generosity!


PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062