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  April 2012
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This month: Becta Accreditation Scheme closed, Acadamies - new e-safety law requirements, Olympic Resources EY/KS1and family news
Supplement that pension -

Pay less for household bills -
Becta/DfE Web Filtering Accreditation Scheme is now officially cloased. Is this a good thing?
This is something I picked up from a couple of groups. LinkedIn and EduGeek.
The DfE has finally made a quiet statement to vendors that their licences will not be renewed. And, in the same breath that schools will have to trust the market to deliver a safe on-line experience for their students.

On the basis that we have defined quality standards for virtually every other service and product used in schools - why is it that the DfE have failed to provide a framework of protection on web access - which could be argued as the most important educational resource?
Official Announcement
New e-Safety Law for Acadamies White Paper
A new whitepaper covering e-Safety law and Academies has been released by Smoothwall today. This is from their site.

Researched and written by the noted expert in the field, Dr. Brian Bandey - it covers the legal environment for Academies of both Internet and email misuse by both students and staff.

Unlike a Local authority controlled schools, Academies are employers and land-owners. As such additional areas of law which attach to e-Safety and e-Safeguarding of both staff and pupils arise. Most education management teams are usually not well-accustomed to measuring, accommodating and taking decisions on forms of exposure that are exclusively law-based and which usually arise exclusively in the corporate sector.

This new whitepaper addresses each area of applicable law individually and provides an outline on which Governors, senior management and teaching staff can start to understand this complex area of law.
You can access the white paper here:  

Internet & E-Mail Abuse - The Legal Minefield for Academies whitepaper
Early Years and KS1 - Free Olympic Resources!
Once again, Twinkl has come up with the good which on this occasion consists of a new range of over 3,000 olympics resources covers the full range of display, numeracy, literacy and class management resources! Why not get planning nice and early!
Family News
This is the second time I've written this. I did the whole newsletter but committed the cardinal sin on not saving it before I went to another page! Anyway...
I'm sat in a caravan in Cornwall and everyone has gone to bed now at 10pm. It's been a long day. I'm not sure if Fiona likes the caravan or not, it's not the usual luxury affair we've been used to but we're trying to down size a bit and work our way towards camping again!
Fiona has been made redundant, or rather, her job as a parent support worker has been made redundant. Fortunatly she had completed her Return to Practice course last year and has applied to go on the bank nurse rotat at the local hospital. Hope the cuts are not too bad where you are.
John is doing reasonalby well at his A levels, he's been working on his time management skill! It seems to me that young people are having to deal with every greater loads of information and need a simple way to organise learning and resources. I've got him iMindmap 5. The training company I work with have the only endorsed quailifications in mindmapping and visual learning so I'm thinking of putting John through the two day course so he gets level 1 and 2.
Lizzie has taken to ordering me around about what I can and I can't eat. She's also trying out her world domination powers on her brothers to great effect. The oldest, John, just tickles her but the dutiful youngest, Jamess, is more maleable to her will it seems!  She's just taken grade 4 piano and thinks she has done well. We shall see.
James gained his level 3 keyboard, he's rapidly nearing the end of Y6. I'll be glad when he goes and further opportunities open out before him. He's doing a grade 6 maths paper at school. What a smart cookie, even though he can't shut doors or keep his room tidy!!
I've got five jobs at the moment. Fluffy Clouds, my marketing company - ICTeachers, website and hosting - Utility Warehouse, where you can save money and make money - Puzzlebox Learning, visual and auditory learning courses - Support Worker with learning disabled.  A varied life, but knackering I have to say. Still, it's my time and I get to see the kids when I want. Well worth it. : )
This is something Fi and I are involved in, it maybe for you, it may not, but worth a look.
Supplement that pension -

Pay less for household bills -
