
Tomorrow is a 1/2 day for Professional Development for the entire FHS staff. We are looking forward to welcoming FPD Chief Rodwell to our meeting. He will provide us with the most up-to-date school safety information.

Spring sports kicked off this week but there is still time to join. I know Track is looking for athletes.

I am wondering how many parents would like to take part in a "Coffee with the Principal" event? It would be held monthly and we'd try to move the event among the area restaurants. I'd envision a very brief snapshot of whats going on at FHS for the month and then listening to what questions parents have on their minds about their student. If you think you'd be interested, please let me know so I can determine if it is a valuable/viable idea.

Senior Parents: This is the time of the year when seniors may slow or even stop their academic progress in order to sabotage their graduation. Even the most prepared, dedicated, and future focused student can temporarily experience fear of the next step and a host of other issues related to leaving the nest. If you see this in your child, please reach out to Mr. Mull to see what we can do to reassure your student in his/her future.

I hope you are enjoying the weather. We all deserve it!

Be Well,
Scott Sherman
It's A Great Day To Be A Packer!

Support Information
Arbor Circle in Newaygo County: http://www.arborcircle.org/programs-services
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 24/7 trained support
Crisis Text Line for Teens Text "Listen" to 741-741 24/7 trained support
Please remember to remind your child to report any neglect or bullying they see.