Dear Dutch Learner,
The last
newsletter of this year! It has been a very good year for Learn Dutch
Fast, with many great projects…
It has been a busy year as well, and all the December courses are fully
booked already, and the first months of 2012 are filling up quickly as well!!
However, if you would like to practise some Dutch
in December, I have a small surprise
for you: the full text of the movie
“Het paard van Sinterklaas”.
You can either buy the movie or watch it on Youtube.
The password for the text is “SINT”. And of course, there are
still many exercises
on the site, to play online or to
print out.
Other (gift)
ideas might be the placemats
from the shop, (Eat
& Learn Dutch), or a voucher for
Dutch lessons… You will find more
new items in the shop, such as art
from the Dutch painter Ton de Kruijk, a booklet for Media Jargon in many languages, and material to improve your German.

I wish all you an early Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year,
with lots of opportunities to improve your Dutch while enjoying yourself. A
good start might be the Dutch Morning of January 13th: a Portrait Drawing Workshop taught by
Ton de Kruijk! For beginners and more advanced (both for the drawing and
the level of Dutch ;-)
Graag tot ziens
in 2012!
P.S. It is still possible to join the groups for newcomers and Language Exchange
Learners on Facebook and LinkedIn. If you are interested, contact me or look
me up on Facebook.