Greetings and blessings to all...
Welcome to our mid-month edition for October.
We hope this latest update finds you in good health, good spirits and good company - and if this is your first newsletter, many thanks for joining us. If you enjoy our musings and meanderings please feel free share them with your family and friends.
The frost is on the pumpkin and our heat we just turned on. But, as if to compensate for these harsh harbingers of old man winter, Mother Nature is also giving us a brilliant show of fall colours. Perhaps not as vibrant as the leaves in New England, but here in our Ohio Valley, the foliage is stunning - this year in particular - or so it seems. And, inevitably, whenever they say the frost is on the pumpkin in the USA, we’re reminded of an old poem by James Whitcomb Riley:
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock,
And the clackin' of the guineys, and the cluckin' of the hens,
And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O, it's then's the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best,
With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bare-headed, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
He goes on to talk about twhen the cider makin’s over and the mince and apple butter’s made, and just so much more about this time of year that you can’t help but feel better about the coming winter - as long as you’re ready for it!
Bram Stoker's Dracula is said to be the biggest selling book after the Bible. First published in 1897 the book has never been out of print and has been translated into over fifty languages. Stoker's vampire has spawned over a thousand films and still counting, shaped popular culture and though it has been a hundred years since the death of Bram Stoker, interest in his charismatic vampire does not seem to be on the wane. So where did Stoker get the idea for his iconic blood-sucking Count? If you missed the link to this radio program onour news this morning, here’s your chance to click through and listen in.
Enough of the blitherin’ on with the update

Please help keep our newsletters and updates coming and visit our good friends at the Celtic Attic!
Are you ready for Fall and Winter? Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Purchase $50.00 or more from the Celtic Attic throughout the month of October and receive a FREE Suncatcher or pocket token. If they run out they will come up with another great gift instead! They will also be offering $3.00 off your order. Plus get a candy bag with each and every order. Plus , exclusively for our readers, take 10% off your order and get FREE shipping on orders over $50! The discount will be removed after you place your order. Just put the code IC01 in the ‘add a gift card’ section!
Contact the Celtic Attic on line or by phone - and tell them Bridget & Russ said hello!
Telephone: 360-813-1113
On line:
We’ve made some changes to reflect the season that’s in it - Hallowe’en & Samhain
1. HOME PAGE CULTURE CORNER: Ireland’s most haunted castle
2. KIDS’ IRELAND: Hallowe’en Customs
3. ARTICLE: How the Irish invented Hallowe’en
4. ARTICLE: An Irish Hallowe’en Part 1
5. ARTICLE: Creepy irish Creatures
6. ARTICLE: Protect your property and yourself - Make a Parshell
7.ARTICLE: Ghosts by W. B. Yeats
8. ARTICLE: New! Traditional Irish Graveside Customs - To fill or not to fill
9. IRISH KITCHEN: Barmbrack
10. BASIC IRISH: Hallowe’en and Samhain
11. KIDS IRELAND: A Wolf Story
12. MUSIC REVIEW: Our resident reviewer has a very nice article on one of our favourites - Loreena McKennitt
In addition, the Trivia Contest for October is posted and we have a winner for September: Molly McManus who chose the Penny Whisle package from Lollysmith for her prize - excellent choice! To view all the prizes on offer and perhaps try your hand at the contest, please click
And last, but certainly not least, the 6th Novena in this cycle began on October 11 and continues through October 19. Whatever your spiritual leanings, we hope you will join us in remembering all those in need of our spiritual support.
So there you have it until we send out our regular newsletter at the end of the month. In the meantime, we hope all of our readers in Ireland enjoy a safe and happy
Lá Saoire i mí Dheireadh Fómhair or Hallowe’en Holiday coming up the weekend of October 26th and we also hope all of you in the land down under have recovered from that surprise spring snowstorm! This is a photo from the net - who could have predicted that?
We’ll take our leave with this lovely old Irish blessing,
God keep you safe,
God keep you warm
God keep you and
yours from all harm.
May He bless your
kith and kin,
the hearth, the house
and all within.
And as they say in Ireland, mind yourself
Slan agus beannacht leat!
Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Téigh ar do ghlúine is bí buíoch le Dia go bhfuil tú fós ar do chosa.
And for your listening pleasure: May The Road Rise To Meet You sung by The Priests at Armagh Cathedral
Special Event Notice
Cincinnati, OH - Thursday, October 25
In the Irish Center Garden, weather permitting, an evening of ghost stories, songs, snacks and friends around the fire . S'Mores and beverages provided. A suggested donation of $5 helps with the rent and snacks but if you can't afford it, please come anyway. The event will move indoors to the Tea Room if Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate. Also, the wonderfully imaginative "American Celtic" exhibit will still be on the walls of the Irish Center hallway so you can enjoy that as well.
Cincinnati Irish Heritage Center, 3905 Eastern Avenue, 45226 (513-533-0100)