Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Read John 16:12-22. "A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I go to the Father" (John 16:16).


You know when you think about it, all our sorrow is caused by the same thing that caused the disciples' deep sorrow when Jesus died on Good Friday. It is thinking that Jesus is dead. They were full of sorrow because they saw Jesus die and thought they were all on their own. They thought Jesus was no longer there to help and protect them.

Are you thinking, "I don't think Jesus is dead, or that I am all alone. I know Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven"? Sure you know that fact, but do you always believe it and trust that Jesus truly is right by your side in every trouble?

There is an interesting story that Luther told about himself. He was getting stressed out, feeling the great burden of all the people who were looking to him for guidance and teaching. So he was doing what Solomon tells us is vain to do, he was rising early and staying up late, working all the time. He was neglecting his family and his own health.

One day Katherine, his wife, dressed up in her black mourning dress and went into Luther's study. When he saw her, he asked, "Who died?" She replied, "God did." At least Luther had been acting as if God died and he was now in charge to take care of all the troubles of the world by himself. He was acting as if all the care of the world was on his shoulders.

Luther learned a lesson that day. We can learn the same lesson. Jesus told the disciples, "A little while and you shall not see me." That time of not seeing Jesus brought them sorrow and anguish. So it is with us, when we lose sight of Jesus in our lives, then we will find sorrow and despair. When that happens, turn back to the Bible and let the Spirit guide you into all the truth to be able to see Jesus clearly again. Then your sorrow will be turned into joy.

When times of sorrow do come, we tend to take our eyes off of Jesus and focus on the sorrow. Then we forget about the fact that Jesus lives, that he died for us and rose again. We lose sight of the fact that Jesus has ascended into heaven and is ruling all things for the sake of the Church, which is His body. We lose sight of the fact that Jesus, who has overcome the world and all the evil and sorrow of the world, is truly with us wherever we are, even to the end of the world. Remember Jesus is not dead, He is alive and ruling all things for your sake. That will give a joy that no one can take away from you.