proposed ban on alcohol consumption at Church Point has caused a lot of
comment and discussion amongst the community. Most seem to agree that
there is a problem here that needs to be dealt with, however the heavy
handed approach proposed by Council is seen as extreme
and 'over the top'.
SIRA will be holding a public meeting soon
regarding this issue, and everyone is encouraged to participate;
in an effort to resolve the problem, as a community, without
Council having to resort to impractical Big Brother methods.
David Wardman has contributed a stunning picture of a timber
wharf along with a poetic description of the beauty of the timber
wharfs in Pittwater and the necessity to preserve them. His passion for
their preservation is so evident and compelling. I am sure
won't mind me saying his picture makes a fine desktop
as well.
Cartoon of
the Month
Island Players Presents
Kindy News
Timber Wharfs in Pittwater
Photographic Award
Vegetation Collection
Melbourne Cup Day
Local Council
Christmas Toy Drive
Tinny Tie-Up
Author Talk@ Mona
Vale Library
You Asked...
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information

Offshore Directory (POD)
We hope you are all enjoying the new issue of the POD.
However, no matter how many times and how many people proofed this
edition, a couple of errors have been detected!
Please make the following corrections in your copy:
Broken Bay
Water Police
- Page 7 – Fax
9910 7811
- Page 64 – Landline
9910 7899, it is correctly listed on Page 7
- Page 8 – under General Fire Brigade listings 9999
4404, not 9999 4044
- Page 37 – Invalid
/ Disabled & Aged Service:
- Service is offered for $7.00
to residents holding a current disability card and
over 75 years of age. Applications should be completed and
submitted with proof of concession
Should anyone find any further errors, please email
sharjones@optusnet.net.au or cassgye@spin.net.au

Evening with the Commitments
Doghouse and Scotland Island Players presents
Friday & Saturday Nov 20 & 21 at 7:30
Friday & Saturday Nov 27 & 28 at 7:30
$15 per head
Tickets from;
PMC Hill - 9999 4902
Rosemary @ Scotland island Lodge - 9979 3301
click image
to load flyer

Island Kindy News
Our current Director Shona Forsyth is leaving
us at
the end of this year to have a baby. So we are currently
for a new Director to commence in January 2010. Please pass
onto any friends or family that you think might be interested in
continuing on the fabulous work and effort that Shona has put into our
Centre this year.
It is a unique opportunity for an independent self-starter, interested
in the principles of community childcare without corporate profit…. and
a great opportunity to implement your own ideas with the backing of a
supportive Scotland Island community.
- Opened Tuesday to Thursday 7.30am to 5.30pm
- Scotland Island’s established community-run
Childcare Centre seeks a Director to work 3 days a week.
- Small 20 place centre catering for 2 to 6
years, with a dedicated team of staff and a beautiful location.
- Director must have a Diploma in Children’s
or equivalent qualifications which are recognised under the Children
and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998. And
in co-ordinating, administering and managing a Children’s Centre.
- Car parking and ferry transport provided.
Please email
resume to siocs@comcen.com.au
close 7th November 2009.

The Public Timber Wharfs of Pittwater
In response to
the gradual replacement of the public timber wharfs with concrete and
steel structures
The timber structures that form wharfs, both public and private, are
part of an aesthetic value of Pittwater
that is intrinsic to the natural environment, they are not to be viewed
separately from the steeply sloping wooded hillsides rising from the
waters edge, (this environment still remains even on the
The wharfs are the visual link between water and land.
There is a reason why we find the aesthetic value of the timber wharfs
so appealing, it is the link with the material of construction and the
place itself, the material is of the place.
Just as the appeal of the stone houses of the Yorkshire Dales or
Tuscany connects us to the place through the careful use of the local
material, in that case stone, so the
image to load full size
heavy timbers used in the
construction of Pittwaters’ wharfs connects us to the place, it is a
connection of the soul.
Looking more closely at the wharfs we see a material that ages with
time it accepts the scrapes and bumps, and the weathering with
grace, the bolts through the timber cause rust stains, the movement of
the tide causes change of colour. All this presents us with the patina
of age only possible with timber.
The form of construction presents us with a visual feast
based solely on the practical, the wharfs and the wooden sheds
them are purely utilitarian, there is nothing superfluous, it is
construction at its best where everything is revealed, the bearers are
seen, connected to the round piles, supporting the joists, in turn
supporting the the deck itself. The piles are round, a shape chosen so
that they penetrate the sea bed smoothly, they are shaped at the top to
weather properly and ringed with a black steel band to prevent
splitting. The hand rails to the deck are square timbers turned at 45
degrees to shed rain water, and are checked into a square supporting
post, they are painted white not to look good (although they do) but to
read clearly against the water, a safety feature, the decking has an
edge timber to act as a toe rail to remind us of the edge,the rubbing
strakes (the forward contact point for boats) are designed, as
sacrificial timbers to accept impact, over the years they take on the
bumps and scrapes and protect the important wharf structure. All this
is of hardwood chosen for durability, it is also a material that
contributes to the aesthetic value of the wharf.
All this contributes to a value, entrenched in simplicity, with the
construction material linked to the place, allowing the patina of age.
I believe Pittwater and the Broken Bay Hawkesbury region has the
largest collection of timber working wharfs of original design and
construction in Australia, and possibly in the world.
David Wardman, Scotland Island Pittwater Oct 2009

finalist at Prestigious Photographic Awards
The 7th Annual Lucie Awards -
October 19 2009
to Scotland Island resident, Andreas Smetana
who has just returned from New York and the prestigious 2009 Lucie
Awards where he was one of eight finalists in the Photographer
the Year (Professional category)
In the world of photography, these awards are the equivalent of the
Andreas was the finalist in the Advertising category with his images
for the World Wildlife Foundation.
Andreas said he was honoured and humbled to be amongst such great
photographers and to be able to celebrate his and their achievements
2009 International Photography
Awards Finalists
Andreas Smetana - Advertising Category
Michael Schnabel - Architecture Category
Achim Lippoth - Photography Book Category
Nadav Kander - Editorial Category
Francois Robert - Fine Art Category
Kacper Kowalski - Nature Category
Celine Clanet - People Category
Sue Flood- Special Category
Here is a video of the 2009 Lucie Awards finalists’ work: LucieAwards
To view more photography by Andreas go to his website: http://www.smetana.net/

Additional Vegetation Collection on
Scotland Island
To assist Scotland Island residents with vegetation removal during the
fire season, Pittwater Council will be providing an additional
vegetation collection during November.
The collection will take place towards the end of November 2009 – a further notice to confirm the
date will go out shortly.
The additional collection will be the same as other scheduled
vegetation collections with the following requirements:
A maximum of 2 cubic metres of vegetation per household;
Leaf litter, prunings and cuttings to be placed in hard-sided
Branch length to be no longer than 1.2m and 75mm thick - tied into
manageable bundles with twine.
Materials to be placed on the roadside no later than 6am prior to
collection date.
Unacceptable materials include:
Plastic, nylon or hessian bags
Cardboard, foam or polystyrene boxes
Untied bundles
Please refer to the Vegetation Collection Information on Page 21 of the
Pittwater Offshore Directory.

Island Rural Fire Brigade
Melbourne Cup on Tuesday
3rd. from 2pm
at the Fire Station

Notices |
Nominations Open
for 2010 Pittwater Australia Day Awards
Nominations for the 2010 Pittwater Australia Day Awards are now open at
There are five categories of awards for individuals who have an
outstanding record of service to the Pittwater community.
They are; Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Senior
Citizen of the Year, Community Event of the Year and Sportsperson of
the Year.
Pittwater Mayor Harvey Rose said the awards would be open for
nominations until Friday 18 December 2009, with a presentation to the
winners on Australia Day 26 January 2010.
“Nominations can be for people who either live or work in Pittwater and
can be nominated by a friend, family member or the person themselves,”
he said.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from Pittwater Council’s website at
Previous winners of Australia Day Awards have included local Olympian
and sailor Nathan Wilmot, the Artfest event at Avalon, environmental
volunteer Marita Macrae, community volunteers Colleen and Stan Brown
and the Newport Surf Life Saving Club.
Pittwater’s celebration of Australia Day will take place between 7am
and 10.30am on 26 January 2010 at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport Beach.
Media contact: Community Relations, Pittwater Council Ph:
9970 1119 or 9970 1172

Pittwater a
leader in Fridge Buyback
Pittwater is currently ranked second in the state from a total of 40
NSW local government areas taking part in the Fridge Buyback scheme.
Last month Pittwater residents recycled 40 fridges through the scheme.
Supported by the NSW Government’s Climate Change Fund, Fridge Buyback
aims to collect and recycle more than 19,000 working second fridges
from metropolitan Sydney over the next three years.
Organisers say this will collectively save more than $24 million in
electricity costs and 150,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases.
The Fridge Buyback scheme applies to a second household fridge that is
at least 10 years old, larger than 250 litres and in working
The scheme pays residents to save the environment and reduce their
electricity bill by collecting and recycling working fridges in return
for a $35 cash rebate.
The Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson said since the pilot
program began in 2006, a total of 454 old fridges have been collected
from Pittwater residents, resulting in an estimated combined saving of
$632,000 in energy charges.
“With these outstanding results Pittwater residents have already made a
great contribution to the target of a 10% reduction in greenhouse gases
by 2020.” Mr Ferguson said.
Mr Ferguson said that households which dispose of a second fridge save
an average of $190 a year in electricity bills and 8 tonnes of
greenhouse gases.
Fridge collection can be arranged free-of-charge from local homes,
providing the removal involves 20 stairs or less. Households with six
stairs or less will be eligible for a $35 rebate. If a
removal involves 21 or more stairs a fee will apply.
Residents can find out more about the scheme by calling Fridge Buyback
on 1800 708 401 during business hours or by visiting
Media contact: Rennae Projceski Ph: 9970 1216

Study on
Ingleside Land Release
Pittwater Council has endorsed a study of likely outcomes of the
proposed Ingleside land release at its meeting this week.
Ingleside has been targeted by the NSW government’s Sydney Metropolitan
Strategy as a key area for the city’s future population growth over the
next two decades.
The ‘scoping study’ prepared by the Council’s planning staff is in two
parts, with one dealing with the mapping of environmentally sensitive
areas which may constrain development and other land suitable for
release. The other part of the study deals with the economic viability
of the land release and covers issues such as transport needs,
utilities and other services required, developer contributions and land
The study pinpoints infrastructure as an ‘essential element’ of any
proposed land release in Ingleside. It highlights the need for
increased capacity of Mona Vale and Powderworks Roads to carry future
traffic loads, as well as uncertainty over future developer
contributions for the Ingleside area, known as Section 94 funds.
Section 94 funds are levies imposed on new developments to pay for
roads, footpaths, traffic facilities, parks and ovals, stormwater
drainage, community centres and library services.
Commenting on the study, Pittwater Mayor Harvey Rose said that its
findings focused on the need for a more detailed study to be prepared
analysing the future risks of any land release, the nature of any
proposed development and the timing and provision of essential
“Any land release must be coordinated and sustainable from the
Council’s point of view,” he said.
The Council voted to adopt a recommendation requesting the NSW Minister
of Planning fund a detailed economic study and risk evaluation of a
viable and sustainable development scenario for North and South
Ingleside. It also adopted a recommendation for staff to prepare a
detailed plan for developer contributions for the whole area.
To view the Ingleside study visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/council
Media contact: Steve Evans, Pittwater Council Ph:
9970 1133

Cash Prizes for
Aspiring Young Designers
The NSW Commission of Children and Young People are looking for
aspiring young designers to help create the look for Youth Week 2010.
Competition participants will be in the running for a cash prize of
$1000, with the winning design promoting Youth Week throughout NSW via
a website and posters.
Organisers say that design entries can be a poster or a website ‘or
even just some ideas thrown down on paper’.
The theme of next year’s Youth Week, which runs from 10-18 April 2010,
is Live it Now!, with funky and creative entries sought from young
people aged under 25 years.
Competition entries can be submitted electronically or by hard copy (no
bigger than A4) and need to be received by Monday 16 November 2009.
Entries will be judged by the Young People’s Advisory Committee.
To download an entry form or for more information about the
competition, including terms and conditions of entry, visit
Youth Week has been a part of the NSW calendar since 1989 and seeks to
celebrate and recognise the value of all young Australians to their
Last year’s Youth Week involved more than 4000 young people across NSW
who were involved in the planning, development and running of around
900 events and activities, which over 220,000 young people attended or
participated in.
Media contact: Lindsay Godfrey Ph: 9970 1166

Toy Drive
From One
Community to Another....
Christmas to Aboriginal kids in remote NSW
BYO BBQ in Elisabeth Park November 15
Starts 12:30
Bring your toy donations, food and drink for you and your family and
something to sit on.....
Donations might include;
New or second-hand TOYS ( that DO NOT need batteries)
New or second-hand children's BOOKS
Colouring-in PENCILS or CRAYONS
Sporting equipment such as BALLS or BATS
Please don't wrap the toys - but wrapping paper is needed an can be
image to load flyer

“NO TIE-UP” Areas
Broken Bay Water Police have advised that they will be enforcing the
“No Tie-Up” areas at all public wharves and, in particular, around the
Church Point pontoon.
The number of boats left in these restricted
spots is increasing and as there is a fine associated with any
infringement everyone would be wise to observe this regulation.

Talk@ Mona Vale Library
Susan Duncan - "A Life on Pittwater"
at the library
on Tuesday 17 November
at 6.30pm.
This is a coffee table book with
lovely photos.
"Pittwater is a community where everyone is encouraged to have a go,
where a larrikin spirit lives on and old-fashioned values are still
strong,” says bestelling author Susan Duncan. “It’s a strong, vibrant
community – like so many throughout Australia that are the essential
but often uncelebrated backbone of country life.”
image to load flyer
Louise Egerton -
"Wildlife of Australia"
at the
on Thursday
26 November at 6.30pm
Also more a coffee table/reference book with lots facts and
Louise Egerton and Jiri Lochman
An authoritative compendium featuring the enormous diversity of
Australia’s wildlife and highlighting the need for conservation.
....With the help of
over 70 zoologists, Egerton and Lochman have produced a magnificent
work of reference featuring Australia’s mammals, birds, reptiles,
frogs, freshwater fishes and a cornucopia of invertebrate creatures.
With over 550 colour photographs, the book provides considerable detail
and insight into how these animals live.
image to load flyer
Cost $7.50, concession $5.50 - Pensioners/Students - cards must be
Catherine Buddin
Events & Promotions Librarian
Mona Vale Library
Park St
Mona Vale NSW 2103
tel 9970 1600 or 9970 1605 fax 9979 1465

Dan'Sound is proud to present for your listening pleasure the 4th
annual AutumnAtic!
Featuring the sounds of Trapazoid, he and the rest of the crew are back
once again and ready to rock you.
All ages welcome.
Event link: Facebook
Ticket sales link:
Don't miss out on Scotland Island's premier Dance Music event.

Wanted Swing set
I am looking for a childrens swing set or small enclosed trampoline if
anyone has one they would like to sell.
My contact details are 9999 0795 or 0403 229 677 or
House Swap
Looking for a Xmas holidays house Swap in Manly area.
We have a three bedroom house (swap comes with commuter boat and
kayaks) on Scotland Island.
The house backs on to Elisabeth reserve, has a large verandah, BBQ and
beautiful Pittwater views.
We’d like to swap for a house/flat in Manly, Fairlight, Queenscliff or
Harbord area.
Flexible dates: ideally from 20th Dec-20th Jan, but any offer starting
before or after Xmas/New Year considered.
We have bub due Jan 10th.
Please pass this on to any friends or colleagues that you think may be
Shona and Boyd (02)99792296 or 0401798869
House for Rent
House on Scotland Island for rent.
3 January 2010 to approximately 3 July 2010.
72 Richard Road, directly above Bell Wharf steps.
Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large sitting /dining room with new
kitchen and great views, leading to expansive deck.
Satellite TV, wireless network, open fire and a reverse cycle air
No dogs sorry.
Please phone Heather 0410502263 or Michael 0405797378
Lovely House for
rental $545 p.w
Located in Richard Road Bells Wharf, this 3 bedroom home is a must see
(completely renewed 5 years ago).
Exceptional view on Pittwater from the spacious and bright lounge room
(air conditioned).
is adjoined by the dining area which flows into the kitchen. The main
bedroom has an entrance to the main 2-way modern bathroom. One of the
remaining 2 bedrooms includes a shower and toilet.
The kitchen
includes a dishwasher, an over and plant of bench and cupboard space.
The kitchen overlooks the outside beautiful spot of Church Point and
the Marina.
Call Sophie or Jean-Luc on 0420311606

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put an
entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
Sale - Everything MUST go....
The final stand, pop in for a cuppa / drinkie and browse or just say hi
Thanks Lizzie
image to load flyer..
Commuter Boat
sale $3,000
Recent Yamaha 40HP 2 strokes, fully serviced.
Front string, and
electrical start and Power Trim and Tilt. Bilge pump with floating
switch, integrated night lights. Extra 25L petrol tank and 4 Life
jackets. Very comfortable 4,25m hull, can easily set a full family.
This boat as been commuting for several years in Scotland Island.
Call Jean-Luc on 0420311606 to
arrange your inspection. Possibility
to pay in several settlements.

The Local Guide

Contact Numbers:
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Buses and Railways:
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
WPCA To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) 