Immediate release: Friday, 25 May 10am
Three landmark reports addressing the barriers to political, social and economic participation were launched in Dublin today at a special summit hosted by The Wheel, the national association of charities, and the Carnegie UK Trust. The reports originate from The People’s Conversation, an initiative to support and encourage people to participate in shaping our future through dialogue.
The first of the reports, Money Matters, explores the extent and implications of financial exclusion in Ireland outlines recommendations for improving the current situation. The report looks at the extent of poverty in Ireland and the impact this has on people. It presents a brief analysis of income adequacy, whether people are out of work and dependent on access to social welfare supports, or in work and need decent adequate take-home pay. It also maps the employment, education and training services that are available nationally to support people into the labour market.
The second report, Powering Civil Society sets out a vision and a plan for how active citizenship can be supported by a thriving, independent community, voluntary and charity sector, and how, in turn, the active citizenship represented by civil society organisations can be supported by the establishment of a participatory public governance system.
The third report, A Two-Way Street, addresses the role of public servants in citizen participation. The report concludes that on the basis of the citizen’s jury that was piloted in Galway in recent years by the PeopleTalk initiative, we need to rethink the mediating role of the public servant in a democratic culture which is truly participative.
Commenting on the launch of the reports, Ivan Cooper, Director of Public Policy at The Wheel said, “Taken together, we believe the three reports present a coherent analysis of the challenges we face as a society to ensure everyone can participate and fully realise their potential as human beings. We encourage everyone to read the full reports at, disseminate them widely, and feedback views through the comments section at the website.”
“The Wheel will be working to engage with policymakers and communities, and with our partners, in bringing the necessary change about, change aimed at ensuring that all people have the means to participate, and are afforded opportunities to participate in our democracy to proactively shape our collective futures for the common good,” said Mr Cooper.
The can be accessed at
This video provides a brief overview of the three reports.
#Enabling Citizens
Interviews available contact Gert Ackermann on 0867169287 or email
About The Wheel
The Wheel is Ireland’s national association of community, voluntary and charitable organisations. We are a representative voice and a supportive resource that offers advice, training, influence and advocacy for the sector. With over 1,300 members, The Wheel is the largest representative body in the charity sector. Visit for more information.
About Carnegie UK Trust
The Carnegie UK Trust works to improve the lives of people throughout the UK & Ireland. The trust aims to improve wellbeing by influencing public policy and changing lives through innovative practice and partnerships.