BPS Newsletter - Issue 187 25 May 2016 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Next week it will be just one year since we moved into Unit 13 (doesn't time fly?) so we all ought to be shouting a resounding "Happy 1st Birthday, Unit 13!"
It only seems like yesterday that a small group of us stood in the middle of what was then nothing more than a building site and yet today we can all stand in the middle of what is one of the best photographic club facilities in the Country.
Next Wednesday we have a visit from Bristol photographer Andy Beel FRPS who will be giving us his print talk Every Picture Tells a Story. The first half will be mono prints and second half digital. As an established Lecturer on the photographic Club and Society circuit Andy enjoys a reputation for producing thought provoking monochrome work printed in a dark and gritty style. He was awarded a highly prized medal at the 2007 London Salon of photography at his first attempt.
Annual Projected Image Competition
Last Wednesday saw the highlight of the projected image competition calendar with the Annual Projected Image Competition which was judged this year by Paul Keene FRPS MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP/p.
The results were as follows:
Gerry Gill |
Silhouette |
1st |
Phil Girdlestone |
Croquet Is Cool |
2nd |
Andrew Tandy |
Moos Leutasch Valley Austria |
3rd |
Gerry Gill |
Game Off |
HC |
Nick Snell |
Wood In Mist |
HC |
Mark Gilbert |
Marcel Plays Guitar |
1st |
Steve Bevan |
View From Dungy Head |
2nd |
David Alderson |
Melbourne Gaol |
3rd |
Derek Ripper |
The Royal Bath Seville |
HC |
Steve Bevan |
Plecostomus, Formally Posed Portrait |
HC |
Mary Pears |
Male Kestrel Eating Prey |
1st |
Keith Wood |
Eagle Owl |
2nd |
Mary Pears |
Leaping Roe Buck |
3rd |
Ann Mead |
Hoverflies Helophilus |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Borage And Honeybee |
HC |
John Hudson |
Hummingbird |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Two Cranes Flying |
HC |
John Hudson |
Swan Lake 5 |
1st |
Jeff Hargreaves |
Katie Swan-02 |
2nd & Best Action |
Barry Mead |
Wheel Riders |
3rd |
Maureen Gillet |
Che Remembered |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Challenge |
HC |
Jeff Hargreaves |
Sgwd Gwladus |
HC |
Steve Taylor |
Dusk At Nash Point |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Dream Of The Sea |
Best Creative |
Sue O'Connell |
No Parking, Haridwar, India |
Best People |
Sue O'Connell |
Chariots Of Fire |
Best Travel |
Mike Hall |
Chasing The Storm |
Best Monochrome |
Steve Taylor |
Rainforest Daybreak |
Best Landscape |
Gerry Gill
Marcel Plays Guitar
by Mark Gilbert
Male Kestrel Eating Prey
Mary Pears
Swan Lake 5
John Hudson
Katie Swan-02
Jeff Hargreaves
Dream Of The Sea
Barry Mead
No Parking, Haridwar, India
Sue O'Connell
Chariots Of Fire
Sue O'Connell
Rainforest Daybreak
Steve Taylor
Chasing The Storm
Mike Hall
For some time I’ve been thinking about ID badges for members. When we visited Dorchester recently, the majority of people were wearing different coloured lanyards and badges showing their name: red for Council members (including their title), yellow for new members, green for visitors and black for everyone else. Membership is increasing and quite a few people (especially the long-standing ones) have said that they don’t recognise the new faces and are reluctant to talk to them. It would also help my membership stand-ins and would cut down on the senior moments some of us have now and again! I’ve already mentioned this to a handful of people and the result has been positive. I appreciate that some members would not wish to participate and, of course, it wouldn’t be obligatory. If you think that it would be a good idea please email me (please put the word, ‘Badges’ in the subject line) or you can contact me on 0117 9241338 or 07702 938 710 (or send a text)
Carol Sykes
Membership Secretary
In addition to the usual venue in Devon, the 2016 WCPF Members' Exhibition is being held this weekend at the BPS Clubrooms. Opening times will be 10:00 – 16:30 on both days. |
FIAP Distinctions - Important News
UPDATED PDF DOWNLOADS FOR FIAP DISTINCTIONSThree new downloadable PDF files have been prepared and uploaded to the FIAP Distinctions page of the PAGB Web Site. They replace four previous files that were in need or replacement and/or updating - http://www.thepagb.org.uk/fiap/fiap-distinctions/There is a new and updated file entitled “ Working towards FIAP Distinctions”, which is an updated version of the old ‘ Starting out on the Exhibition Trail”. It contains much the same information but is aimed at experienced exhibitors as well as those new to exhibiting. The two different versions of the “ Criteria for FIAP Awards” have been replaced by a new file, “Criteria for FIAP Distinctions”. Please note that the actual criteria are still those relating to the December 2015 issue of the rules. The third new file is an updated version of the “ Frequently Asked Questions” document and this includes new advice that is being issued in the light of experience and developments over the last 6 months. One significant factor dealt with in these documents, which is likely to affect when applicants can apply for FIAP Distinctions, is the Directory Board’s recent decision that no account can now be taken of any results from salons until FIAP has received the formal “Salon Report File” from the organisers. No account will be taken of Report Cards or Email or Website notifications which have proved to be unreliable in several cases. This may mean some applicants having to delay their applications but this is no different to other organisations, such as PSA.
Reproduced from PAGB eNews
To download Issue 163 of PAGB eNews, click here. |
We have received the following:
I hope
this is of interest to your members:
We are
now at the count down to this year’s Dig for Victory Show to be held on 11-12 June. This is the third year that this 1940’s themed
family festival has been running at the North Somerset Showground, just outside
Bristol. We have a fabulous line up of entertainment and exhibits for 2016
including a Spitfire & Hurricane Flypast on both days of the
Come and experience
living in the 1940s, with re-enactors demonstrating what life was like in
wartime Britain, an exhibition of over 200 original restored wartime vehicles,
veterans sharing their stories, traditional craft demonstrations, locally-grown
produce stalls, vintage clothing, farmyard animals, a children's trail and much
more! There is entertainment all day in the Victory
Marquee with music and dancing from the 1940’s including live bands, singers and
the Military Wives Choir, plus a bar, tea tent and selection of caterers. There
is also a dance on the Saturday night with music and dancing from the
Dig for Victory Show is a not for profit event run entirely by local volunteers.
Our aim is to provide our local community with an affordable, family orientated
weekend event to bring history alive and the generations together to
learn, remember and have fun. Our chosen charities and beneficiaries for 2016
are Walking with the Wounded and Weston Hospicecare. We are thrilled to have
raised over £8,500 for our charities over the past two
hope your members would to like to come our show. Not only would you have a great
day, but there will be wonderful opportunities to take interesting and unusual
photographs. Please visit our website www.digforvictoryshow.com where
you will find more information about the event and can also buy online tickets
at a discount if you buy early.
for Victory Show Volunteer
Paul Strand: Photography and Film for the 20th Century - An exhibition being held at the V&A in London and on now until Sunday, 3 July. Paul Strand was one of the greatest and most influential photographers of the 20th century whose images have defined the way fine art and documentary photography is understood and practised today. For full details, please click here.
Thanks to Keith Wood for this
STILL – Native American Photographers at
Rainmaker Gallery (123 Coldharbour Road, Redland, BS6 7SN) until 28
May. Full details here.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Please don't forget that if you change your address or gain additional photographic distinctions it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date - please email all changes to membership@bristolphoto.org.uk
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, if they are wrong, please let Carol know. |
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to download the list. |
Epson R-3000 + some spare inks for sale - V.G.C., you are welcome to see it
working - £150.
Canon 400 mm f5.6 Prime Lens. Very good condition with case and original box. Very good for birds in flight - £675 ono. Contact John Hudson tel: 07973 118959 or email: jhnhd1@aol.com
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 924 1338
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE