Dates For Your Diary
Group Meeting
Postponed until further notice
First Aid course
Being planned for 20th March 2022 (Tutors have priority). Peter Genet will take names of interested parties.
April 2022, Three Trees, Chiseldon
Bike Ride-Outs on the 3rd Saturday of every even numbered month and the 3rd Sunday of every odd numbered Month. Email will be sent out to Bikers and added to the Forum.
Do you have a topic you would like discussed, or know of an interesting speaker? Please contact Les Brown at |
Congratulations to the following members who have passed their Advanced Tests recently:
Grant Bradshaw Bike Bronze
Please welcome the following to the Group:
Barry Dennington - Car
Tim Boughton - Car
Bill Smith - Bike |
Don’t forget that we have a range of clothing available to purchase. We also offer a range of books, such as Roadcraft, Motorcycle Roadcraft and the Highway Code, and these are available at discounted prices.
For more information visit the Merchandise page of our web site |
We are always looking for more articles, ideas and news for the newsletter. Have you been somewhere interesting recently that would make a good story? If you attend any group events then take a camera and send us your pictures!
Please forward all contributions to |
We're now on Facebook AND Twitter! |
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Dear Fellow members,
If it is not too early, I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2022.
Thank you for your support in 2021 I am so grateful so many of you have stuck with us when we have not managed to do as much as we wanted. We are planning to increase our activity in 2022 but we will have to see how it all goes. I particularly want to thank all the Committee members and those who hold positions of responsibility without being on the committee for your commitment and wisdom. Without you all the Group would simply not exist .
I have submitted our accreditation application to renew our association with RoSPA. They have asked us to include a piece in the Constitution about reporting incidents to RoSPA as soon as they occur (these are related to accident and injury when we are conducting RoADAR business). I am proposing It as an amendment to our Constitution (we already have a protocol to do this any way) but I need to call an General Meeting (GM) to change our constitution and I did not have time to do this in December. I am investigating how we approach this as I think an GM is over the top but more to follow in the New Year. I will let you know how we get on. There are no reasons why we should not have our accreditation renewed.
We have started a closer relationship with the Gloucester Group thanks to an approach by their new Chairman. This is mutually beneficial as we are able to share ideas by helping them and having our procedures and training methods reviewed by a third party. We are helping train their car tutors and running a joint advanced motorcycle tutor course. This may also help us to work with other Groups and we will improve or validate what we do given the meeting of like minds.
In the meantime stay safe
Bob |
Covid protocol
Covid is keeping us on our toes at the moment. We do review these protocosl at every Committee meeting and see no reason to change them at the moment. The responsibility is on us all to do what we think is right for us and our loved ones. The bottom line is if you do not feel safe doing something then do not do it!!
Wiltshire RoADAR COVID Secure Car Tutoring Protocol
This is a voluntary activity and both parties (Tutor and Associate) must be content to be in the same car as each other (normally the Associate’s car). It is recognised each individual has their own circumstances and acceptance of level of risk. There will be no judgement of individuals who do not wish to conduct car training.
Wiltshire RoADAR have a written risk assessment which is available on request. The mitigation factors listed below are to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection for the Tutor and the Associate. These are the absolute minimum required and if individuals wish to add their own factors the this is up to them.
Essential Mitigation Measures
- No training if either party has displayed COVID 19 symptoms within 7 days or is self-isolating in line with Government guidance (including Test and Trace protocols).
- Associate and tutor to have conducted a lateral flow test within 2 days of the training session. A positive test should be treated as per Government guidelines and precludes training.
- Face covering to be worn by both tutor and associate. These must be in place prior to entering the vehicle.
- Ensure hands are clean (washed for 20 seconds and/or alcohol gel as a minimum) prior to fitting face covering.
- Tutor and associate must not touch their face when in the vehicle or prior to washing/sanitising hands/ or removing gloves if worn.
- Vehicle ventilation system to be on and drawing air from outside the vehicle (NOT on recirculation). Ventilation enhanced by opening rear windows to allow air flow over tutor and associate to go out of the vehicle.
- Avoid face to face activity and conduct discussions outside the vehicle where safe and legal to do so.
Recommended Additional Mitigation Measures
- Tutor wears disposable gloves when in the vehicle.
- Any equipment taken into the vehicle by the tutor to be sanitised post the session (alcohol wipes or a bleach solution)
- Associate to ensure vehicle interior is cleaned with sanitiser prior to tutor entering the vehicle.
Wiltshire RoADAR COVID Secure Bike Tutoring Protocol
We must ensure the safety of both the Associate and the Tutor. The following protocol is to be followed:
- Both parties must be happy to partake in the tutoring session – there is no penalty for not wishing to partake provided communication is clear.
- No tutoring if either the Associate or the Tutor have displayed symptoms within the last 7 days or are told to self- isolate by the Government Track and Trace protocol.
- It is strongly recommended both the Associate and the Tutor conduct a lateral Flow test no sooner than 2 days prior to the session. A positive test should be treated as per Government guidelines and precludes training.
- All must follow Government guidelines on self-isolation and shielding.
- Appropriate Social distancing must be rigorously applied.
- Follow Government guidelines for hand cleansing and personal safety – hand sanitiser useful at all times.
- Avoid busy locations for meeting, follow the latest Government guidelines for the use of cafes and/or take own refreshments.
- Associates to be encouraged to bring their own copy of Roadcraft and the Highway code for ease of reference during briefing and de-briefing sessions.
- Tutor explanations and diagrams to be suitable for understanding from 2 metres.
Advice will be updated as and when it is recieved. But, please follow government guidelines.
Communication with RoADAR HQ
Many of you are aware of the difficultly we have in communcation with RoADAR HQ. Please be aware RoSPA now has just three part-time staff, totalling about 1.7 full-time equivalents (at the most), to do the work previously done by 5 full-time staff. It is also noted the RoADAR website has been removed and RoADAR is now a subsection of road safety training on the RoSPA website – it is not easy to find! It is now very difficult and time-consuming to speak to or get an e-mail reply from RoSPA RoADAR staff as they do not have the time to answer routine queries and are completely swamped with a much-increased workload now there are fewer of them. Commendably, despite the constraints, they continue to do their utmost to help RoADAR groups whenever possible.
There have been some instances where the 3 individuals have been contacted on private phone numbers out of their working hours. Please do not do this and only use the official channels to communicate with RoADAR HQ. They really are doing their best and they deserve our respect and consideration. Contact details are as follows:
Jacqui Adams and Becki Evans (RoADAR Administration) 0121 248 2099
If you have any complaints, please do come the Chair as I can consolidate these with other Groups and our Regional Representative.
Highway code changes
The new highway code changes are in detail here. These introduce a hierarchy of responsibility for the safety of all road users. Reading through them they seem to formalise what advanced drivers and riders should be doing already but please be aware of these changes – they come into force in Jan 2022 and many will not read them properly if at all! Remember ALL other road users are dynamic hazards!
The following is doing the rounds on Social media but please do read the complete list of changes at the link
Travelling in the EU ? you need a new nationality sticker
From 28 Sep 21 if you are travelling in the EU please be aware of the following:
If your number plate includes the UK identifier with the Union flag (also known as the Union Jack), you do not need a UK sticker.
However, you will need to display a UK sticker clearly on the rear of your vehicle if your number plate has any of the following:
- a GB identifier with the Union flag
- a Euro symbol
- a national flag of England, Scotland or Wales
- numbers and letters only – no flag or identifier
If you’re in Spain, Cyprus or Malta, you must display a UK sticker no matter what is on your number plate.
You do not need a UK number plate or sticker to drive in Ireland
Have you been up to anything to do with Riding or Driving lately? If so, then please let us know as we would love to include it here; photos would be great too!
Off Road Shenannagins
Regular readers will remember my first taste of off road riding earlier in the year ending with some hard lessons and some briused ribs! Thankfully I managed to convince the Commander of Home affiars to let N+1 come into play (where N is the number of bikes you have and N+1 is the number of biikes you need). I have acquired (well bought) a lovely 1995 Suzuki DR 350 which wieghs only 130 Kg as opposed to the lardy 200+ kg of the Tenere seen in the last installment.
I have now entered into a new world of tyre and tyre pressure debates, rim locks, puncture repair (gratefully not my own!), set up and the serach for grip. A lovely day out with some friends (all of whom are excellent trials riders) saw us covering 70 miles around Bath tackling some challenging (for me) byways some of which were easier than others – and all wet !! The lighter bike makes such a difference as I did not get so tired and whilst my style was never pretty I did not have to pick up the bike; a bonus for me. We kept off the main roads as we moved between byways and I have seen beautiful areas of North Somerset and Wiltshire I normally drive past in ignorance.
The bug has defninately bitten and I have now stupidly volunteered to do the Motorcycling Club Lands End Trial in April; starts at a suitable time to make half of it done overnight in the dark and covers 330+ miles of roads and “special stages” (I will opt for the easier route I have to admit). More to follow here if I survive!
Bob Fram
December Ride out
The last group rideout of 2021 – saw five intrepid
members of the bike section meet at Warminster services early Saturday
morning just in time for a cuppa and pastry. Ably lead by David Wicks,
the five riders followed a glorious route around pretty rural Wiltshire
villages, many with thatched roofs cottages only seen on chocolate boxes
or those annoying American films where they think the Brits all live in
‘quaint’ cottages and where the Queen pops in for tea every Sunday
afternoon! You get the gist.
The ride followed
sublime roads, not fast for the most part but certainly with some
challenges. This was a ride for the scenery and not a full on hooligan
blast. The first couple of hours ended at Sherborne café for a well
deserved cuppa and bacon sandwich. This café comes highly and
justifiably recommended.
After which, we crossed level crossing and
descended down the alpine-esque and aptly named Zig-Zag hill and onto
Longleat. Our attempts to gain access so we could take a picture with
the house as a backdrop were thwarted which meant we had to make the
obligatory ride-out ‘U’ turn.
last hour saw many more villages and the occasional 60mph limit before
we arrived at our starting point for a final “cheerio” and “happy
Christmas”. Then, for a couple of us at least, another hour ride home
which made the day even more enjoyable.
David for leading the ride; it was a brilliant route and if you lead it
again sometime, I would thoroughly recommend any rider joining.
Driven Ohm Racing
Details of next year's events currently entered arte below. Please do go along and supoport Gary, you gat an excellent insight into the workings of a race team and please go and represent the Group and recruit for us. As you can imagine there are plenty or car enthusiast at thses events and a great opportunity to spreasd teh work at Wiltshire's own race track.
Follow progress on Facebook @Driven.Ohm.Racing.
Please check the series website for the lastest details:
Please let us know of any plans you may have; any road trips, any places
to drive/ride to; maybe you have plans to unicycle the length of the UK
- if you are planning this, please let us know as this would be great
to read about!
Books! These are the latest version of Roadcraft (been out for a while now). Please ensure you are using the latest veriosn to keep up to date with your skills.
Motorcycle Roadcraft is the police handbook for rider training. It’s used by all the emergency services and forms a key reference for riding instructors.
Updates for this new edition include a new overtaking chapter with separate sections on passing stationary vehicles, single stage overtakes, and multi-stage overtakes and new explanations of advanced concepts, such as limit points on left-hand bends. Guided by a working group of experienced instructors, Motorcycle Roadcraft is essential learning for police officers preparing for the demands of operational riding.
Roadcraft is the police handbook for driver training. It's used by all the emergency services and forms reference for driving instructors.
Updates for this new edition include a new overtaking chapter with separate sections on passing stationary vehicles, single stage overtakes, and multi-stage overtakes and new explanations of advanced concepts, such as limit points on left-hand bends. Guided by a working group of experienced instructors, Roadcraft is essential learning for police officers preparing for the demands of operational driving.
Promotional activities
Wiltshire Police have proposed dates or BikeSafe:
Plan for 2022 on way! 7 dates to be announced!
will be supporting Wiltshire Police with BikeSafe both with
tutors to make up the instructor numbers and to help promote the Group.
We do this in conjunction with WABAM so it is a great way to reinforce
advanced riding and to gather new members.
Calne Bike Meet - 30 July 2022
We have a stand at this huge event on Sat 30 July. Please make a note in your diary as we will need planry of people to help us promote our Group on our stand ( car and Bike memebrs please!)
Recruiting Car Drivers
Please look at the dates above and if you can come along to suport Gery please do and also take some fliers and business cards with you to hand out to the petrol heads - this is a great opportunity to recruit more car drivers.
If you have any ideas for events, then please get in touch with the committee using the committee email address :
Look forward to hearing and discussing your ideas.
Presentation material
A generic set of slides has been created for use if you are asked about Wiltshire RoADAR and have the opportunity to present. This could be at a local club, workplace etc. Please send a mail to and the slides will be sent over to you.
We also have flyers and business cards so ask for these via the same means
First Aid Training
Next course scheduled for the 20th March 2022. It is open to everyone, car and bike members alike. We are asking non-tutors £20 towards covering some of the costs which is around half price.
This course reinforced things we may have already known, but also provided a lot of updates and changes in how to manage an incident scene and who to look after first.
The course is a first come first basis, however, we plan to run more as demand dictates.
Let me know if interested
Peter Genet
Media coordinator - Help us to broaden our reach
To help promote the group we have a variety of online media platforms, FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. To help make the most out of the opportunities that these outlets provide, we could use some help from someone who has experience of using such tools. Drop me a line at if you would be interested in helping promote our group.
Committee minutes
These are available from the Group Secretary if any member wishes to see them. If you are interested in reading the minutes, then please send a mail to the Group Secretary whom will promptly forward them onto you.
Please could all Members use the Forum on the Website which can be used for any purpose but particularly coordinating events, hints, tips and general conversation. It is easy to register on the website so please do log on and chat away.
Test results
Reminder to let the Membership Secretary and your tutor know when you have taken your Advanced Driving/Riding Test and result. This is so our database is kept up to date; there is no need or pressure at all to have the result published on the website or in this newsletter if you wish to keep your result confidential.
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