Hello fellow Cat Lover,

I have two quick notices for you that didn't
get here in time for the last issue:


I just heard from Dr. Andrew Jones yesterday,
the wholistic veterinarian in Canada, and he
has made his latest pet food report available
at his web site. He has done a lot of research
on this issue, which he presented in a seminar
last week.

That has been recorded, and will be included
with the report. It's a very nice, well-done
package and I think you would find it very
useful. So I'm passing along his contact info
so you can get it at your convenience:


Now for the second notice:

About a week ago, I was interviewed by Dr. Maria
Moratto, a wholistic health professional who
specializes in presentations on her web site
on many subjects within the fields of personal
development, health, prosperity, loving relation-
ships, and spiritual growth. She also has three
cats whom she adores! You can read about her
background here:

My interview is on the Health Benefits of
Pet Ownership, and will be available for you
to listen to from May 22 through May 29.

Just go to her site here to find the recording:


(You will have to register to gain access to it,
but as with all subscriptions nowadays, you may
unsubscribe at any time.)

I hope you enjoy the information and are
having a great week with your cats!