Friday, December 9, 2016

Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.


Christmas is a time for sharing, for hospitality, for being a friend of strangers. Of course, the Bible doesn't confine this to Christmas, but perhaps because of the custom of gift-giving, this is the time that organizations take to the streets to receive donations to share with the needy.

Sometimes, however, sharing takes more than a second and a handful of loose change. Sometimes it takes prayer and time and effort to help others. Sometimes it takes judgment as to what is the best way to share with someone.

But let's not give up. Remember how Abraham and Lot both enter­tained strangers who turned out to be angels. But "brotherly-love" and "stranger-love" speaks of more than just what we do or don't do for brothers and others. This is talking about our heart. Giving someone a solid gold Cadillac would not be loving or hospitable if our heart was not in it, if it was not for the right reason.

What we need for Christmas is a heart that so re­joices in what God has shared with us that we KNOW His blessings could NOT be topped by anyone! Then we will not be giving because of what we hope to gain, whether thanks or return. Then we will be praying that those whom we gift may see not only our affection for them in the gift, not only brotherly-love or stranger-love, but also Christ-child love, and so be twice-blessed by our gift.

May God this Christmastime create in us a clean heart, and may He renew in us a right spirit through the joy of His salvation in the Babe of Bethlehem.