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Hello friends,
How are you? I hope you are taking alot of deep breaths, pauses, walks...
It's hard to know what to say in a time like this. Sometimes saying nothing is all we can do. Words never really suffice anyway. Sometimes taking in beauty is just what we need. Other times, courageously facing reality is the only way forward.
My heart is heavy in so many ways for so many things. Yet I know that while we are entering into a new norm, we will find a new resilience that won't be easily trampled. I have spent alot of time at this window over the past few weeks - watching beauty unfold as other things crumble. Here is a prayer in song that I recorded yesterday evening while sitting at this window.
If there was ever a moment in my life that I realized I am not in control...it is now. It's an equally scary and comforting feeling. It allows me to be present in a way that I never have before. The slowness of life has been a soothing balm even in the midst of all the unknowns.
Last week I wrote a song that I will be releasing next week. It's what unexpectedly came, so i wrote it. It's a very lighthearted response that i hope will infuse some 'joy' into a difficult moment in time. Ultimately i hope its simply a reminder to call the ones you love and take time to laugh, even when it hurts.
Be on the lookout next week!

Live Stream Tomorrow!
I've been so enjoying sharing these live streams with you all. The comments conversations, and encouragement have been really special. My next live steam will be tomorrow, Wednesday, April 8th at 3pm EST. Right on my Facebook Page. I'm doing one in the afternoon so folks in the UK can tune in. Please join in and tell a friend. 
Something For My Artist Friends...
This month i had been preparing to announce the launch of a consulting component to what I do. As this April marks 12 years living full-time as an independent artists, I was (and have been) so excited to shift gears and take the already regular video sessions I've been having with young artists more seriously.
I still plan to officially launch down the line BUT for now, I will simply be hosting FREE live video conversations with artists who want to talk and do some vision casting for their work. At a time when most artist are struggling financially, this seems like a good place to start. The first group chat will be this Thursday, April 9th at 3pm EST.  If you would like to join the Zoom video call, submit a question, etc...click this link. The call will be limited to the first 10 people. 
Ways You Can Support
It's been quite a humbling experience to no longer have a job overnight. I've set up a page that I've been directing fans and friends to. If you would like to support, there are 3 possible ways at the moment. Buying merch and contracting me for your web and artwork design needs are especially ways I can be of assistance while doing somethign I'm skilled at! You can learn more here.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am praying for you all. Stay healthy and hopeful. Sincerely, 
p.s. Have you been creating lately? I would love to know what you're making.