Hello Friend of Cats,

This is a special announcement. I just spoke with Dr.
Andrew Jones, the Canadian veterinarian who has a
wholistic practice and uses many natural methods to
treat animals. He's written a book about his procedures
(despite quite a lot of criticism from some of his
colleagues), called Veterinary Secrets Revealed.

Dr. Jones is the only vet who provides this kind of material
online for pet owners to use. He is a true pioneer in the
veterinary field because he is willing to share professional
secrets that have been so jealously guarded all these years.
He is a strong advocate of teaching people how to treat
their own pets at home. Not everything is an emergency,
and not everybody can afford to run to the vet for every

If you would like to listen to Dr. Jones, live and in person
(on the telephone, anyway), I would like to invite you to
attend his free teleseminar on Dec. 12, at 6 pm Pacific time.
(7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central and 9 pm Eastern)
(Check with http://www.worldtimezone.com for all time zones.)

Go to his website to register for the call. There's only
a limited number of lines available, so you will want to
get signed up soon to be sure you get a spot on the call.


Don't forget, it's free, except for what your phone company
charges for long distance. (My long distance provider
charges 5 cents a minute, so this one-hour call will cost
me only three bucks. Definitely worth it!)

Here's the link again:


You will receive your call-in details by email so you know
what number to call on Dec. 12.

"See you" on the call!

Roberta, the Cat Lady


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If you know someone who would like to read this newsletter, please
feel free to forward yours to them. If they want to sign up to get their own,
send them to one of my web pages to use the newsletter signup form. It's very easy!

http://www.theproblemcat.com (on the left side of the page)