tel: 512 280-1192                                            Thurs, May 1 2014
Nursery Notes: we have extended last week's sales! Double red
knock-out roses: reg, $24 99, on sale for $19.99. Fruit trees: buy
2, get 1 free. We have peaches, plums, apples and figs ($34 each) 
Bloodgood maples on sale: 5 gal. reg. $100, sale price $75.
Layers, Pattern and Contrast: Freshen your Landscape for a 
Lush Look: free garden lecture this Sunday, at 2 p.m. with land-
scape designer/journalist Diana Kirby; learn how layers, pattern
and contrast can give your garden a lush look. Diana's Designs
How Monet's Garden Grew: insight into the famous French
artist and gardener, who treated his gardens at Giverny as another 
form of art. From France Today: Claude Monet
Across the city all the different yuccas are sending their beautiful
vanilla blossoms skywards. This beaked yucca (Yucca rostrata)
was catching some early morning rays yesterday in a garden in
east Austin. (photo: d.m.)
Up to $180 in rebates for compost and mulch: in a bid to save
our precious water reserves, the city of Austin is offering gardeners
money back if we compost, mulch, and aerate your lawns front and
back. Just mail in photos and receipts. For details: rebates
Central Texas Gardener: Express your personality and creativity
with functional, fun garden accents crafted from recycled objects.
On tour, a couple repurposes a swimming pool into a native habitat
pond. Sat. noon, 4 p.m. or Sun., 9 a.m. www.klru
The flowers of lantanas often change color as they mature, creating blossoms with two or
three different colors. Butterflies also are attracted to these pretty perennials.
Ten Activities for May
by Chris Winslow

1.Plant flowers: This is a perfect time for flowering annuals and
perennials. Begonias, zinnias, marigolds, moss-roses, purslanes, and
vinca are all good choices. Perennials might include lantanas, sal-
vias, and verbenas.

2 Vegetable garden care: Water deeply to encourage a deep, drought
tolerant root system. Still time to add a few warm season crops: sweet
and hot peppers, green beans, okra, eggplant, and black-eyed peas.
Fertilize tomatoes.

3. Mulch: Place around all plants to conserve water and keep the
temperature around the plant roots comfortable. Mixing some compost
with the mulch will help replace nutrients as the plants grow.

4.Care of roses:  Dead-head spring flowering roses to encourage a
new flush of flowers. Apply fertilizer to produce new flowers. Watch
for powdery mildew, black spot and western flower thrip. Treat with
organic sprays: Neem oil and wettable-sulphur.

5 .Move houseplants outside: Put them out for a spring breather.
Move them slowly towards their new light exposure. Too much sun
too fast will burn the leaves. This is also a good time for transplanting.  

6. Insect control: All this new spring growth is attractive to every
kind of critter imaginable. Be nice to the environment (and to your-
self) and only use organic sprays. If you have larvae (caterpillars)
eating holes in your plants and trees, look for products that have B.T.
as the main ingredient. If sucking insects like aphids, spider mites,
whitefly, scale, and mealy bug are the problem, use Neem oil or

7. Maintain irrigation: If you own an automatic sprinkler system,
it would save water and money to have it tuned up. Set the contr-
oller for deep, infrequent watering to encourage a deep, drought-resist-
ant root system. Install rain sensor.

8. Fertilize lawn: Use an organic blend with a 3-1-2 ratio. Ten pounds
per 1,000 square feet of turf area should be adequate.

9. Feed the birds: With lots of new birds in the area, keep those
feeders full.

10. Grow basil: The top herb for the summer months is basil. With
the nights getting warmer, this wonderful herb should finally have
the temperatures it needs to take off.    Happy Gardening Everyone!

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 Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748  Like us