Pascal and Victorina from Mexico give Shamanic Cosmic Theatre Retreats, Heart-Time Workshops and Invisible Healing in Europe.
Dear friend, 
In internet I found information about you and became interested in your work. I see affinity with the services we provide to people. It would be a pleasure to collaborate with you.
After 11 years of learning with Mayan Priest Don Lauro and 15 years of experience in teaching and coaching in Mexico, Latin America and Asia, I follow my mission now coming twice a year back to Europe (and my birth country Switzerland) to direct retreats and healings. It is an honor to be accompanied now also by my life partner Victorina Aguilar from Mexico.
We would love to take on the mission commended to us by sharing with your community the practical knowledge of the world’s ancient shamanic schools never before opened to the public, through physical exercises, meditations and personally focused application to everyday life.
We would like to spread our message and are looking for coordinators that would help organizing events in their cities. Here is an example of a possible Weekend Program:
· Friday night: Heart-Time workshop or lecture, 2 hours (donation or minimum fee)
· Saturday and Sunday: (Transpersonal) Shamanic retreats in Cosmic Theatre (= my initiation from the Maya Elders and modern cosmic Mayan shamanism)
· Option or follow up: “Invisible Healing” sessions and formation (“we need no more technique but faith and creativity in order to help one selves and others”)
>>> We would greatly appreciate if you might send us contacts of coordinators near you or forward this information to people that might be interested in organize our work in your country.
Provisory dates for Europe 2011-2012:
End July/Beginning September 2011 Switzerland
Second-fourth weekend of August 2011 free / Europe
March/April 2012 free/ Europe and Switzerland
With a warm Mexican hug, in lak’ech I am you
Pascal and Victorina
P.S. Attached you will find a description of the programs available, as well as some links.
It is Heart-Time.
Pascal K'in Greub, Director
Instituto Internacional de Transformación Creativa
Casa Grande El Ahuehuete, Camino Viejo a Tenanzingo
52441 Malinalco, Edo. México
Oficina en Cd. de México
Tel./Fax (00 52 55) 55 44 63 01
Cel. Switzerland (0041 76) 250 54 62 (only on tour)
Skype "pascal greub" (México)
Facebook: Es ist Herz-Zeit. It is Heart-Time. Es Tiempo del Corazón.
Coordinador Nacional para México de Cultura en el Barrio, UNESCO. Miembro activo de AMECREA y ADEHUM.
Coordinador para la Ciudad de México de la Red Creativa Iberoamericana.
1. DNA, is the smallest octave of manifestation in human existence, protagonist of the Mayan Cosmic Theatre.
2. At Prague Castle, 19 April 2011, one of our favorite power sites in Europe, after getting information about ancient Egyptian-Celtic networks of wisdom.