Polishing the Heart August 2023
  • Report from Mendocino Sufi Cam and the Lava Hot Springs Dance Camp in Idaho!
  • Sufi Heart: a podcast by teacher Omid Safi, with a poem by Rumi
  • The Beyond Initiative: more on the Vietnam Caravan

Pir Shabda at Mendocino
Dear Friends...
Our experience at the Mendocino Sufi camp was so incredibly lovely. The feeling of multi-generational family warmed our hearts, something we have only felt at the Ozark Sufi camp and with our community at The Farm in Tennessee.

Dancing at Mendocino
It was inspiring to see their next generation so well represented and taking charge in many different ways. Like the Ozark camp, these are young people who have grown up with the dances, and developed a strong kinship among each other, and with the elders of the community.

Diane Lyon and Muiz Brinkerhoff
One unique aspect was that Diane Lyon, who grew up as one of the kids at Mendocino, was the lead teacher for the week, along with Muiz Brinkerhoff, a first generation teacher. Wali Ali's daughter Amina also had a strong presence. It felt good to honor his memory in this camp that meant so much to him, a Sufi family that has been coming together for over 40 years.

Lulie Marie
Perhaps most special of all for us was that our 18-year-old granddaughter, Lulie, joined us for the camp, her first Dance experience. This is what she had to say:
"Instinctually, almost unconsciously, I hid away the hippier pieces of myself. I had felt embarrassed about the dirty, unmotivated hippie stereotype people had labeled me with. It is so difficult to try and find your path, especially when you let other people influence YOUR path.
This past week I attended a Sufi camp with my grandparents, something my younger self would have laughed at, something my preteen self would never have been open to trying. While at the camp, I fell in love with the movement, song, laughter, and the people. The Dances touched my heart and the rhythm parts of my soul I had hidden away for too long.
I hope to continue reawakening the parts of myself I had once been ashamed of and hope they will still embrace me. I am eternally grateful to my grandparents for sharing their life and story with me. They have always pushed me to try new things to grow into a better, hippier, version of myself that my soul now craves."
As a grandparent, I can tell you it doesn't get any better than that!
Lava Hot Springs Dance Camp
We left Mendocino for Lava Hot Springs in Idaho, where Wayne Talmadge, and Connie Zareen Delaney are working to revive this longtime circle as we enter the post-Covid era.
The main Dance circle took place on a piece of land owned by a friend who invited her extended network of friends to join us, filling out the circle nicely. Early mornings and late evenings provided opportunities to soak in the hot springs. Thank you Wayne and Zareen for this wonderful time together!
Now we have arrived at the Parliament of the World’s Religions and in a few short weeks, Deborah and I will leave on our trip to with the Beyond Initiative Caravan in Turkey.
There is still time to join us for the Caravan in Vietnam! More information on this below.
Thank you for your time and attention,

Sufi Heart - a podcast with Omid Safi
One of my favorite podcasts these days is Sufi Heart, with teacher Omid, Safi, on the Be Here Now Network. I listen to it through Apple podcasts, but you can also find it on the Be Here Now website.
He has such a beautiful, poetic way of speaking and delivering his teachings. I also like that he includes spiritual leaders like Martin Luther King and the work of the peace and justice movement as something not separate from a spiritual life.
In the most recent podcast, he is interviewed by a woman named Taya Mâ about Rumi and the Path of Radical Love. He shares a poem by Rumi, one that I have not heard before.
Say Nothing - Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī
I serve that moonlight beauty.
Say nothing to me, unless it’s about her.
Say nothing of sorrow. Speak only of this treasure.
Last night I became loved crazed
Love saw me and said, “ I’ll come. Don’t shout. Say nothing.”
I said, “Love, I am afraid of something else.”
Love said, “There is nothing else. Say nothing...
Let me whisper secrets in your ear. Say nothing.”
What a beauty! Are you an angel? A human?
Love said, “Not an angel. Not a human. Say nothing.”
What is this? Say it!
Love said, “Hush. Stay like this. Learn a little bit more. Say nothing.”
Well, I ruled out everything else. The only thing that’s left is God.
Said my heart… Aren’t you describing God?
Love said, “Yes my child. But hush. Say nothing.”
As I looked for the poem online, I came across another version of the translation.
Say Nothing - Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī
I’m the slave of the Moon; talk of nothing but moon.
Or brightness and sweetness. Other than that, say nothing.
Don’t tell of suffering, talk of nothing but blessings.
If you know nothing about them, no matter. Say nothing.
Last night I went wild. Love saw me and said:
I’m here. Don’t shout, don’t rip your shirt, say nothing.
I said: O Love, what I fear is something else.
There’s nothing there. Say nothing.
I’ll whisper secret words in your ears. Just nod yes.
Except for that nod of your head, say nothing.
A moon pure as spirit rose on the heart’s pathway.
What a joy, to travel the way of the heart. Say nothing.
I said: O Heart, what is this moon? Heart beckoned:
For now, it’s not for you to know. Say nothing.
I said: Is this face angel or human?
Neither angel nor human. It is other, say nothing.
I said: What’s this? I’ll lose my mind if you don’t tell me.
It said: Then lose your mind, and stay that way. Say nothing.
You who sit in this house filled with images and illusions,
get up, walk out the door. Go, and say nothing.
I said: O Heart, tell me kindly: Isn’t this about God?
It said: Yes it is, but kindly, say nothing.
It was interesting to read that many of the so-called "translations" of Rumi's poetry are not direct translations, but interpretations made from the direct translations of others. Even Coleman Barks states upfront that his publications of Rumi's poetry are interpretations, based on the work of other translators who were working from the original Persian or other languages.
Still, I feel Rumi's message shines through these interpretations, and we can recognize the essence of his thoughts and intention, even as we find our own meaning in the imagery.

Vietnam Caravan 2023
This week, Deborah and I participated in a Zoom led by those who will be our host on the Caravan in Vietnam. The attendance included those who had made a commitment to go as well as some still on the fence and considering the journey.
We really liked that this will be an experience beyond what most tourists will find. We will be traveling to remote villages and spending time with ethnic minorities to learn their way of life, their cuisine, their music, and their traditional dances. We will visit the monastery where Thich Nhat Hahn began his work, and also spent his last days. Monks at the monastery will share their practice of Buddhism. I feel so fortunate for the opportunity to taste Buddhism directly from those immersed in this practice as a way of life.
There is still time to sign up! The participation by those of us from the West helps fund the Caravan and sponsors attendees from across Asia for a week of Dance Leader Training. We bring our years of experience, giving these aspiring Dance leaders on the other side of the planet a chance to lead experienced Dancers. This builds their confidence and deepens their connection to what Arjun from Columbia calls the "good medicine" of the Dances.

Hanoi Old Quarter

August 14-18 Parliament of World Religions
Location: Chicago, at McCormick Place Lakeside Center
Dancing a New World into Existence!
There will be a Dance Session from 3:00 - 4:30 pm CST on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday on the East Terrace. There are also additional sessions and popup dances throughout the week!
At the Parliament, please stop by our DUP exhibit booth #651 in Section B, close to the entrance/exit to/from the Plenary Hall. Contact DUPNA POWR coordinator Hayat Bain for questions and more information. We hope to see you there!

August 27 and September 2 Dances on The Farm - contact me if you would like to join us for times and place.
September 12-25 The Turkey Dance Caravan and Leader Training
November 22 - December 10 The Vietnam Dance Caravan
February 8 - 14 Puerto Morelos Mexico Stay tuned for more infomation!

Village Media, 111 Huckleberry RD, Summertown, TN 38483