Special First Preview
and early distribution of Water Access Only
will occur for Island Thinkers and Anthology Contributors
on Saturday night October 7th

(a week before the official Writers Day Festival launch October 14th).
Jenni Cover has enthusiastically agreed to have another Island Thinking Night in
honour of Offshore Writers and Edna Carew and John Hoffmann have kindly made
their island home available (once again) on Saturday night October 7th as a
special gathering and thankyou to all Contributors and Island Thinkers to
collect their copies of "Water Access Only" .
We'd love if you could attend.
BYO drinks and a donation of nibbles as usual
Time: 8.00pm onwards
Venue: Hoffers Wharf, waterfront, about 5 homes north of Eastern Wharf. Balloons
will mark the spot at 81 Florence Tce.
Unofficial launch with Special Guest: Susan Duncan, author of "Salvation Creek"
Sign autographs, take photos, celebrate!. Come and party.
Distribution of paid books will occur.
If you have not already ordered and paid, we'd appreciate orders and payment up
front by October 6th to make distribution easier on the night.
Books are $34.95 each . Nearly 300 of the 500 books have already been ordered
Credit card payment can be made at "Ticket sales:
Cheque payments can be made using the attached order form.
Please NB: No money will be exchanged on the night although cheques/Australia
Post Money Orders will be accepted if you would like to buy more books.
(Contributor, Carmen Ky had to pick up her order early and was so pleased that
she ordered 6 more as Christmas gifts!!)
Please let me know if you cannot attend so that alternative arrangements can be
made for collection of your order..
I will be uncontactable between September 27th - October 4th but will confirm
new orders, credit card and cheque payments received from buyers before the
Hope to see you on the 7th.
Juliette Robertson 029979 2411 0418349448
On behalf of the Publishing team
Juliette, John Hoffmann, Edna Carew and Gordon and Carol Floyd (all of Scotland