T H E F U T U R E N O W!!
SATURDAY SEPT. 20th 3pm – 6pm
The Co-Op Club is proud to present the first in a series of concerts
showcasing young musicians at high schools from the Northern beaches
and beyond.
Saturday September 20 will feature two jazz bands from Northern
Beaches Secondary College along with solo & duo performances
featuring young artists from Pittwater High.
These great singers and musicians are the future of music and we’re
excited to provide a platform for them to perform.
Please come and join us and support our local and not so local
musicians of the future. 3pm – 6pm
The Scotland Island CFU have been fortunate enough to receive grants
from Pittwater RSL Club and also Avalon Beach RSL Club to fund the
additional pumps we need to service the island. This is fantastic
news, not only for us, but for all island residents. Penny Wise
and Ian White accepted the cheques on behalf of the Community Fire Unit
at a function at Pittwater RSL Club on 21 August. We’re overwhelmed by
the generosity of both clubs and owe them huge thanks.
Here is an update on the subject of identifying our properties should
we find ourselves in the unfortunate circumstance of requiring the
assistance of emergency services. In our 20 odd years here it has
happened to us twice - once being to a child reacting to a fish venom
and needing water police plus ambulance so I have first-hand experience
of the importance of this issue.
Many thanks to everyone who submitted suggestions - it certainly
highlighted the different needs according to location and also the fact
that the physical location of some properties virtually defies
On Scotland Island, where we all have a house number and street
address, many of us can display the number at the street side entrance
to our property and, if we live on the water front, on the pylons of
our pontoon.
But firstly forget about lot numbers, they'll confuse anyone, and
secondly be sure that the number is displayed in the street to which
your address belongs which is not necessarily the one your primary
access may be from.
For example the several properties which front onto Florence Terrace
but have an address of Thompson St. Displaying a Thompson Street number
on Florence Terrace is not going to help. In deciding where to display
your number take into consideration that it may be being looked for
from a vehicle like the fire truck so as high as practically possible
and as easy to read as possible. There are already some recent
house numbers appearing around the island- and you know what? - Even if
only a few people take up the suggestion it will help.
Bill Lee (CFU Leader)
For more information about the CFU, go to http://sirfb.org.au/cf
Kids YOGA on Scotland Island
Help your kids learn to relax, develop confidence in their bodies and
create better social interactions.
Tuesdays in the
- 5–8 years 4:30–5:15pm
- 9-12 years 5:30-6:15pm
Term bookings only ($10 per class, intro class free!)
Taking bookings now.
Contact Nadine on 0402 752465 or see www.consciouslifeyoga.com.au
Camera Lost Last Night
Has anyone seen this Camera? It was used to make photos at last night's
Fire Shed dinner.
A 13 year old DSLR, Canon D60, in a Samsonite soft camera bag, which
also includes a separate flash
If you see it, or if you have information that would help to located
the camera, would you please let us know?
Phone 02 9999 4404, or email sirfb@sirfb.org.au
For Sale
The tender was owned by Mick and Margie Morris (ex Scotland Island and
Lovett Bay residents). I purchased the boat some years ago and use it
regularly as my tender for my trawler "Hiawatha"
The tender has been used constantly and the old Yamaha four stroke 50
HP starts every time.
- Dominator 4 meter tunnel hull (1997) Very
stable, capacity 4 adults, good ride.
- Engine Yamaha 50hp four stroke (2002) Starts
every time.
- Well fendered.
- Solar panel with regulator.
- Unregistered trailer available
Price $2500
Tony van Dyke
For Sale
Large reverse cycle heater/air conditioner available on the
Never used. Still in original boxes.
See attachment for specifications. (rt hand column)
Must sell.
Will deliver on Island or Bays.
Please ring to discuss and view.
Annette Ritchie
0410 007 501
nr. fire shed
Labourer Wanted
For regular work approx 3 days/week, gardening/clearing/whipper
snipping etc
Must be reliable and physically fit
Hourly rate dependant on age and experience
call Matt 0404 876685
Tuesday night spares @ Church Point!
After having driving lights stolen from my car a couple of Tuesdays
nights ago from Church Point Car Park and a motorbike stolen on a
Tuesday night 3 years ago (they stole a van that night from the point
to put it in) It seems tight ar$e Tuesday is back alive and well at the
point !
Toby Maple
out on a previous Newsletters - HERE
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php
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e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here. Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)