IAHF List:
Its 2:47 am. An hour ago I read an email from Lance Hill from Health Canada in which he has just announced a "Stakeholder meeting" to be held on bill C-51 TODAY, Wednesday, May 21 at 4 PM at the Best Western Richmond Hotel and Convention Centre, 7551 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC Canada.
(The public can attend, but you must register in advance by emailing Mr.Hill at lance_hill@hc-sc.gc.ca with your full contact information. No videotaping will be allowed.
Well I am seething with rage about this. They're trying to SPRING this meeting on us with DELIBERATE SHORT NOTICE in the hope that NO ONE will show up.
Well I emailed him to let him know I'm with the Press and I want to interview them all about this horrible bill, and I let him know that I am onto them- that I recognize this as an effort to harmonize Canada to Australia's incredibly harsh regulatory scheme, and that I know the health freedom fighters of New Zealand beat an identical effort to try to force THEM to harmonize to Australia- see: http://www.nzhealthtrust.co.nz/news_stories/ANZTPA_consultations_suspended.html
They're runnin' SCARED, thats why! They REALIZE the vitamin consumers of Canada and the US are onto them, so they're hoping NO ONE will show up at this meeting, and they're not allowing videotaping because they're like a bunch of cock roaches that run from the light when the refridgerator door is opened in the middle of the night.
They realize that MILLIONS of Canadians and Americans are visiting http://www.stopc51.com and they HATE that!
They realize we've gotten the jump on them, and that we've had a TON of mainstream news coverage which has HELPED us get the jump on them (see urls below and please forward widely) and now the Harper government is running SCARED, in fact they're TERRIFIED that they won't be able to succeed in fast tracking this police state bill from hell through as planned!
Well on Thursday (tomorrow), I'll be attending a Town Meeting in Langley, BC Canada because Rob Goulding on the IAHF list lit a fire under the butts of so many people in his area that they scared the HELL out of their MP, and he decided he'd better rush back to BC from Ottawa to try to put out the FIRE!!!
(If you want to attend THAT meeting, let me know, give me your phone number and email address, we need to coordinate in advance.)
Look at all the Press we're getting on this issue folks- this is HUGE and it doesn't just impact Canadians, as I've explained many times if we FAIL to kill this bill in Canada, its coming to the USA next via the mechanism of FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, but IAHF is gonna monkeywrench their plans with YOUR help!!!
Please see the media links below on this issue, & please keep those donations coming, I need money for gas and lodging to get all over the metro Vancouver area to sound the alarm on C-51 to all the health food stores, naturopaths, green grocers, massage places, fitness centers, anywhere that people go who can join our HEALTH FREEDOM ARMY!
See paypal link at http://www.iahf.com/index1.html left side of page, just above "Contents" You can also send a check to IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281
Gas costs about $6./ gallon in Canada, so please help out and please see the TV coverage below of our Demonstrations Across Canada on this!
I was a speaker at the recent rally in Vancouver re C-51 (see photos, info at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive_show_message.php?jham+980
previous alerts I sent out on this issue at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive_show_message.php?jham+948
See Documentary Film I am in Re Codex Vitamin Issue, Film is
Narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the British Actress:
http://www.welltv.com "We Become Silent"
(C-51 would usher Codex into N.America, Via
FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, see my alerts)
TV VIDEO FOOTAGE RE C-51 & Re Abuses of
Health Canada Against Natural Health Products
Bill C-51 is Treason....
Please Forward this You Tube http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=iarPlT6nK5w
Helps promote www.stopc51.com
Global News:
Shows Anti C-51 Rally in Toronto
Global News: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qCsAe5bvI8U&feature=related
Shows Anti C51 Rally in Edmonton
City TV: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=dAHvcN_ddXc&feature=related
Shows Anti C51 Rally in Calgary
C-51 is
happening due to TrueHope
Inc. beating Health Canada in Court to
Protect Empower Plus:
CTV http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=1cOc4EmbS1I&feature=related
MP James Lunney Discusses Abuse By Health Canada re Raid Against
Truehope Inc.
CTV http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=d8-Pts5OfZs&feature=related
Truehope Sues Health Canada
Global TV http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=EYp4iaQ4Kos&feature=related
Autumn Stringham cures her Bipolar Disorder With Empower Plus
Discovery Health Channel http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=2G6dWIvxlhw&feature=related
Medial Wonders: Truehope Bipolar Impossible Cures
Channel Pt. 1
Discovery Health Channel http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=UJcnLypiR0o&feature=related
Medical Wonders: Truehope Bipolar Impossible Cures Discovery
Channel Part 2
Discovery Health Channel
Medical Wonders: Truehope Bipolar Impossible Cures
Discovery Channel Part 3
Health Channel http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qAUwei2St8Q&feature=related
Medical Wonders: Truehope Bipolar Impossible Cures
Discovery Channel Part 4
Health Channel http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=AtWMIN132CA&feature=related
Medical Wonders: Truehope Bipolar Impossible Cures
Discovery Channel http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=2p8iiyy0RFA&feature=relatedPart
Please Forward to More People after remembering to delete the unsubscribe link at the bottom so no one will click on it !! CANADIANS!! Please Attend the Stakeholder Meeting in Richmond at 4PM, see address at top of this Alert. If you live in Langley and can come to the Town Meeting tomorrow, please email me your phone number and let me know you're coming, we need to coordinate.
Remember to please donate- this is WAR folks, this will be a historic victory for health freedom IF we all pull together!!
See paypal link at http://www.iahf.com/index1.html left side of page, just above "Contents" You can also send a check to IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281
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