Tuesday, January 3, 2016
Tenth Christmas Day

Luke 2:17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.


One year when we were having quite a stormy winter, I set about rummaging the closets for a pair of boots. After a few minutes I triumphantly held up a pair that were my size and in quite good shape too. I turned to my wife and said, "Hey! Where did I get these?" In an instant she shot back, "I gave them to you for Christmas last year." Rather sheepishly I admitted that I hadn't remembered-- and it's not just that way with a pair of boots. If you asked me what I got for Christmas two, three, or four years ago, I don't think I could remember very well.

Do you remember what you've gotten for Christmas over the years aside from a few certain gifts here or there? If you don't, it wouldn't be unusual. The shepherds themselves didn't make much of the Christmas "trimmings." When they went back to their sheep, their families, and their villages, they didn't talk about how the stable looked that night. They didn't speak of how many animals were milling about or how the swaddling clothes were wrapped. When they talked to others about that Christmas Eve, they didn't even dwell on how they had been privileged to see the holy Child face to face. But they did make known abroad the SAYING which was told them concerning this child.

For the shepherds, the message of Christmas was everything. It wasn't all about the angels or the crude manger and the straw. Christmas was about the word from God that unto them had been born a Savior who was Christ the Lord. Here was the Child who would save them from their sins! Here was the Messiah who would pay the price for all their guilt with His own body on the cross! The shepherd's Christmas focused on the things they had been told concerning this dear Baby.

Let it be the same for you. If you forget from one year to the next which strings of your Christmas lights work and which ones don't, that's alright. You don't need to remember the decorations or every moment of family time you shared. Those things will fade. Instead, ponder the sayings about your Savior. In them you will find Christmas treasure for every day.