BPS Newsletter - Issue 217 21 December 2016 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Merry Christmas to all at BPS
This will be the last newsletter until we re-convene in 2017
Next Wednesday, 21 December, is the highlight of the Bristol social calendar - the annual BPS Christmas social. The Membership Secretary has asked me to publish the following words:
It's that time of year again, when the great and the good convene for chat, food and (probably) a drink or two. No doubt all the 'old hands' will be there, but, if previous years are anything to go by, very few of the newer members will join us (and we have had 19 join since last Christmas). It does give people a chance to chat for more than a few minutes during the Wednesday coffee breaks, or at the end of a meeting, when the designated 'locker-up' is pointedly looking at the clock. It's also quite good if you want to pick someone's brains or just have a good old gossip.
Why not come along? You may enjoy it and all it will cost you is a single plate of food or the equivalent in nibbles, biscuits etc or drink. Everything is shared, so there's no need to bring a turkey and all the trimmings or a case of champagne.
I promise not to make everyone wear their badges, so do come along if you can.
Club Competitions - Satisfaction Survey
The following was sent to members on 3 December, however several members have said that they didn't receive it, so I have reproduced it here:
The Council has asked us, as competition secretaries, to see how you feel about the current club competition set-up. There is reportedly some disquiet about the levels structure arrangements for our competitions.
Two main concerns have been raised. The first is that, given the relatively large size of the Advanced group, ‘tail enders’ may feel that they have little chance of achieving awards. The
second is that, at the other end of the scale, some highly skilled
photographers feel constrained from entering club competitions for fear
of becoming the ‘usual suspects’ in too often taking home the prizes. These concerns seem to apply more to the bi-monthly competitions, perhaps less so to the annual competitions.
Although we nominally have three levels of entry, Basic level entries are rare. In practice, for both Print and DPI, we usually have about 24 Advanced and 10 Intermediate entrants. New
club members tend to be speedy in joining the Intermediates, while the
top Intermediates tend to be promoted equally speedily into Advanced. This means that, while Intermediate numbers are fairly stable, the Advanced group expands. We
encourage judges to give as many awards as there are entrants, but some
members, regular competitors though they are, never get even an HC for
their pains.
We have had a quick look at how some similar clubs organise their competitions. Some
have a more formal process to determine levels of entry, with movement
between levels – promotions and demotions – based on scored performance. A few clubs have a Premier Level open only to holders of distinctions or by invitation. Based
on this admittedly unscientific inquiry, the BPS informal 'nod and a
wink' of level membership and movement is perhaps not typical. You can find our current guidelines on Pages 23-24 of the handbook.
As competition secretaries, we believe that enjoyment and positive feedback should be at the heart of our competition system.
Years of custom and practice have led us to where we are now and it is perhaps time for a review. If you share the concerns outlined above, have other concerns or are even content with the way things are, let us know. What changes, if any, may be desirable?
Please speak to one or both of us at the club or send an email letting us know what you think.
Print Competition - Round 2
Last Wednesday we had Round 2 of the Print Competition. Unfortunately the judge, Peter Young, had to cry off at the last minute owing to illness.
The results as chosen by Peter are shown below, however, although Peter sent up some very brief notes covering the winners, it was left to Graham Reeves to give a commentary on the prints in the second half.
Competition - Results |
Round 2 |
Name |
Title |
Result |
Tim Woolf |
Three Dodgy Men |
1st |
Graham Pears |
Goldfinch Aggression |
2nd |
Jason Eastham |
The Artist |
3rd |
Jason Eastham |
Night On The Bridge |
HC |
Jason Eastham |
Let's Fan Out |
HC |
Robert Eschle |
The Red Hat Diary Revisited |
HC |
Robert Eschle |
Viking 2 |
HC |
Steve Field |
The Lull |
HC |
Steve Field |
Tower |
HC |
Steve Field |
The Way Out |
HC |
Vicky Harrison |
London |
HC |
Daniel Mills |
Beach Huts At Mudeford |
HC |
Daniel Mills |
St. Johns St., Cambridge |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Melancholy |
1st |
Joanne Searle |
Silhouette |
2nd |
Brian McBride |
Another Architectural Detail |
3rd |
Mike Bews |
Orchis Militaris |
HC |
Mike Bews |
Nice Day For A Spin |
HC |
Steve Bridgen |
Race For The Turn |
HC |
Steve Bridgen |
Nicky |
HC |
Tony Gill |
Hartland – Storm Eva |
HC |
Beryl Heaton |
Beach Paling 2 |
HC |
Beryl Heaton |
Barnacle Pattern |
HC |
John Hudson |
Swan Lake – In The Round |
HC |
Brian McBride |
Troubled Waters |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Rider In The Dust |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Mechanismo |
HC |
Barry Mead |
The Innocent |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Forbidden Fruit |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Dance In Three Movements |
HC |
Gordon Stirrat |
Frosted Broom |
HC |
Carol Sykes |
Beachscape |
HC |
Gordon Thomas |
Derelict boats, Mull |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Brother Michael |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Wish You Were Here Now |
HC |
Keith Wood |
Defeated |
HC |
Keith Wood |
Eagle Owl Passing By |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon
Three Dodgy Men
Tim Woolf
Bi-Monthly Print
Competition |
Year 2016-2017 -
Points League Table |
1st = 4; 2nd = 3;
3rd = 2; HC = 1 |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Round 3 |
Round 4 |
Pamphilon |
1+1 |
4+1 |
7 |
Joanne Searle |
2+1 |
3 |
6 |
Keith Wood |
3+1 |
1+1 |
6 |
Ann Mead |
4 |
1 |
5 |
Barry Mead |
1+1 |
1+1+1 |
5 |
Mike Bews |
1 |
1+1 |
3 |
Brian McBride |
2+1 |
3 |
Steve Bridgen |
1+1 |
2 |
Beryl Heaton |
1+1 |
2 |
Gordon Stirrat |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Andrew Wood |
1+1 |
2 |
Mike Bigger |
1 |
1 |
Tony Gill |
1 |
1 |
Mike Hall |
1 |
1 |
Terry Hilton |
1 |
1 |
John Hudson |
1 |
1 |
Southwell |
1 |
1 |
Carol Sykes |
1 |
1 |
Gordon Thomas |
1 |
1 |
Jason Eastham |
4+3 |
2+1+1 |
11 |
Robert Eschle |
2+1 |
1+1 |
5 |
Tim Woolf |
4 |
4 |
Steve Field |
1+1+1 |
3 |
Graham Pears |
3 |
3 |
Gerry Gill |
1+1 |
2 |
Daniel Mills |
1+1 |
2 |
Vicky Harrison |
1 |
1 |
Frank Stait |
4 |
4 |
12 Nov - 5 Mar |
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016: at M Shed.
The world-renowned wildlife photography competition from the Natural History Museum returns to M Shed with 100 stunning images; from balletic whales to lizard-chasing parakeets, urban visitors to fantastical landscapes, this year’s selection is strong on visual drama and narrative. Full details here.
Thanks to Maureen Gillet for letting me know that there will be a "free admission" day for the Exhibition; this will be Wednesday 11 January.
Normal entry £5/Concession £4.
5 February |
WCPF DPIC at the Corn Exchange, Exeter. Tickets on sale now. Price (£6.00 + booking fee) from the Corn Exchange.
5 February |
The WCPF Knightshayes Trophy is nearly upon us and members are
invited to enter. The competition is organised by the WCPF and members
may enter up to two prints (mounted on 50 x 40 cm card) on the subject "Diffraction".
The closing date is 5 February when prints should be handed in at DPIC
in Exeter. Some BPS members will be going to DPIC (see above item) so it should be fairly
easy to organise for the prints to be taken down. More details can be
found here. |
Bristol International Salon of Photography 2017
Now is the time send in your entry to the 2017 Bristol Salon and give yourself
the chance of some glory on the international photography scene. For
those of you who aren't too sure what the Bristol Salon is: it is an
international photographic exhibition that has been running since the mid 1940s
and is the largest exhibition of its type in the UK attracting entries from
nearly 70 different countries. Entrants submit up to 16 images across 4 sections
(Open, Monochrome, Photo Travel and Nature) which are put before a panel of
selectors who pick the top 20% to 30% or so to be accepted. Entry for BPS members is
free as long as we receive your entry before 21 January, after that you will
have to pay the full fee. This might seem like a long way off, but with Christmas and the New Year coming up you'll soon find that the closing date is upon you, so beat the rush and get your entry in now! To help you with your entry there is a
small tutorial that can be downloaded by following this link. When
entering, be sure to tick the box on the first page of the entry system to say
that you are a BPS member and fill in your BPS membership number which you will
find at the top of this newsletter; when you get to the payment page at the end,
click ALREADY PAID. Here's hoping that we see a rush of entries, but in
the meantime if you have any queries, feel free to email me at chairman@bristolsalon.co.uk Full
details can found on the BPS website http://www.bristolphoto.org.uk/. All
the best Pete Howell & the Salon Team
Club member Sue O’Connell has been awarded a Special Mention in the Travel Photographer of the Year Competition. Congratulations as this was against a huge entry from over 40 countries! Members may remember the awarded image (No Parking) which was included in Sue’s recent presentation to the club.
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers
of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't
include them all. So please only advise of awards or other
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the
details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers
through the Newsletter - send to the usual address. |
Would all members please note: before you plan your shoot and book your model, you should check whether the studio/clubroom will be free. This can be done easily and at any time by viewing the Clubroom Bookings calendar in the Members' Area of the BPS Website. Bookings can (and must) be made by contacting Mike Bigger at bookings@bristolphoto.org.uk.
Log in details to the Members' Area are at the end of this newsletter.
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to download the list. |
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to membership@bristolphoto.org.uk
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, if they are wrong, please let Carol know. |
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 924 1338
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE