Member-Only Monthly Newsletter
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25% Off Leather in January for Inner Circle Rewards Members
We can all admit to a time in our life where we treated ourselves to a little shopping spree, and probably bought ourselves a nice leather pair of boots, a jacket, or even a new purse. As we all know, leather is a very different material than most other fabrics and should always receive extra care and treatment to ensure their lasting quality.
Happy GREEN New Year!
All of us at Tide would like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year. We wanted to take a moment and share with you our own ongoing resolution to provide the best service to our guests while upholding our commitment to the environment.
Tide exclusively uses Green Earth Cleaning solvents, the world’s largest brand of environmentally friendly dry cleaning products. Perfected over the past 20 years, these solutions are not made from the harmful petro chemicals associated with cleaning, but instead are a by-product of sand! They are recognized as being safe for the air, soil and water, not to mention being gentler on your clothes!
We invite our guests to return their wire hangers in as good condition as possible. This allows us to reuse as many as possible and we deliver the remaining all metal hangers straight to a metal scrap yard where they are recycled. While we are unable to process plastic bags for recycling, you can find appropriate receptacles here.
Even through small actions, together we will make a big impact, now more than ever.
Tide Cleaners for Winter Outerwear
Winter is in full swing, and it's likely time to care for your outerwear. How often do you actually clean your outerwear? Outerwear is usually the largest, heaviest, thickest, and most expensive garments in our closets and we Arizonians wear it daily for just a few months of the year. Before you know it, spring will be upon us and we'll habitually toss our outer garments into storage for the next year's winter months, to the detriment of our outerwear.
7 Laundry Room Clutter Hacks
For a space whose sole purpose is meant for cleanliness, the laundry room is quite often the very opposite. Mismatched socks, used dryer sheets, piles of things you wish you had remembered to take out of your pockets before you threw it in the washer… the laundry room can quickly turn into a cluttered and chaotic place if you're not careful.
Tips on Cleaning Your Winter Essentials
Wools, furs, downs and other winter apparel can be a source of frustration due to its unfamiliar fabric types and cleaning restrictions. But don't fret! Your friendly Tide Cleaners AZ is here to help you muddle, waddle and snowshoe through winter weather clothing and accouterment without damaging these pieces you might only bring out one time a year.
Members Exclusive Savings!!!
Watch for next month's Fresh Press for member savings.
Arizona's Largest Dry Cleaner
21 Valley Locations for Your Convenience
Open 7 Days a Week. Same Day Service Available.