Temple Beth Am Library Minyan  
 November 2012
 The Minyan Monthly
Our Website Just Got Better
Thanks to the efforts of Bob Roosth and Carl Sunshine, our Library Minyan website, www.libraryminyan.org has now been upgraded and updated. Among the new, user-friendly features are quick links to a list of upcoming Library Minyan events, the most recent Diaspora Potluck (DPL) event invitation, and the most recent Minyan Monthly. Please check it out.
Our New Simchah Coordinator:
Fran Grossman
It is with great joy and "simchah" that the Library Minyan welcomes our new Simchah Coordinator, Fran Grossman. In this role, Fran will reach out in advance to families or individuals who are planning to celebrate bar and bat mitvahs, aufrufs or other major smachot with the Library Minyan, provide guidance and information regarding Minyan practices and policies, and coordinate with the gabayim and others. We also thank Bill Seligman, our outgoing Simchah Coordinator, for the dedication, knowledge, and hard work he put into this role for several years. 
An Ice Cream Social That Will Be Hard to Top
Our inaugural Library Minyan Ice Cream Social on Saturday night, November 10, was a great success! After a friendly havdalah circle, Francine and Michael Farkas led us in a guitar-strumming sing-along of American folk and pop songs, Allan Kokin got us roaring with his stand-up comedy routine (much of which I dare not repeat here), and Rabbi Ari Lucas and Rabbinic Intern Uri Allen topped off the evening with an Israeli sing-a-long, all served up over heaping helpings of ice cream and toppings. Over the course of a few fun-filled hours, we got to know our fellow Minyan folk (especially Allan Kokin) much, much better! Special thanks to our merry “MC,” Mike Cohn (get it?), as well as Rabbi Lucas, Uri, Francine, Michael, and Allan. Yeshar koach to Rebecca Friedman for arranging the event, putting together song sheets, buying food and table decorations, etc. etc! And todah rabah to all who attended for your singing, laughter, and good conversation! Surely, we must do this again!
Taking a Stand for Our Sifrei Torah
As you may have seen in the minutes of the last Steering Committee meeting, the Minyan soon hopes to acquire two wooden Torah stands to hold our our sifrei Torah during parts of the service when they are outside the aron and not on the shulchan. In the coming weeks you will soon see a prototype in the chapel, created by Bob Roosth, as we test out its functionality.  Keep in mind that the materials and finish used in the prototype will not necessarily be in the "final" product.  While the new Torah stands will make it no longer necessary to find volunteers to sit and hold the Torah each Shabbat, we will not be eliminating that practice. We will still be offering that honor occasionally to our young Library Minyanites.
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
by clicking here.
Remember to check the box for "Temple Beth Am Library Minyan!"
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035  www.libraryminyan.org