HISTORY CORNER with Leicester Warburton
When Captain Cook sailed out of Stingray Bay (later to be renamed Botany
Bay) after his epic arrival in 1770, claiming the Continent for King
George and England, he was already collecting his notes for the story of
his momentous voyage. On his return, he set out the story, in which a
pertinent reference was made to this area. First he reports that "On
Sunday, May 6, 1770, we were abreast of a bay wherein there appeared to
be safe anchorage, which I called Port
Jackson." Further on, he writes "On Monday, May 7, we saw broken land
which appeared to form a bay. This bay I named Broken Bay."
It was nearly 18 years later, when Captain Arthur Phillip decided , six
weeks after he had sailed into Port Jackson for the first time on March
2, 1788, to look for the "broken land" Cook had observed. Phillip took a
long-boat and a cutter with a small party. He reported that he saw no
broken land but sailed on and entered a "great inlet" which he accepted
as Broken Bay. As the historian Maybanke Anderson has pointed out " a
bay in the ordinary acceptance of the term, it certainly was not, but no
inlet in the world can better deserve to be called 'broken'".

After Phillip's party entered the heads of the bay, the explorers turned
to the right and spent the first night in the long-boat anchored in the
shelter of the headland. The next morning, the party in the two boats
crossed the heads and discovered , in Phillip's words, "The finest piece
of water which I ever saw, and which I honoured with the name of Pitt
Water . It would contain the navy of Great Britain." (William Pitt the
Younger was then Prime Minister of England ). It is believed that the
name of Pitt Point was also bestowed on the Northernmost tip of Scotland
Island on the same day.
Pittwater was thus the first place in Australia to be formerly named by
our First Governor. Sydney, indeed, was never formerly named and the
city on Port Jackson had some uncertainty about its name. Even as late
as 1848, in the authoritative Geographical Dictionary it is listed as
Sydey (or Albion ).
Leicester Warburton
Sale By Tender –Dinghies
Pittwater Council have removed dinghies within Pittwater, which are
currently unclaimed and held at Council’s holding yard at Boondah Depot,
1 Boondah Road, Warriewood. Under the provisions of the Impounding Act,
these dinghies will be offered for sale by tender at 8am on Saturday 25
September 2004 at this depot.

All items will be available for viewing between the hours of 8am and
11am on that day (25 September). All items sold as is. Sale will be
sealed tender, to be in even dollar amounts.
Tenders will be opened at 11.15am, and the highest
tender will be accepted. In the event of there being equal highest
tenders, the matter will be settled by a draw out of the hat. Payment is
required on the day by cash, cheque or credit card (Visa, Mastercard or
Bankcard). Enquiries: Ray Bennett on 9970 1358/Tanya Carmont on 9970
Community Services Grants
Pittwater Council invite non-profit community organisations to apply for
funding under Council’s Community Services Grants Program 2004/2005.
Funding is available for projects that
meet the social and/or cultural needs of residents of Pittwater. In
2004/05 funding is available under the Annual Donations Program - One
off grants of up to $1,000 (minimum grant $500) per year.
Applications close 27 September 2004. For a copy of the guidelines and
application form visit
www.pittwaterlga.com.au (your neighbourhood, community services,
grants); phone Jennifer Walker on 9970 1199 or email
Recipe of the month
Spring Flower Cake
1 cup flaked coconut
2 drops food
colouring, any colour
1 pkg. (10 oz.) store-bought prepared round angel food cake
1 cup thawed Whipped Topping
3 cups halved strawberries
TOSS coconut with food colouring until evenly tinted; set aside.
PLACE cake on large serving plate. Frost top and side with whipped
topping; sprinkle with coconut. Cut cake into 8 slices, leaving all
slices in place. Carefully pull out cake slices and separate slightly to
resemble the petals of an open flower.
SPOON 3 cups halved strawberries into centre of "flower." Store leftover
cake in refrigerator.
World Habitat Day Walk
From Careel Bay to Catalpa Reserve
Join in the celebration of World Habitat
Day in a walk through some of Pittwater's successfully restored wildlife
habitat reserves.
Meet along the way or join us for a good walk through the whole route.
Refreshments will be provided at Toongari Reserve. This walk is pram
Date: Sun 3rd October
Time: 9.30 am - 1.30 pm
Cost: No Charge
Book: Phone CEC 9970 6905
Scotland Island
Pre-Schoolers are winners!
The children from our Scotland Island
Pre-school were one of three winners in the recent Pittwater ARTFEST .
The category of 'group entry' had around thirty submissions. The
children's beautiful picture is of Scotland Island and its' water
It is a colourful aerial mapwhich has
many interesting shapes, especially in the water surrounding the island
that the children identify variously,( and depending on whom one asks),
as whales, pirate ships or even rockets. This wonderfulpicture will be
displayed during the '28 days on the Island Festival' art show, and will
thereafter hang in pride of place at the Pre-school.
Scotland Island Players
15, 16, 22 & 23 October at 7:30pm “island time”
Have you got your tickets yet? If not, hurry up as tickets are selling
Tickets can be purchased from:
Rosemary and Colin Haskell at Scotland Island Lodge (opposite the fire
phone: 9979 3301, or
Annette Ritchie at “the Point” in the early evening.
For those of you who haven’t seen any of the earlier publicity,
“Caravan” was written by Donald McDonald, and is an hilarious farce set
in a caravan park “somewhere on the North Coast of NSW”. Five old
friends have gone away on their first holiday together with the very
young girlfriend of the perennial bachelor in their midst. A combination
of extramarital mischief, rain, generation differences, domestic
conflict, confined spaces and more rain makes “Caravan” a great night
“Caravan is directed by “Big” Bob Bolton and stars “Naughty” Nettie
Lodge, “Macho” Mark Morgan, “Termagant” Tracey Smith, “Pompous” Paul
Burchall, “Joy-licious” Jessica Thompson, and “Gentleman” John Travers.
We put this note in the Newsletter a couple of months ago and received a
very positive response from a few people. But not enough to get excited
about, especially bearing in mind that the publishing of the POD is a
big task and needs a small dedicated team to put it together and print
and distribute it to 700 homes
The situation is that there are a lot of the telephone numbers out of
date, and we’ve pretty well run out of copies. Plus there are many
businesses that have expressed a desire to advertise to this unique and
very exclusive market of 700 households.
We are contemplating putting a new POD on
to the SI Website – more convenient for some, and a better advertising
deal for our advertisers
So, here’s a quick SURVEY!!
Click here to complete the survey now!
The local
As our newsletter continues to grow
(nearly 600 readers) we are including some links to other
nearby organisations and events that may be of interest.
If you would like to contribute, please send a message to
the editor by clicking here.
Local Real
Estate Agents: 
Government Organisations:
Local Transport:

Local Accommodation:
Local Pittwater
Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls/index.html
Emergency Contact
- NSW Police:
000, general information 9281 0000
- Broken Bay
Water Police 9979 4944 or 0412 162 093
- NSW Fire
Service: 000, general information 9265
- NSW Ambulance
Service: 000, general information 9320
- Rural Fire
Service: 000, general information 9450
- State
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater
SES: 9486 3399
- National
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000,
general information 9457 9322
- Dept of
Community Services: general information
9977 6011
- Sydney Water:
132 090
- Energy
Australia: 131 388, (ah) 131 909
Emergency Scotland
Island Water Contacts:
click here for information (while online)
Airlines, Buses and
Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland
Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page you see and
return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
Please NO CASH. |
Join WPCA To join the Western
Pittwater Community Association, contact Larry at
larrye@aftrs.edu.au or click here or phone 02-9979-5026 for more
information. |
Archived Newsletters A complete set of past electronic
newsletters since 2000 can be found and read at http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/archive.html or by clicking here or by visiting
the Mona Vale Library.
The future of this newsletter is in
your hands. More than 700 residents and friends read this
electronic newsletter monthly. Please tell your friends
and neighbours to subscribe. If you are particularly
literate in matters computing, you might like to help
them follow the very simple path to subscription. It is
easy to join. Simply click here to
join, leave or change options or go to following address:

If you would like to contribute to
this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the
editor by clicking here.
Type your
short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming
it is of general interest to the community, does not
include matter of a political nature and is not offensive
to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off this newsletter,
or to change your options, - click here or
got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
The views expressed in this newsletter are
not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island
Residents Association, or any of the associated Pittwater
Offshore Resident's Committees