tel:  512-280-1192                                       Friday, Dec 6, 2012
Please join us for our Seasonal Holiday Party this Sunday at
2 p.m. It's an Open House event in the Gift Shop - and everything
in the gift shop will be 20% off! Live Music from Celtic Harp
sensation Doc Grauzer, and enjoy lots of baked goods and mulled
cider. We're really grateful to all of you for helping us have such a
successful year, and we would love to have all of our customer
join us. Thank you! 
Nursery notes:   Living Christmas Trees - 20%  off Bulbs: paper-
white and amaryllis bulb kits $9.99  Paperwhite Bulbs .95/ea.  
Christmas Cactus - 6" round pot - $7.99    Rosemary wreath
topiaries 8" round pot - $ 24.99 Rosemary trees: 2-3 gal. $36.99 -
45.99, 5 gal. $54.99   Ivy wreath topiaries   8" round  pot - $24.99 
We also have onion sets. The Gift Shop is perfect place  for Christ-
mas shopping! Choose from figurines, garden stakes, pondfloats,
wind chimes, pot hangers and wall art. Lots of these gifts under $10.
New Trend from Japan: kokedama (translation “moss ball”) is the
practice of removing a root system from its container, surrounding it
in a mud cake, then wrapping the whole mess in moss before winding
it in string, reports the U.K.'s Daily Telegraph. It has become an
'internet craze... with gardeners transforming houseplants into
dangling sculptural objects.'  kokedama

Growing Olive Trees is Easy
                 by Amanda Moon
Every garden should have an olive tree.  They are so beautiful… the
way their narrow gray foliage dances in the wind – and, they’re
perfectly suited to our hot and dry climate. Olives are hardy, drought-
resistant evergreens, and are as easy to grow as crepe myrtles.
They have been in this country for hundreds of years, from Georgia
to California (and in between in Texas of course).  Originally hailing
from the Mediterranean regions of Europe, they were brought over
to the US by monks stationed at the Spanish missions throughout the
southern part of our country. 
However they fell out of favor for a while due to cheaper crops and
loss of labor from the many battles fought on our soil in the 1700s-
1800s.  But in the early 20th century olives were planted again in
south Texas. 
These are still thriving along with other olive farms that have popped
up all over south and south central Texas.  Many are now selling their
olive oil at local farmers’ markets including the original, Texas Olive 3
Ranch, as well as Central Texas Olive Ranch out of Georgetown. 
Mission is the original olive tree grown in this country and it is thought
of as an American olive.  It is a hardy olive tree for much of Texas with
a relatively quick growth rate.  This variety takes some time to set fruit,
but is considered by most to be self-pollinating.
It is used both as a table olive and pressed for oil.  Other oil varieties
that do well here and produce earlier, if fruit is your objective, are
Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki (which helps pollinate the other
The Missions typically grow to a height of 15’-20’, while the other
varieties tend to stay smaller.  They prefer full sun and excellent
drainage.  It’s best if you can plant the tree in a south facing location
as they can be knocked back in extreme winter temperatures. 
In 2010 the Mission at It’s About Thyme froze back a little with an
extended period of below freezing temps, but popped right back out
when the weather warmed up.  The low teens the year before that
did not faze it at all. Aside from the occasional die-back they’re ever-
green most years. 
If you like the look of an olive but don’t have much room or desire
for fruit you have to do something with, then an option is a dwarf
variety called Little Ollie. It is grown as a 3’ shrub instead of a tree
so would be a great addition to a smaller bed.  
Olives are great xeric specimen trees that require little follow up care
once established and do not suffer from many pests.  The biggest
problem I have had on mine (and they are still low to the ground in
pots) has been from leaf-chewing insects. 
Because they are usually evergreen and grow relatively fast they’re
very effective as a quick growing screen along fence lines or to block
your neighbors’ second story windows. 
Just driving around I am now seeing olive trees in so many landscapes,
parks and backyards – and it is so good to see that olives have earned
their place (once again) in Texas landscapes.  
                                      Happy Gardening Everyone!
  Visit the website: 
  Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748 