BPS Newsletter                                                                                                   22 August 2012
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 22 August
Next Wednesday is the one evening in the year when we get the chance to see images from members who have been hiding their proverbial light under a bushel for too long. Mike Bews has managed to bribe, cajole or otherwise persuade half a dozen club members to each give us a short presentation of their work. Ron Harrison and Mike Bews will be showing some of their prints and David Southwell will be showing a selection of prints from the Summer Print Competition. After the break Anthea Golding, Mary Pears and Bob Micklethwaite will be showing projected images. We are promised a varied and interesting evening from members who may not have stood in front of an audience before, so come along and show your support for your fellow members.
Programme - Advanced Warning
Wednesday 29 August - This is shown in the programme with the highly descriptive title of "An Outing". There is no need to panic, no member is being forced out of the closet to make an announcement; it is instead a rare BPS occurrence - there will be no meeting at the clubrooms, instead we will be meeting at the car park close to the SS Great Britain for an amble around the dock area in the hopes that we can enjoy a bit of photography in the great outdoors. We will be meeting earlier than usual, 7pm so that we can make the most of the available light before we all disappear into the nearest watering hole!
Val Duncan Strikes Gold!
BPS member, Val Duncan, has struck gold with this image aptly titled "At the Ballet". Val was awarded a Gold Medal at the recent inaugural South Devon International Salon.
The first international where Val entered it was at Bristol this year in our own Salon when it was accepted. She hasn't looked back since, not only did it get the Gold at South Devon, it has also had 26 acceptances in national and international exhibitions which have included 3 Honourable Mentions and 2 other medals, one of those being a Silver Medal at Glasgow.
Incidentally, and I know it's difficult to believe, but I am assured by Val that the guy on the left is not Greg!
Newsletter Title
My request in a previous issue of this Newsletter for suggestions for a title for this august publication met with an underwhelming response (the suggestion from John Chamberlin was anatomically incorrect, so I couldn't use that one). I felt that it needed some sort of title and that perhaps it should reflect photography, so I chose "BPS in Focus": I appreciate that the words photography, BPS and in Focus don't normally appear in the same sentence, but I thought in this instance I would make an exception! However, if you have a better idea, please feel free to let me know.
If you have any comments about the new format of the Newsletter, perhaps you could let me know.
2012-2013 Programme
The 2012-2013 BPS Programme is now on our website and can be viewed by following this link.
Projected Image Competitions
Its worth mentioning that the first week of the new programme is also the handing in (or should that now be the "sending in"?) date for Round 1 of the Projected Image Competition. This year the entry rules are slightly different in that all entries will have to be made via email as Jeff will be using some new software to help him run the competition. One of the functions of the software is to weed out images that don't comply with the sizing and file naming rules. So be warned, it might not be quite Big Brother watching, but its pretty close! As well as having to stick to the rules, you will also need to use your BPS Membership Number which the more observant of you will have noticed is now appearing at the top of your weekly Newsletter. To see the new Projected Image Competition Rules, please follow this link.
Things to Photograph
25 August - The Cotswolds Vintage Fair at Toddington Village Hall, Stow Road, Toddington, Gloucestershire, GL54 5DU. This delightful event celebrates all that is vintage in a perfect English setting in the heart of the Cotswolds.  A unique gathering of like-minded souls comes together offering a visual treat of genuine vintage and antique goods alongside handmade designs that feature elements of vintage or are inspired by retro style. 10.00am ~ 4.00pm. Admission £1.00; Under 16's & OAP's Free. For further information, click here.

25-27 August - Westonbirt Treefest. What used to be Westonbirt's Festival of the Tree has now developed into Treefest and includes carving, family activities, woodcraft and exhibitors all included in the one event. Full details at the Treefest web page.

26-27 August - The Best of British Show at Cotswold Airport at Kemble. This is a brand new event combining the Best of British aviation, automotive, agriculture and music. Cotswold Airport is famous for its annual air show and aviation fans need not be disappointed, with a three-hour air show for all to enjoy.  British military favourites the RAF Red Arrows will be displaying on the Saturday. Other highlights include the Breitling Wing Walkers, Stay Gold Jet Dragster and many more too numerous to mention here. Tickets are £15 in advance and can be purchased online at www.bestofbritishshow.co.uk and from tourist information centres around the region. You can get more information on the weekend from the same website address.

27 August - Berkeley Show. The 111th Annual Berkeley Show is being held on Bank Holiday Monday and is complete with trade stands, scurry racing, vintage machinery, Heavy Horses, parades of Berkeley Hounds & Wick & District Beagles, funfair and bouncy castle, archery and much more. Full details on the show website.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk