Nightclub & Bar Convention Products to Assist MME Business & Nightclub Security Training Notes
***Cannabis Menus / Waiting Room Tvs
SiRV Interactive
After seeing the features to this system I cannot praise it enough for a great looking menu in your waiting room with rotating products that can be displayed and it can be controlled via ipad / Iphone.  They have already rolled this product out in dispensaries and showed me the demo on this.  I have video / pictures of it if you run into me.    
Contact Bonnie Tennant
$3,500 and $50 a month
Waiting Room Tvs
Customize the screen in your waiting room with various marketing.
Bare bones system you can run off a computer or IPAD for displays and is only $400 and displays on 4 TVS.
Expensive and lots of features system to display in waiting room.
Social Media marketing at dispensaries could include a photo booth to assist with getting the word out via facebook or give someone something to take home.  You can also create your own using a IPAD, Photo Booth App and stand in the $250-350 range
***General Products
Cell Phone charging stations for waiting room.
$199.00 Charges 5 at a time.
Already producing flavors for MJ edibles companies and smoking e-juice.
A portable bar that is good for setting up as branded DAB Station at events.
Great looking foldable displays.
***Two Way Radios with Ear Pieces
888.742.5893 Ext 202
$159 a radio
$1,617 6 Motorola Radios with Ear Pieces / Chargers
6 Radios for $1,000
$99 a radio
Garrett Metal Detectors
Wands to full walk through detection systems
Handheld ID detector for $595-1,195 to take error from security checking IDS and screening for fakes. 
***Nightclub and Bar Security Training Bar and Nightclub Convention March 30th 2015
National Host and PSO Licensing Training
Twitter: @bouncecoach
Podcast: Search Nightclub Security
Robert Smith CEO Nightclub Security
Responds better via Text / Email
Lawsuits: You need to show that your staff is trained to reduce liability.
The typical security guard will "observe and report" - nightclub security needs to be different and engage with customers and go beyond this.
You may be able to get discounts on insurance if your employees have this training.  You will have to ask insurance company for this discount.
TIPS Training - Server Training
ServeSafe - Server Training
In August offering training again at Gentleman's Expo in New Orleans.
Richard Bristline - Fellow Instructor - Previous Police Officer
They will come to your location and provide training to your staff and review your current security procedures. 
You will increase the amount of money in your operation by reduced guest complaints, reduced liability, reduced lawsuits, and reduced insurance premiums. 
You are not a police officer and must learn to be proactive instead of reactive to situations.  Security must be engaged with customers instead of waiting for situations to occur. 
You are the true first responder till the medic or police arrive. 
When engaging with customers you are providing customer service proactively.
Understand who your guests are and what experience they want.
The most aggressive / violent incidents are male, 21-28, after midnight, and intoxicated.
Profiling is not illegal, just what you do with this information that can be wrong.
Powers to Arrest / Private Person Detention
Infractions - traffic offenses
Misdemeanors - drunk, minor assault and battery, using wrong ids, disorderly conduct, vandalism
Felonies - narcotics, assault with deadly weapon, high dollar vandalism, high dollar theft - You need police response to protect you from the liability that may be coming from the victim.
CAD-computer automated dispatch - when staff calls for support, there is a record of this and this may jeopardize your license, police may be more likely to provide more over site to your facility.
Breach of Peace - officer jargon - call from bar / nightclub for situation at location   
Security knowing the difference between these allows you to profile the situation / understand the response to the situation. 
Private Person's Detention / Citizen's Arrest
No difference between the two.
Just by stopping two people fighting you are making a citizens arrest / detention.
However, you need to document the situation.  Just by breaking up a fight and removing them from a nightclub, you are making a private person detention.
Nevada - NRS 171.126
A private person may arrest another for a public offense committed in their presence.
When a person has committed a felony not in their presence as well.
When a felony has been committed and you have reasonable cause for believing that the person arrested committed it. 
Door / Exit Entry - this has a high degree of a aggressive situation arising, If person stops and turns while exiting, there is a higher likely hood of violence, while being engaged by security. 
Police will only arrest the security guard / bouncer when unreasonable / excessive amounts of force is used. 
If using handcuffs, must have training to prevent liability and injury. 
You can pat down and search everyone prior to entering nightclub.
4th amendment applies to the police but not private citizen / security if I need to go into your pockets for contraband.  I can reach into your pockets during detention.
Recommended Searches - contraband, felony assault suspects, ID and weapons
Always search detained suspects once for weapons and ID.
StealthVid- apple app that allows you to secretly film (screen is black while filming) for use during incidents, this can help you with reports / liability / to give to officer. 
Only the force necessary to stop the threat is "Allowable Force"
Force of Continuum to stop situation of increased severity.
Uniformed Presence
Voice Requests
Commanding Voice Requests
Body Placement to Separate
Light Hand Placement
Holds, Hugs, or Grabs
Push, Strikes, or Kicks
Avoid restrain / or moving aggressive customer via neck / head.  (half nelson, neck lock) unless severe threat - high liability.
Grab / pinch the inside of the biceps arm on two individuals or one individual to get them to stop or help get them under control.  
Daltons Rules
Never underestimate opponent, expect the unexpected.
Take it outside- never start anything in the location, unless its absolutely necessary
Be nice - treat others with respect.
To get someone outside bar: ask for their id and walk outside with their ID, ask to speak to them outside where you can hear them
Do not use unreasonable force for the purpose of criminal liability, civil liability, perceptions, injuries, costs.
When Incidents occur -
Never engage anyone alone
Try to have management present,
Use police as a resource,
Document event, witness, subjects
Remain calm
Suggests pepper spray is not a good nonlethal way to deal with individuals in nightclubs. -can affect other patrons in club.
Is it legal to confiscate a bad or borrowed identification?
-depends on the state, you can hold the ID and tell person you are going to contact authorities, but give them a receipt, it could be card with info written on back
Can you accept a license from Mexico?
You can choose not to or honor it.
A ABC violation defense
-you can take the following forms of identification, a driver’s license, state identification card, military id, us passport, alcohol purchase card, federal id card. 
You can have a policy that says that you check all IDs of people who appear to look under 30. 
You don't have to legally check every person's ID.
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If I can be of help in some capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me and always let it ride on green.
Jason Sturtsman, B.A.E., Ed.S.
Nevada Independent Cannabis Laboratory Advisory Committee Member (ILAC)
Wellness Education Cannabis Advocates of Nevada (WECAN) Board of Directors
Healthcare Options For Patients Enterprises (HOPE) Cultivation / Production