I dedicate this Christmas message to you for a special reason ... I want to express from my heart that without you I could not do anything. I enter into action or in my role when you give me the permission to offer a service of healing, laughter or sustainable leadership.
For this you, your confidence and your willingness to change are the greatest gift for Christmas, not just for me but for all humanity.
We are one indeed, much more interdependent than we thought previously. When a person changes, a child laughs, a group creates a new product that really adds surplus value of heart and love – then the entire planet has already noticed the change.
This is 2012, from within and from our families we all contribute to truly be that global family. More than ever these days, when many people are falling into depression, loneliness and consumerism, open your heart beyond your own needs.
These are days when the light, you as "frozen light" (as physicists say) and Master Jesus are calling to the annual Re-Birth, a collective Christification.
In this sense, I send you the best for you and your loved ones, fulfillment and abundance in 2012! - Pascal K'in
Check this video. Lilou with her Juicy Living Tour has made this interview with me on 11.11.11 en Valle de Bravo, Mexico, after I gave healings and a seminar at this magic spot called El Santuario. Feel it!
around Valentins Day in Malinalco Mexico February 17-19
Text about the Retreat at present is only available in Spanish. The Workshop wil be hold in Spanish and English. Please drop me an Email.
Please don't miss this Retreat! Did you know, that Mexico represents one of the present "Temple-Pilars", to whose vibrations we should expose our bodies in this life? (besides of Egypt, Tibet and Peru). Malinalco is not so well known and small,
but one of the most important power places of whole Mexico. We would be thrilled to help you with the planing of your journey, no problem!
The next retreat in Malinalco would be from 27-29 April 2012.
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For our Czech and Slovak friends:
Vážení čeští a slovenští přátelé, konečně Vás můžeme pozvat na naše české internetové stránky: www.tiempodel corazon.com/cesky. Doufám, že budete moci cítit naši komunikaci na úrovni srdce v celém roce 2012 a že se brzy setkáme v Praze anebo v Babčicích o velikonočním víkendu příštího roku. Přeji Vám hodně požehnání a světla do roku 2012! - Pascal
We are so happy to anounce the 2012- Frecuency Tour
in March/April, the only journey this year to Europe!
The work have changed a lot! They seem to be smooth, but ask all from you. Because of the very high energies, old masks and ties just "fall apart", they cannot hold anymore anywhere. The Mayan Masters say clearly: "There is no time to lose." Yes, It is Heart-Time!
It is an honour to offer the following works and ceremonies (or "cosmic gassstations" as we say, because the time of workshops and seminars is over):
The Shamanic Heartbeat
14 March, Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland
(1 day)
7-9 April, South of Bohemia (3 days)
Mayan Wisdom to Raise Frecuencies
17-19 March, St. Gallen, Switzerland (Workshop)
22 March, Bern, Switzerland (interactive Lecture, at Quelle)
The Invisible Healer (Formation and Initiation)
24-25 March, Bern
there also will be Group-Healings, Individual Sessions (Regressions, Mastercontacts...)
Book already now the ultimate Mayatrip with Shamans, Ceremonies, Ritual Bathes in Cenotes, Pyramid-Meditations
Frequency 2013-Trip
"Start from the Scratch the next 5000 years, beginning during this adventure!"
Tour A:
30.12.2012 -5.1.2013
Tour B: 5.1.2013-13.1.2013
10% until 15 February 2012!!!!!!!!
The unique happening on Tour A are the 3 days of Ceremonies with Mayan Priest Don Lauro, one of the guiding shamans of the planet, and my teacher since 13 years.
Tour B goes on from Palenque through the magic world of the Peninsula of Yucatán.
I will guide the group spiritually on their inner journey. I will explain and guide in Spanish and English.
(We love to help you with the information.)