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Scotland Island - Western Shores - Mackeral Beach
September 1, 2011
Newsletter for Offshore Residents of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 12, Issue 608


Well we have one hectic month coming up - with the Manly Arts Festival 2011 from 2 Sept to 18 Sept, a book launch at Gone Fishing Gallery, music at Pittwater High, Gasland film at the Island hall and much much more. The Arts festival, which is huge, includes Visual Arts events, Exhibitions, Open Studios, Music & Dance, Literary events, Workshops and Youth events, all being held around the northern beaches area.

There are far too many events to list here, so the best place to find out what's going on is to visit the web site at this address - http://manlyartsfestival.com/index.htm.  Events with a local flavour such as the Offshore: Artists of Scotland Island & Pittwater’s Western Foreshore exhibition at Manly Art Gallery Sept 2-6; Watermarks Open Studio weekend Sat & Sun 24, 25 Sept., and the continuing of the Pittwater Artists Trail Winter Home Studios (by appointment) are all listed on the site with details of where and when events are happening. Do visit the site as you will be amazed at the huge range of events this festival is putting on for us.

Much closer to home, well know islander Nathalie Muir and former islander Michele Blundstone will be launching their much awaited recipe book "A journey into the world of Couscous, Quiches and Paella" at the Gone Fishing Gallery on Saturday17 September.  The launch, from 2pm to 5pm, will be introduced by Paul Smith and Susan Duncan, followed by book signing by both Nathalie and Michele then light refreshments, music and a Q&A with the authors. Everyone is most welcome.


  • Gwyn's Calendar
  • Island Photographer recognised by International Award
  • Ode to an Octopus
  • Book Launch Invitation
  •  25 Years Get Together
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Northern Beaches Wind Ensemble
  • Local Council Notices
  • Fireshed Dinner on again this weekend!
  • Gasland Film at the Community Hall
  • Tick Season is upon us...
  • Author Talks
  • Septic Pump Out
  • The Local Contact Guide
  • Join SIRA
  • Archived Newsletters
  • Your subscription Information

  • Gwyn's September 2011 Calendar 

    To download a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for printing,  just click on the calendar image.

    You can contact Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au

    The file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF documents you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
    To download Acrobat Reader please click here


    2011 International Photography Awards Announces Winners of the Competition

    Chuck Bradley was Awarded: 2nd place in Nature - Underwater category for the winning entry "Life Aquatic"

    8-34254-11_thumb_Life_Aquatic_1.jpg 8-34254-11_thumb_Life_Aquatic_2.jpg 8-34254-11_thumb_Life_Aquatic_3.jpg 8-34254-11_thumb_Life_Aquatic_4.jpg 8-34254-11_thumb_Life_Aquatic_5.jpg
     click an image to go to the website
    About Winner:
    Chuck Bradley is a commercial still life photographer from Sydney Australia. Chuck's recent projects include his series "Life Aquatic" inspired by his daily commute by boat from his home on an island north of Sydney to the mainland.

    About IPA:
    The International Photography Awards is a sister-effort of the Lucie Foundation, where the top three winners are announced at the annual Lucie Awards ceremony. The awards event will be held at the Lincoln Center in New York on October 24, 2011, before returning to Los Angeles in 2012 in celebration of the 10-year anniversary. Over 8,000 submissions from 90 countries were received for the 2011 International Photography Awards with over 70 jurors, the largest to date.

    The Foundation's mission is to honor master photographers, discover new and emerging talent, and promote the appreciation of photography. IPA is dedicated to recognizing contemporary photographers' accomplishments in this specialized and highly visible competition.

    Some of Chuck's aquatic series can be viewed at the Gone Fishing Gallery, Pasedena, Church Point.

    Visit www.photoawards.com for more details.
    images courtesy of IPA & photoawards.com


    Ode to an Octopus

    Once upon a time a group of apes came down from the trees and began to walk upon the ground on two legs.  We named them homo erectus  - the upright ape (erectus: upright).  In the spans of evolution, homo erectus became extinct.  We named ourselves homo sapiens  –  the wise ape (sapiens, sapientis: wise, discerning).

    The octopus would come into the shallows, gracefully gliding beneath silent reflections.  It would shelter under the pontoon in cool dark shadows.  One day it was wounded by a spear gun and brought up out of the water to be proudly displayed to a group of adults.  It was placed in a shallow bucket of water and left out on a jetty, beneath a clear blue sky and golden summer sun.  A small white cloud drifted by, puffed by a gentle breeze.

    Throughout the afternoon the adults continued to party.  To the sounds of laughter, shouting, shrieking, sneering and cackling, afternoon turned into evening with a glowing sunset.

    In the cool dark of the night, moonlight and clear bright stars, the octopus was thrown back into the water, near the pontoon.  Dead.

    Not bad for homo sapiens, not bad at all.

    Once upon a time …


    Book Launch Invitation - All Welcome
    Michel and Nathalie's Kitchen
    "A journey into the world of Couscous, Quiches and Paella"

    Saturday 17 September from 2pm- 5pm

    Gone Fishing Gallery , Pasedena, Church Point 

    Book launch


    25 years or more on Scotland Island, Get Together

    Hi everyone,   my name is Annette Freeland and I have lived on Scotland Island for the past 35 years, I am very keen to set up a get together of people who have lived on the Island and still live here for 25 years or more,  the venue could be held at my house.

    I would like to hear from all you guys who fit this criteria, my email address is annettefreeland@ozemail.com.au.

    I know who a lot of you are but don’t know all your email addresses, I would really love to organize this reunion for summer when we have wonderful daylight saving, please email me with your details.

    I have discussed this idea over the past few years with people like Bob and Beryl Blackwood, Sandy Walker, Jackie and Dave Simmons, Greg and Gwen Taylor, Bob Tippin  and very recently Col Batt.

    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Cheers Annette and Tony Freeland


    Letters to the Editor
    Can't See the Trees for the Wood

    Ray the Vet's extended response to my note asking people not to remove firewood from Elizabeth Pk. addressed numerous issues, only some of which related to the question at hand.
    I have no intention of addressing all his points for fear of burying casual readers in detail & scientific references, but just a couple...

    Re Hazard Reduction Burning: (Ray, a backburn is a last minute emergency procedure used when a wildfire is thundering down the hill towards your house in an attempt to burn the fuel between you and the fire, an H.R. Burn is different.) The Rural Fire Service is given the power & responsibility to limit the fire danger on S.I. With regard to bushland reserves, in consultation with ecologists, (another of their responsibilities), they consider it is desirable to conduct burns, wherever possible, to reduce fuel, as this gives a long-term sustainable result for, in this case, Spotted Gum Forest.

    If fire was precluded from E.P., it would end up as a rainforest in a couple of hundred years. I don't dislike rainforests, but S.I. evolved as a Schlerophyll Forest and it seems appropriate to retain that 'natural heritage'.

    The assertion that "very few native plants are tolerant of fire" is frankly wrong. Many species such as Banksia, Hakea, Acacia and various native peas require it, and struggle to regenerate without it. Many Eucs. also need a bare ash bed to be able to compete with groundcovers and get a flush of seedlings germinated intermittently.

    My basic appeal in writing initially was to implore all residents who value having a bushland reserve such as Elizabeth Park close to them, to look after it. No, it's not as pristine as Kuringgai Chase N.P. We damage it by dumping our rubbish and weeds around it's edges, allowing our dogs and cats to prowl through it, but it is still a valuable asset for numerous reasons.

    People using it as a free source of firewood is just too rude a way for us to ensure it's destruction.

    Brad Jones
    (Anyone sighting firewood thieves can feel free to contact me by phone in complete confidence.)

    Re: Removal of timber from bushland reserves

    Sorry to see the discussion get so personal, but like it or not removal of timber is illegal. Such rules or not confined to Scotland Island. These sorts of restrictions are common worldwide in national parks and reserves and they are not put in place without the benefit of scientific research and concern for the long term viability of our natural ecosystems.

    To reduce fire risk to our homes bushfire brigades plan for and undertake control burning. This activity is supported by research with consideration given to such things as frequency, pattern and intensity in order to safeguard not only our property, but also our plant and animal communities.

    On these matters our education is on going and we continue to benefit from the learning of all people including the scientist as well as the indigenous and other persons living and working in natural areas. 

    Kind regards, Sharon and Paul Kinnison

    The Car Park
    We are going to be asked by Council what our opinions are regarding the construction of the 2 level decked car park along McCarrs Creek Road.

    I am strongly opposed to this additional construction along the waterfront.

    I don’t think we have a right to impose this onto Church Point, (neither the residents or the local  environment). It effectively changes the whole of Church Point into a car park.

    Church Point sits at the end of one of the loveliest walks along the waters edge in NSW and we are proposing to build a 2 level concrete carpark.

    In regard to a doubling of the parking levy if this 2 level carpark construction doesn't go ahead, I would ask Council to consider that if there is no further work at all to extend the car park or to enhance Church Point then can the present levy remain around $280.00. Not ideal, but extending the car park does not solve the problem of accommodating all our cars anyway.

    The present car park layout could be re-planned to allow end to end double parking for 2 car families, and narrow bays for small cars, A radical plan along these lines does exist.

    We could also look at  our own habits concerning car ownership. The car park is full because we have become 2 and 3 car families within the last 15 years. (the population hasn' t increased).

    I am troubled as to how we have allowed ourselves to be involved in an agreement with Council , a partnership if you like, for the works at Church Point, with such open endness in regards to our level of payment of a parking levy, when no true cost for the work has been established.

    I will end by suggesting that gaining permission from the Authorities to build a 2 level car park at Church Point is not certain and doubtful even, and therefore it is possible that we will be looking at a parking levy of $580.00 plus per car under the present agreement.

    David Wardman


    Sydney Northern Beaches Symphonic Wind Ensemble

    Sunday 18, September
    Pittwater High School Auditorium, Mona Vale



    Local Council Notices
    Temporary Closure of Playground

    On the advice of the Northern Sydney Public Health Unit, Pittwater Council has decided to temporarily close part of the children’s playground at Winnererremy Bay’s Flying Fox Park at Mona Vale.

    The closure comes after salmonella bacteria were discovered in surface bark in one part of the playground.

    Salmonella is a bacterium that can cause gastroenteritis. Symptoms include fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. This bacterium has previously been identified in playground sand but this is the first time it has been identified in playground bark.

    The Flying Fox Park remains open and the Public Health Unit has advised it is safe to play in the park. However, children must not ingest the bark and should wash their hands after playing.

    Barriers have been put in place by the Council to restrict access to affected areas whilst the bark is replaced.

    Pittwater Council, General Manager, Mark Ferguson said “our duty of care is to the public and we believe the correct course of action is to close the affected parts of the playground until the surface bark can be removed and replaced.”

    “We expect to fully reopen the playground in about two weeks,” he said.

    Northern Sydney Public Health Unit received four notifications of ‘Salmonella Java’ in children who visited the park over the last two months. Dr Michael Staff from the Northern Sydney Public Health Unit said “this kind of salmonella bacteria does not commonly cause illness in NSW. It has been linked previously to contaminated playground sand in the Pittwater area. “

     “Although this form of gastro-enteritis does not appear to be particularly contagious, it is important for parents and carers to follow good hygiene principles when children are playing outdoors,” he said.

    Media contact: Northern Sydney Local Health District: Pat Mc Dermott 9926 6733    
                Pittwater Council: General Manager: Mark Ferguson 9970 1105

    Pittwater Supports Cerebral Palsy Challenge

    In a quest to conquer ‘virtual mountains’ staff from Pittwater Council’s Community Services team have signed up for the eight-week Cerebral Palsy Challenge from 6 September to 31 October.

    Four teams will participate in the challenge and hope to raise $2000 for Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

    Each team will track their daily step count using a pedometer and then record their progress on the Cerebral Palsy Challenge website.

    Pittwater Council’s Challenge Coordinator and participant Daniel Everett said teams will participate by walking, running, cycling or other activities to notch up their daily steps.

    “Each team has a ‘virtual mountain’ that needs to be climbed by the end of the eight-week challenge,” said Mr Everett.

    The teams will also hold a number of fundraising events such as BBQs and a lolly-jar guessing competition during the next school holiday vacation care program.

    “We urge our supporters to get behind us and either donate via www.cpchallenge.org.au or at one of our fundraising events,” added Mr Everett.

    Cerebral Palsy Alliance CEO Rob White said an Australian child is born with cerebral palsy every 15 hours, making it the most common physical disability affecting children.

    “Funds raised through the Cerebral Palsy Challenge will contribute to vital services and research needed to enhance the lives of those living with cerebral palsy,” he said.

    “We really appreciate Pittwater Council’s participation in the Challenge, which will help children and adults with cerebral palsy and their families,’ added Mr White.

    To donate or find out more about the Cerebral Palsy Challenge visit www.cpchallenge.org.au

    Daniel Everett Pittwater Council 9970 1118
    Jennifer Durante Cerebral Palsy Alliance 9479 7257 / 0419 802 602


    New Local Planning Strategy for Pittwater
    A new planning strategy for Pittwater was adopted by the Council at its meeting this week.

    Nine months in the making, the planning strategy will lay the foundation for all future development
    in Pittwater, according to Mayor Harvey Rose.

    “The strategy has been developed to ensure land use in Pittwater is sustainable well into the future”.

    In brief, the planning strategy translates the aims and objectives of the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Plan into a range of local actions and targets, including those for housing and employment.

    The strategy reveals that Pittwater needs to identify potential locations for employment growth, to comply with the job targets set by the state government for 2031.

    The strategy was on exhibition for public comment between March and May and attracted 21 submissions and 79 responses to a survey.

    Over 30 residents attended a public meeting hosted by the Council to explain the strategy.

    Mayor Rose said following the public exhibition, the strategy was amended in response to issues raised by residents.

    “The main changes have included an amended recommendation for the southern buffer area of Warriewood to ensure planning is consistent with the separate review of the Warriewood Valley taking place now,” he said.

    The NSW Department of Planning & Infrastructure and the Council are currently conducting a review of undeveloped land remaining in Warriewood Valley.

    Mayor Rose said that discussion regarding future land release areas, recommendations for achieving sustainable residential buildings and action to support diversity in housing were also included in the planning strategy, after comments received from the public.

    “The strategy indicates that the 2031 housing target can be met under existing planning and there is no short to medium term need for planning initiatives to increase the supply of housing.”

    Cr Rose added that Council staff would meet with the Department of Planning & Infrastructure to adopt a ‘whole of government approach’ for planning in Ingleside.

    For more information on the strategy please call Andrew Pigott on 9970 1163.

    Steve Evans, Pittwater Council
    Ph: 9970 1135


    Fireshed Winter Dinner - Taste of Vietnam
    Saturday 3, September from 7pm

    SeptFireshed dinner

    Dinner, Dessert and Music by Joe's Garage

    Adults $20

    Children $5


    GASLAND film Screening at Scotland Island Community Hall
    Friday,  September 2 at 7:30pm

    Friday the 2nd of September will see the film GASLANDS  showing at 7:30 in the Community hall at Tennis.  This is the film that woke Australians to the danger of coal seam gas exploration.  Farmers, caretakers of the land and folk, like offshore dwellers, who love the bush and countryside are uniting behind organizations like 'Lock the Gate'  to protect land and waters.  Come and see  this remarkable film and share in the discussion and have your questions answered by Jacienda Green, a very informed member of the Sydney action group.

    Sorry for the date clash.
    Dorothy Pollard


    Tick Season is upon us...

    The female paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, is found along the eastern coast of Australia and causes
    tick poisoning. It is more prevalent in the bushy, seaside areas where there is an abundance of its natural hosts, the bandicoot and possum. The paralysis tick is very sen­sitive to climatic changes and so the life cycle slows down in cold and dry weather, and accelerates very rapidly in warm, humid weather. Thus, in Sydney the worst time for ticks is between September and February, but it is important to remember that they are present all through the year and their incidence is climatically con­trolled.

    The life cycle of the tick consists of the adult laying eggs that hatch into tiny pinhead size larvae. These
    larvae attach themselves to a suitable animal (the host), suck blood, fall off when full, moult and develop into a nymph. The nymph, like the larvae then repeats the pro­cess and finally develops into the adult tick. The adult then attaches itself to a host, feeds until engorged, falls off and lays 2000 to 3000 eggs, which hatch into larvae and so complete the life cycle.

    The paralysis toxin which the tick produces comes from the salivary glands of the adult female tick and
    paraly­sis occurs progressively, that is, the more engorged the tick, the more toxin it produces which in turn
    produces more paralysis.

    To our dogs and cats, the all too often result of tick paralysis is an untimely and uncomfortable death.
    So let us speak firstly of prevention. By far the best, if not the only means of prevention is to search your pet daily; that is running your fingers over every square inch of its body. Pay particular attention to the head, neck, shoulders and forelimbs but not forgetting between the toes, in the ears and even inside the mouth. Ticks can be found anywhere on your pet ­ SO BE VIGILANT! Ticks, even large ones are easily missed so the more members of your family that can spare the time to go over your pet the better. Products such as Frontline (cats and dogs) or Advantix (only to be used in dogs as very toxic to cats) do help if used every 2 weeks. Permoxin rinse, which is used weekly can also repel ticks but again is only to be used on dogs as is toxic to cats. While use of these products does help there is unfortunately no guarantee. For this reason we highly recommend daily searching of your pet. Also, if your pet has a long or thick coat, having them clipped short for the summer months makes searching for ticks that much easier.

    Let us suppose you have found a tick on your pet (remember if one is found always look for more). Do
    not start dabbing at it with methylated spirits, kerosene etc.­ all that is going to do is further irritate the tick
    and burn the animal's skin as well. Grab the tick firmly at the point of attachment next to the skin with your
    fingers or a pair of tweezers and pull the tick out. If the body of the tick breaks off leaving the head be­hind embedded in the skin, don't worry, the tick has been killed and there will only be a slightly prolonged irri­tation at the site of attachment.

    This is another time for close observation. If your pet is not showing any symptoms (remember
    symptoms can occur for up to four days after you have removed the tick), keep him cool, quiet and for the first eight hours with­hold food, water and any medication.

    If your pet develops any of the following symptoms:
    • Wobbly or weak hind legs
    • Lethargy;
    • Vomiting or retching
    • Change in the sound of the voice;
    • Coughing or distressed breathing ­
    No vet will mind a phone call. Let them ascertain the extent of the poisoning and whether you should
    bring your pet in for treatment. It is far better to err on the early side, apart from the fact that your pet stands a much better chance of survival. The cost of tick serum is expensive and advanced cases need a lot of other supportive therapy as well.

    At this point it may be as well to explain why there is emphasis on keeping your pet cool and quiet.
    As the tick poison circulates through the body, there is a gradual paralysis, starting with the rear legs and
    moving for­ward. If your pet becomes upset, too hot or you take him for a walk just to see if he becomes
    wobbly, you will aggravate his condition. This causes more distress and exhaustion, which in turn further
    aggravates his problems. If you have to transport him to the vet, be calm, re­assure your pet, keep him cool,
    restrain him gently and generally keep him as quiet as possible.

    Most animals die of paralysis of the respiratory muscles, hence the emphasis on helping the
    breathing. However some animals die from a tick toxin induced pneumonia, which can be caused by two
    things. One is exposure. Cats have a nasty habit of crawling off somewhere when they are ill. It rains during the night, the paralysis worsens and without shelter your pet is severely stressed by chilling, leading to pneumonia. The second cause is the reason why food and water must be withheld if you suspect tick poisoning: as the larynx is not operating as it should be due to the tick poisoning, the chances of stomach contents being vomited up and inhaled into the lungs by accident is a very real risk. When this happens a bacterial infection usually occurs and ­ pneumonia again.

    To finish up, here are a few answers to some commonly asked questions:
    • No breed or crossbreed of dog or cat is more immune than any other is. All are equally susceptible
    • The age of the animal does not make any difference; all are equally vulnerable. However,  the young and the elderly do have a higher mortality rate
    • At the beginning of the season, ticks do appear to have greater toxicity; therefore the death rate is higher.
    Toward the end of the summer months as you continue to remove ticks from your pets, it is possible that
    they may have built up some immunity­ but don't rely on it! Immu­nity will lapse during the winter months
    when there are few ticks about, leaving your pet just as vulnerable when the new tick season starts.

    The tick season is from September to April

     22 Park Street, Mona Vale 2103; Ph 9999 2269



    In celebration of History Week the next author talk at Mona Vale Library will be free and will feature the memoir Remembering Avalon on Saturday 17 September at 3.30pm.

    Long time Avalon resident Jan Roberts, editor and contributor, will share details of the book which captures memories of 15 people who grew up in Avalon in the 1940s and 1950s.

    Ms Roberts said the book originated from a conversation with two other women who had grown up in Avalon after the war.

    “We were drawn by a blend of nostalgia, family connections and the desire to return to the lost world of our youth,” writes Ms Roberts.

    The book recalls when koalas were a common sight around Avalon, keeping residents awake at night with their grunting, and childhood friends roamed free exploring the surrounding bush and sand dunes.

    Along with nostalgic accounts of Avalon, the book contains wonderful old photographs contributed by local historian Geoff Searl and other precious family collections.

    Jan Roberts is a historian, author and small publisher. In 1996 she set up Ruskin Rowe Press to publish limited edition, high quality books on art, history and architecture, mostly with a Pittwater focus.

    As part of this year’s History Week, which celebrates the theme EAT History, the library will also feature photographs and oral history excerpts about food on the northern beaches.

    The winner of the Eat writing competition will also be announced at 5pm on the day with great prizes on offer.

    Mona Vale Library is located at 1 Park Street, Mona Vale.
    Bookings are essential
    to book phone 9970 1600
    Following the talk there will be book signings and light refreshments.


    Septic Tank Pump Out ?
    Does anyone need their septic tank pumped out?
    I am hoping to get mine done in the next month or two and it would be good to get a group together and split the truck/barge costs if possible...
    Let me know..

    Sophie 0432611976

    The Local Guide
    Community Information

    What's On in Pittwater - Self Editing Event Calendar 
    click to go to the Calendar
    Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 Number, Usage & Charges
    Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 http://www.sirfb.org.au
    West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 www.westpittwater.rfsa.org.au
    Offshore Photo Gallery http://picasaweb.google.com/offshoregallery/
    Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA) Membership Application - click here to download
    West Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au
    Scotland Island Water
    SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click here for information and contacts
    Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click here to download
    Scotland Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island & Offshore Childrens Services)
    Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service)  8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues, Weds & Thurs)
    Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
    Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility & Equipment Hire
    For information call 02 9979 7856 or email:  siocs@comcen.com.au
    Scotland Island Community Hall Bookings:  Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com

    Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 - Number, Usage & Charges
    Church Point Ferries - 0408 296 997  Ferry Timetable click here
    Pink Water Taxi - 0428 238 190
    Pittwater Offshore Services - Contact Rus on 0415-464-733
    Manly Warringah Cabs   - 02 9972 5600
    Palm Beach Cruises  - 02 9997 4815

    Real Estate
    PMC Hill  - 9999 4902   http://www.pmchill.com.au/
    Century 21 Showcase Pittwater  - 9999 0155   http://www.c21pittwater.com.au/
    L.J.Hooker Mona Vale - 9979 8000   http://www.ljhooker.com.au/monavale

    Services, Clubs & Accommodation
    Scotland Island Traders - On-line shopping from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact Graeme on 0419 460 331 or click here for full details
    Justice of the Peace - Bob Bolton - 9999 4092
    Justice of the Peace - Paul Purvis - 9979 9667
    Justice of the Peace - Paul Burchall - 0414 975 793
    Justice of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackeral Beach) - 0419 745 628
    Pittwater Community Arts Inc.  - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079  lorriemay@bigpond.com
    Woody Point Yacht Club -  http://www.wpyc.com.au   commodore@wpyc.com.au
    Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02 9997 1022  http://www.rpayc.com.au/  
    Royal Motor Yacht Club - http://www.royalmotor.com.au/ 02 9997 5511
    Scotland Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or  http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au 
    Elvina Escape - B & B at Elvina Bay - Alison Newham 0423 598 760
    Treetops on Towlers Bay - 02 9332 2611  info@walkabouttours.com.au
    Pittwater Youth Hostel  - 02 9999 5748  www.yha.com.au/hostels/details.cfm?hostelid=31  
    Nila Chambers - Celebrant (marriages, funerals etc)  Discount for all offshore residents. 9999 2445
    Offshore IT Computer Services  - Contact Robert  0427 890 357 or 9999 2942
    Handy Service - "No job too small"  - Call Alan 0447 775 541
    Electrician Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community sparky - www.sparky.com.au

    Island Classes (Fitness, Dance, Art etc)
    Pilates, Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice -  0406 483 036 patrice.corrie@gmail.com
    Anusara Yoga -  Thursdays -  0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au
    Art with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527
    Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 9979 3993 or 0431 457 431
    @ Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Mediterranean cooking fortnightly - Nathalie - 9999 4449

    Gurdjieff / The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979 3993 or Anne on 9999 3478
    Island Kinesiology Clinic - Mondays on SI   Phone Jen Cudmore 0425 212 849
    Green Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405 330 781
    WOW - Women on Water - second Wednesday of the month - contact Nila on 9999 2445   
    Parents & Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au
    Scotland Island Players - contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092
    Catherine Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017
    Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group, 1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092
    Island Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891, roybaker99@yahoo.com
    Offshore a capella choir –  Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call Gordon on 9997 2035.

    Government Organisations
    Pittwater Council - 9970 1111  - email  pittwater_council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au  Web site click here
    Member for Mackellar Bronwyn Bishop, email clicking here or Bronwyn.Bishop.MP@aph.gov.au
    Member for Pittwater  Rob Stokes,  email pittwater@parliament.nsw.gov.au

    Airlines, Buses and Railways
    Sydney Airport:
    Arrivals and Departures
    Virgin Blue:

    Sydney Buses: Information.

    Sydney Ferries:
    City Rail:
    Timetables & Information.
    Country Link Rail:

    Scotland Island Tides, Moon phases, Sun rise & set
    Local Weather Forecasttop
    Radar weather for Sydney (128k circle)
    Emergency Contact Numbers   
    ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) 000
    Police Assistance Line & Information 13 1444 or 9281 0000
    Broken Bay Water Police 9910 7899 or 0412 162 093
    Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade  9999 4404
    NSW Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 9265 2999
    Rural Fire Service General information 9450 3000
    State Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES 9486 3399
    National Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information 9457 9322
    Dept of Community Services: general information 9977 6011
    Sydney Water 132 090
    Energy Australia 131 388, (ah) 131 909
    Join SIRA
    You can now join the Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page and return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
    The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
    Please NO CASH.

    Contact SIRA at
    Join WPCA
    To join the Western Pittwater Community Association, contact Michael Wiener at

    Archived Newsletters
    A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php  or by clicking here or by visiting the Mona Vale Library.

    The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

    To Contribute
    If you would like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here. Type your contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of general interest to the community, does not include matter of a political nature and is not offensive, it will appear next month.

    Subscription Information
    To get on and off this newsletter, click here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup .
    To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au

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    The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) 

    Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]