Media invited to IAW events
05 March 2012
Billboards have gone up (click here), posters were spotted in national newspapers (see here), the Churches have issued a call (read statement here), campuses are abuzz (click here for students' reaction)… and today, Israeli Apartheid Week officially kicks-off in South Africa!
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events (including rallies, lectures, cultural performances, films and workshops) held in cities and campuses across the globe. IAW seeks to raise awareness about Israel's apartheid policies toward the Palestinians and to mobilize support for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel movement.
Media are invited to upcoming Israeli Apartheid Week events. See below this press alert or click here for the Full IAW 2012 Schedule with all upcoming film screenings, events and activities. Here are some highlights:

STELLENBOSCH - "Bethlehem" Rally with Allan Boesak, Terry Crawford-Browne, Breyten Breytenbach
Peaceful Rally and Handover: “The Bethlehem Call” 
Monday, 05 March @ 13h00 (Starts at Stellenbosch University Arts Building [Corner Merriman and Ryneveld] and ends at Faculty of Theology [171 Dorp Street])
Speakers: Professor Alan Boesak, Reverend Edwin Arrison, Breyten Breytenbach (TBC) and Terry Crawford-Browne (author of "Eye on the Money")

DURBAN - Professor Patrick Bond and hip-hop performer "Ewok"
Seminar and Performance: "Why boycotting Israeli apartheid follows South Africa’s liberation strategy"
Tuesday, 06 March @ 12h30 (CCS Seminar room, Memorial Tower Building, Howard College Campus, UKZN)
Speakers and Performer: Professor Patrick Bond, Lubna Nadvi (Lecturer, UKZN) and Ewok (Hip-hop and graffiti artist)

CAPE TOWN - Zackie Achmat and others speak on BDS
Public Discussion: "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)" 
Tuesday, 06 March @ 18h00 (LS2D Leslie Social Science Building, UCT)
Speakers: Zackie Achmat (Founder of Treatment Action Campaign), Professor Andrew Nash (UCT Academic), Carol Martin (World Council of Churches EAPPI) and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (Chairperson of Wits University Post Graduate Association and board member of BDS South Africa)

COUNTRYWIDE - National film tour, "Roadmap to Apartheid"
The Tri-Continental Human Rights Film Festival (, IAW South Africa Team and BDS South Africa will premiere the film, Roadmap to Apartheid ( at several South African universities, schools and community centers as an official 2012 Israeli Apartheid Week event. 'Roadmap to Apartheid' is a full-feature film that explores the comparison between former South Africa and current Israel. Click here for more information on the national film tour.

COUNTRYWIDE - Art murals painted across South Africa (+ music video)
Members of SA Artists Against Apartheid and "Gangs of Graffiti" are painting large art murals across the country in support of Israeli Apartheid Week (click here to view photos of the murals). A YouTube music video, featuring some of the graffiti artists, has been released for IAW, click here to watch the music video. Sadly, Israeli supporters have responded to these art murals by defacing and whitewashing some of them. 

An official pre-IAW protest rally, hosted by the South African Communist Party in Port Elizabeth and attended by Mayor Zanoxolo Wayile and former Minister of Intelligence Ronnie Kasrils, took place yesterday morning. At the rally, Steve Faulkner, the international officer of the SA Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) and member of COSATU, announced his union's support for IAW and declared: "All South African municipalities must be Apartheid Israel free!"
Office 915 | 9th Floor | Khotso House | 62 Marshall Street | Johannesburg 
PO Box 2318 | Houghton | 2041 | Johannesburg
T: +27 (0) 11 241 7813 | M: +27 (0) 84 211 9988 | F: +27 (0) 86 650 4836 
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BDS South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organization. NPO NUMBER: 084 306 NPO
BDS South Africa is a registered Public Benefit Organisation with Section 18A tax-deductible status. PBO NUMBER: 930 037 446

[Click here for the online version:]

Monday, 05 March @ 13h00 (Room D, RW James Building, University of Cape Town)
Film Screening: "Occupation 101" 

Tuesday, 06 March @ 13h00 (Micro Biology Seminar Room B, University of Cape Town)
Film Screening: "Little Town of Bethlehem" 

Tuesday, 06 March @ 18h00 (LS2D Leslie Social Science Building, University of Cape Town)
Public Discussion: "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)" 
Speakers: Zackie Achmat, Professor Andrew Nash, Carol Martin (World Council of Churches EAPPI), Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (Chairperson of Wits Post Graduate Association and board member of BDS South Africa)

Wednesday, 07 March @ 18h00 (Room D, RW James Building, University of Cape Town) 
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Thursday, 08 March 13h00 (Room D, RW James Building, University of Cape Town)
Film Screening: "Budrus" 

Thursday, 08 March 18h00 (LS2D, Leslie Social Science Building, University of Cape Town)
Public Discussion: "The Israel Apartheid Analogy" 
Speakers: Jonathan "Zapiro" Shapiro, Professor Allan Boesak, Ronnie Kasrils (former Minister of Intelligence), Terry Crawford-Brown (Author: "Eye On The Money")

Friday, 09 March @  (Cape Quarters)
Cultural Performance: "Cape Cultural Collective Performance" 

Sunday 11 March @ 14h30 (Joseph Stone Auditorium, Klipfontein Road, Athlone)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Tuesday, 06 March @ 12h30 (CCS Seminar room, Memorial Tower Building, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Seminar and Performance: "Why boycotting Israeli apartheid follows South Africa’s liberation strategy"
 Speakers and Performer: Professor Patrick Bond, Lubna Nadvi (Lecturer, UKZN), Ewok (Hip-hop and graffiti artist) 

Tuesday, 06 March @ 14h00 (CCS Seminar room, Memorial Tower Building, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Wednesday, 07 March @ 14h00 (CCS Seminar Room, Memorial Tower Building, Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Thursday, 08 March @ 19h30 (Factory Cafe, 369 Magwaza Maphalala Street [Gale Street], Glenwood)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Sunday, 11 March @ 14h00 (Al Ansaar Hall, West Road, Overport, Durban)
Film Screening and Seminar: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Monday, 05  March @ 18h00 (GLT, Rhodes University
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"  

Tuesday, 06 March @ 13h00 (Politics Department, Rhodes University) 
Seminar: "What is Israeli Apartheid Week?"
Speakers: Professor Steven Friedman (UJ/Rhodes academic, Public Intellectual and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy)

Tuesday, 06 March @ 18h00 (GLT, Rhodes University) 
Film Screening and Public Discussion: "The Promise Part 1" 
Speakers: Professor Steven Friedman (UJ/Rhodes academic, Public Intellectual and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy)

Wednesday, 07 March @ 13h00 (Politics Department, Rhodes University) 
Seminar: "Understanding the need for IAW"
Speakers: Professor John Rose (Author of "The Myths of Zionism") and Professor Robert van Niekerk

Wednesday, 07 March @ 18h00 (GLT, Rhodes University)
Film Screening: "The Promise Part 2"

Thursday, 08 March @ 18h00 (Library Quad, Rhodes University)
Film Screening and Each-One-Teach-One: "The Promise Part 3"

Friday, 09 March 18h00 with Main event @ 18h00 (Guerrilla Theater, Kaif, Rhodes University)
Art Installation, Vigil and Performance: "Tearing Down The Wall"

Saturday, 10 March @ 13h00 (Monastery Club, Rhodes University)
Film Screening: "Have You Heard From Johannesburg"

Saturday, 10 March @ 15h00 (Monastery Club, Rhodes University)
Poetry Reading and Live Music: "Featuring a visiting Argentine band"

Monday, 05 March [All day] (Library Lawns, University of the Witwatersrand)
Art Installation: "Greenwashing and Pinkwashing" 

Tuesday, 06 March @ 12h30 (C-Ring 315, Auckland Park Campus, University of Johannesburg 
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Tuesday, 06 March 13h15 (Library Lawns, University of the Witwatersrand)
Performance Art: "The Cultural Boycott. Be Moved - Don't Entertain Apartheid"

Wednesday, 07 March @ 13h00 (Room 2, Umthombo Building, University of the Witwatersrand)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Wednesday 07 March @ 20h00 (Trade Route Mall, Lenasia, Johannesburg)
Film Screening: "Tears For Gaza"

Thursday, 08 March @ 13h15 (Library Lawns, University of the Witwatersrand) 
Student Rally: "Opposing Apartheid Together: No to Discrimination/ Separation/ Segregation at our University"
 Speakers: Zanele Matebula (COSATU International Office), Mbuyseni Ndlozi (International IAW Speaker and chairperson of Wits Post Graduate Association), Representatives from South African Students Congress (SASCO), Coordinator of Kaleidoscope Youth Network, Wits World Active Student Organisation, Wits Workers Solidarity Committee, and Wits Palestine Solidarity Committee.

Thursday, 08 March @ 18h30 (Council Chambers, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Campus)
Panel Discussion: "100 Years of the ANC: Lessons for South Africans in solidarity with Palestinians resisting Israeli Apartheid"
Speakers: Denis Goldberg (Rivonia trialist and ANC MK veteran), Professor Steven Friedman (UJ/Rhodes academic, Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Public Intellectual)

Sunday, 11 March @ 14h00 (Venue to be confirmed)
Film Screening: "Roadmap to Apartheid"

Monday, 05 March @ 13h00 (Room 107, New Arts Building, Pietermaritzburg Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Public lecture: "Pedagogical liberation? Reshaping public opinion on Palestine" 
Speakers: Dr Clint Le Bruyns (UKZN academic and lecturer)

Tuesday, 06 March @ 17h00 (Room 107, New Arts Building, Pietermaritzburg Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Saturday, 10 March @ 14h00 (Venue to be confirmed)
Rally and Film Screening: "Roadmap to Apartheid"

Sunday, 04 March @ 10h00 (Red Location Museum, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth)
Rally, Film Screening and Vigil: "Roadmap to Apartheid"
Speakers: Zanoxolo Wayile (Mayor of Port Elizabeth), Representative from South African Communist Party and Ronnie Kasrils (former Minister of Intelligence)

Monday, 05 March @ 12h00 (South Campus Auditorium, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)
Public Debate: "Is Israel an Apartheid state?" 
Speakers: Ronnie Kasrils (former Minister of Intelligence) and Chuck Volpe

Monday, 05 March @ 19h30 (Parkside Movement Hall, Port Elizabeth)
Public Rally: "Israeli Apartheid Week"
Speakers: Dr Janet (End Conscription Campaign and NMMU lecturer) and Ronnie Kasrils (former Minister of Intelligence), Shamiel Panday and Nkosinathi Jikeka

Tuesday, 06 March @ 12h00 (South Campus Auditorium, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Monday, 05 March @ 10h00 (Graduate Centre 1-64, University of Pretoria)
Public Seminar: "Israeli Apartheid" 
Speakers: Dr Abd Al Aziz Amr (Former Palestinian political prisoner)

Tuesday, 06 March @ 13h30 (EMB 1-18, University of Pretoria)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"  

Wednesday, 07 March @ 13h30 (Piazza, University of Pretoria)
Performance: "Balloon Release"

Thursday, 08 March @ 13h30 (L2-69, Graduate Centre, University of Pretoria) 
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid" 

Sunday, 11 March @ 10h00 (Ipelegeng Community Centre, Corner Khumalo & Phera Roads, Soweto, Johannesburg)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Monday, 12 March @ 14h00 (Hector Peterson Memorial Center, 887 Khumalo Street, Orlando West, Soweto, Johannesburg)
Film Screening, Music-video launch and live Skype link-up with Gaza: "The New Black" 

Monday, 05 March @ 13h00 (Starts at the Arts Building [Corner Merriman and Ryneveld Street] and ends at Faculty of Theology [171 Dorp Street])
Peaceful March and Handover: “The Bethlehem Call” 
Speakers: Professor Alan Boesak, Reverend Edwin Arrison, Terry Crawford-Browne, Breyten Breytenbach (TBC)

Monday, 05 March @ 13h30 (Main entrance of the Faculty of Theology, 171 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch University)
Performance Art: "Simulated Israeli Checkpoints"

Wednesday, 07 March @ 15h30 (Neelsie Cinema, Stellenbosch University)
Film Screening: "Roadmap To Apartheid"

Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Communist Party (SACP), South African Students Congress (SASCO), Young Communist League of South Africa (YCL), South African Council of Churches (SACC), Ecumenical Accomppanier Program program, Kairos Southern Africa, Kaliedoscope Youth Network, SA Artists Against Apartheid, GangsofGraffiti, BDS South Africa, Palestine Solidarity Alliance (Gauteng), Palestine Solidarity Alliance (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Palestine Solidarity Campaign (South Africa), UKZN Action Group on Palestine (University of KwaZulu-Natal), UJ Palestine Solidarity Forum (University of Johannesburg), Wits University Palestine Solidarity Committee (Wits University)