Three Perugia Press poets - Carolina Hotchandani 
 (The Book Eaters, 2023), Rebecca Pelky (Through a Red Place,
2021), and Lisbeth White (American Sycamore, 2022) are
reading in the Phosphorescence Reading Series for
the Emily Dickinson Museum at 6:00pm EDT, 7/20/23.
This virtual reading is free, but registration is required


* 2024 Perugia Press Prize Opens on August 1 *

Publication of the winning manuscript comes with
$2,000*, author copies, and other support from the press.

We're pleased to continue a fee structure for our contest that 
gives poets options on how they submit their work and makes 
the contest more accessible to all. Read more on our blog.
* Note that our honorarium has increased beginning with 
this submission cycle, due to the generous support 
of a grant from the Mass Cultural Council.

We look forward to reading your work!

* Lisa Allen Ortiz: "The Story of My Book" *

Published periodically, “The Story of My Book” posts bring our collections to life through a series of five questions we ask all of our poets that highlight what makes every book unique and why Perugia is the right home for each of them (and may be for you and your book too). Here’s Lisa on her experience with Perugia, the genesis of Guide to the Exhibit, her latest book projects, and her abiding love for animals, trees, and lettuce:


Cover Reveal & Pre-Sale for The Book Eaters!
Here's the beautiful cover of the next Perugia Press title:
Carolina Hotchandani's The Book Eaters. Cover art by Elizabeth Munger. Book design by Jeff Potter and Rebecca Olander.

* Perugia Poet News *
Perugia poet Carolina Hotchandani's 2023 Perugia Press Prize win was announced in the latest Poets & Writers magazine.

"Sister Storms" published in High Country News.
Perugia poet L.I. Henley had her work
featured in the Superstition Review's blog!
"You're from Nowhere" chosen for Second Prize

Perugia poet Lynne Thompson is part of the following
reading & poetry workshop this Saturday, July 22:

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062