at the Fireshed 7pm Sunday 16 Oct.
Australia v New Zealand
$5 Donation will get you Entrance and a Roast Beef Roll
Bar will be open.
Sunday, October 16 from 7pm
Don't be late !
End of an Era
The Island Cafe in its
current form will be shutting down.
There are a few reasons which you might be interested in knowing:
Someone apparently made a complaint about the cafe, and the health
inspectors decided that it did not meet requirements. Even though
it is a fund-raising enterprise, they wanted to see stricter standards
than are normally applied to fund raising food ventures because it
opens every week. They did have some trouble classifying us, but
came down on this side of the fence in the end.
Pittwater Council inspected the premises of the hall and surrounds, and
informed SIRA that the cafe machine cannot run from the shed, as it is
not of sufficient standard for electrical devices.
Differences of opinion between persons in SIRA and the people
running the cafe have led to a breakdown of cordial relations.
4. The people putting the time in no longer have spare time
Just for your interest, since Jan 2011, the Island Cafe has disbursed
the following funds:
SIRA - $468
SIOCS - $1690
Oxfam - $433
the good news is that there will be one last party! This Sunday
(16th), in Catherine Park, the coffee machine will be running, there
may well be cakes, possibly people, quite definitely some good
cheer. If you’re gonna go, go with a bang...
Join us for
one last caffeine high, one last calorie overload, one last protracted
session looking for your lost child at the end of the morning.
The Cafe Crew
Church Point Ferry
Highly Commended in the 2011
Pittwater Sustainability Awards
Point Ferry is very proud to announce that they where awarded a Highly
Commended in the 2011 Pittwater Sustainability Awards, for
Sustainability in Business. This comes after 9 months of having
green tickets and effectively removing 67 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide from
the atmosphere, as well as planting 67 managed native trees. This is
the equivalent of taking 201 cars off the road for one month, or about
220 Sydney to Brisbane flights.
80% of our passengers are
now purchasing the “green” ticket where an extra $1.00 of a 13 trip
ticket is used to completely offset the fuel emissions of their trips.
We would like to thank our wonderful customers and Pangolin and
Associates, our sustainability consultants. We would also like to add a
personal thank you to Tracy Ponich.
Kind Regards
Manly Regional Gallery Invitation
I would like to invite the
community to celebrate with the artists for the final 2 public
programme events at the Manly Regional Gallery.
Last weekend at the
Manly Gallery we were privileged to hear Col Bailey talk about boat
building and life on Pittwater together with Tracey Rowe, Lesley
Stevens, Larry Eastwood and Michael Edols who gave us insights into
their wonderful filmic talents. It is a truly varied and talented
community we live in.
Next weekend 17th Oct Sunday 3-4
a few
of our artists will be chatting about their work. So come down to the
gallery , have a cuppa and get some insights into how they get
inspiration from where we live.
The grand finale will be held on
Sunday 6th Nov. 3-4pm
Our very own A Cappella choir "The Last
Ferry Home" will be entertaining us again with some new songs and some
of our favourites.
You may not realise that this exhibition
and programme of events has taken over 5 years to come to fruition, and
it has been such an honour for our artistic community (artists,
writers, boat builders, film makers, musicians and lantern paraders) to
be invited to share our work in a very professional and prestigious
So please support their efforts and enjoy one or both of these
events with us.
Hard Dog's Night
Beatles' singles from
1962 to 1970
click image to load poster
Love Me Dog! The Pre-Fab Four are coming to Scotland Island.
They're sure to Please Please You with their show: "A Hard Dog's
Night", playing
Beatles' singles from 1962 to 1970.
They might sing "Eight Days a Week" but the show is only on Friday and
Saturday 25/26 November and the following weekend 3/4 December.
If you
miss it, you'll be saying "I Should Have Known Better"!
Money can't buy you love, but it can get you tickets - $20 from PMC Hill
9999 4902 - don't
be a Nowhere Man, book or get yours today!
Friday and Saturday 25/26
and the following weekend 3/4 December
Landscape drawing / painting classes
"En Plein Air" Landscape
drawing / painting classes on Scotland Island have started!
Every Wednesday except
during school holidays
to the beach end of Tennis Wharf, enjoy our beautiful island
surroundings from 10 am 'til 2 pm (bring a snack lunch and art
material, please contact me for the list).
Learn to observe,
draw & paint from subjects within the landscape - unleash the
artist within by listening and feeling - discovering new perceptions
and translating them onto paper...
Suitable for beginners as well as more experienced artists.
Cost: $35 per session
For more information contact Anne Willman: 9999 4002, 0431 149 182,
25 years or more on Scotland Island, Get Together
everyone, my name is Annette Freeland and I have lived on
Scotland Island for the past 35 years, I am very keen to set up a get
together of people who have lived on the Island and still live here for
25 years or more, the venue could be held at my house.
I would like to hear from all you guys who fit this criteria, my email
address is
to ask you all again, but I seem to have lost a lot of your email
addresses and need to get them again to let you know the date.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers Annette and Tony Freeland
Invitation from Scotland Island's Nettie Lodge:
Click image to load poster
Invitation to my forthcoming exhibition at the Soho Galleries opening on October 22.
would be great to see you there and it would also be great if you could
forward it to anyone you think may be interested,
Yoga is on again in the Hall!
Yippee – stretch out for
Thursdays 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm
$22 per casual class, and mats / blankets etc provided.
$20 per class if class packages of more than 5 bought.
Contact Dominique for more details: 0421 762 236 /
Download the flyer HERE
Invitation for the Community
Hello community,
ago I wrote asking for depression sufferers to join me in a self help
group, after a fantastic response and many wonderful adventures I would
like to restate that invitation.
We aim at one activity per
month, second Sunday of the month, setting goals, encouraging and
supporting each other in that endeavour.
Participation is not a
prerequisite and no undue pressure is applied, but you will be
encouraged to do things you wouldn’t normally do and you will have
contact with and the support of other sufferers, all in the interest of
helping themselves.
The next months activity is the section of
the Great Northern walk from Cowan to Brooklyn, challenging, as life
is, but there are few excuses not to do it.
It will involve a
boat trip, then a train ride and possibly some rehydration and
celebration at a Brooklyn watering hole after the estimated 5 1/2 hour
Although this group is aimed at sufferers, their support
group (family) and any others wishing to join in supporting us are more
than welcome.
Please contact me for more information or to just say you’ll be there.
All the best,
Tim Marshall.
Notices |
of the 2011 Pittwater Sustainability Awards were announced by Mayor
Harvey Rose at a special presentation held on Sunday 9 October.
Around 90 guests attended the function following Pittwater’s
Sustainable Living Expo held at Mona Vale on the same day.
Harvey Rose said that while sustainability and climate change had
become a political issue, it was important to remind the community how
sustainability can be implemented into every day lives.
awards were initiated by Council in 2009 to help demystify how
businesses and homeowners can achieve sustainability in a practical
sense, “said Mayor Rose.
Four winners and three highly commended
were announced from nominees in the following categories;
sustainability in design, sustainability in business, sustainability in
landscaping and a new category for this year, sustainability in schools.
“We wanted to boost younger residents’ interest in the issue by
introducing this new category,” said
Mayor Rose.
Sustainability in design recognised a builder and architect who had
developed an outstanding home using sustainable features.
in business offered an award to small businesses which had become more
sustainable through innovations involving staff, resources or new
business practices.
The sustainability in landscaping category
recognised homeowners who were committed to making Pittwater more
sustainable through landscaping and gardening.
Sustainability in
schools recognised local schools who had implemented sustainability
initiatives to create a better environment.
Each category winner
was awarded a trophy made from recycled glass, with highly commended
recipients receiving a framed certificate.
Judging of the
submissions was undertaken by a panel of experts which included Cr
Jacqueline Townsend and local resident and sustainability advocate Ian
Cleland, along with Council staff.
“My personal hope is that the Pittwater Sustainability Awards will
continue to grow and serve as
encouragement to others to follow a more sustainable lifestyle, both at
work and at home,” Mayor
Rose said.
Community Relations Ph: 9970 1119 or 9970 1172
Summary of winners – 2011
Pittwater Sustainability Awards
Sustainability in Design –
Single Residential Dwellings – New (Winner)
RW Stidwill Constructions
& Eastwood Design
The judges were impressed with this outstanding pavilion-style house on
Scotland Island built
mainly from recycled hardwoods. The design concept was to create a
casual and relaxed
waterfront home in harmony with the island. The house design gave
careful consideration to the
management of waste water and rainwater harvesting, with the home
completely self-sufficient
in these areas. The use of glass louvers to control airflow and capture
precious natural light is
another example of the homes sustainability credentials, along with
extensive use of sandstone
retained from the previous dwelling. In essence, this house is a
showcase for quality sustainable
design, offering stunning aesthetics as well as a liveable ambience.
Sustainability in Business –
Small Business (Winner)
Dragonfly Environmental
Dragonfly Environmental is a group of environmentally based companies
including a nursery, a planting service, bush regeneration and wetland
management. The company’s core business is to improve the environment
through bush regeneration and planting projects. The company also
conducts ecological monitoring and reporting as well as organising
eco-tours. The company has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint
by starting a greenhouse gas inventory which records the company’s fuel
consumption. In 2010 the company planted over 800,000 native trees and
shrubs. When treating aquatic weeds they ensure that the use of
chemicals is kept to a minimum. Building supplies and materials used by
the company are sourced from local suppliers to reduce their Co2
Sustainability in Business –
Small Business (Highly Commended)
Church Point Ferry
The feel good factor of catching a ferry around Scotland Island and the
western foreshore of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park now extends beyond
the scenery. Ferry owners Penny Gleen and Simon Wastell wanted to run a
more sustainable service and have introduced a multi-trip Green Ticket.
By paying an additional dollar for a 12-trip pass, passengers help
offset 100% of that dollar on fuel emissions. Passengers not only help
the ferry service become an environmentally friendlier business, the
small contribution reduces their own footprint on the planet. Owner
Penny Gleen said that the company had already introduced many recycling
and waste reduction strategies, but believed it wasn’t enough.
“Offsetting the fuel usage of our three ferries, the Amelia K, the
Curlew and the Elvina will have the strongest impact on our business’
footprint, “ she said. In the first six months of running the ‘green
tickets’, the company has donated 40 ‘Trees for Carbon’ and have
purchased 40 carbon credits.
Sustainability in
Landscaping (Winner)
Selena Griffith
Eighteen months ago Selena Griffith’s steep south east facing block in
Elanora was covered in noxious weeds and non indigenous species
including lantana, privet and camphor laurel. Her desire was to create
a small productive garden with a minimal footprint. Priorities in the
design included energy generation, water storage, local food production
and material reuse. There was also a desire to open the garden to help
others learn to live more sustainably. After taking three weeks to
clear the large block by hand, the garden now boasts a variety of fruit
tree clusters, vegetable patches and herbs providing food for Selena
and her extended family and friends. The garden has a drip line
irrigation system which runs from a 5000L rain water tank which also
services the home’s toilets and washing machine. Organic waste from the
house and garden is composted or fed to the free-range chooks, guinea
pigs and quail. These animals provide valuable manure for feeding the
garden as well as eggs for food. The garden continues to welcome a
variety of visitors including echidnas, bandicoots, possums and many
bird and frog species. The
garden has also attracted many enthusiastic human visitors from of the
local permaculture group.
Sustainability in
Landscaping (Highly Commended)
Will & Chrissie Jephcott
Winner’s of this category in the inaugural Sustainability Awards of
2009 the Jephcotts were highly commended this year for their ongoing
work at their ocean cliff garden at Newport. Over the last few years
the Jephcott’s have increased the quantity and diversity of Australian
plants in their native garden. Decreasing the lawn area and creating
more fauna friendly areas they have further reduced the need for water
and created more food for native animals. They have seen an increase in
the Eastern Waterdragon population including smaller birdlife such as
the New Holland Honeyeater and Fairy Wrens. A microbat box has also
been added as a safe haven for roosting microbats. With many visitors
to their stunning native garden the Jephcotts have also enticed others
to take a more sustainable approach with their own gardens.
Sustainability in Schools
Bilgola Plateau Public School
The school’s mission was to establish themselves as an environmentally
sustainable school, creating an environmentally conscious school
community. The school worked closely with council to create an
environmental audit. Data was gathered on the school’s waste management
practices as well as power and water usage. This led to increased
motivation by students and teachers to switch off power when not needed
along with refurbishments to the school toilets to decrease water
usage. Waste was reduced by encouraging fruit breaks to reduce food
packaging, with native plants introduced to the K-2 playground to
increase diversity and attract wildlife. A ‘no dig’ vegetable garden
and a chicken coop were established, with produce donated to the school
canteen and sold to support ongoing maintenance of the garden. Compost
bins and worm farms have also been introduced. Work is currently
underway to create an outdoor learning area with native plants, mulch
tracks, frog ponds and log seating. A ‘Grow, Grab, Gobble’ program will
further the school’s sustainability rating with plans for every class
to have their own vegetable
Sustainability in Schools
(Highly Commended)
Newport Public School
The school recently installed water tanks on its school grounds after
successfully applying for an
environmental grant. The school has appointed an environmental team
which has introduced a number of initiatives including a ‘no wrap’
lunch program and an eco- information sharing activity called
‘e-tweet’. Each class presents an e-tweet to the weekly assembly
offering simple and practical environmental tips. Green monitors have
been appointed to ensure that computers and air conditioners are shut
down at the end of each day. The school is also working with Council on
a waste audit as well as education programs for students via the
Council’s Coastal Environment Centre.
2-drawer filing cabinet
Scotland Island resident looking for:
2-drawer filing cabinet
Desk drawers approx 700mm high
Do you have these items taking up space in your home?
Please contact me if you can help.
Lara 0450 076 066
Washing Machine Free
We have a used Malleys Regal 1550 top loader washing machine to give
away for free.
It works but is very heavy.
I will help move it.
Thanks, Paul Kinnison
More thefts
evening (2/10) I left a full gas bottle in my wheel barrow on the wharf
, Elvina Bay South. When I returned from the island, the bottle had
been stolen.
Two weeks earlier the same thing happened to a neighbour.
May have been the same scum who stole my fuel tank & line the same
The wharf lights in the bay have not been working for 3 months. This
may have emboldened the thief.
Larry Woods.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)