Monday, May 28, 2018

Joshua 4:3 And tell them to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan from right where the priests stood and to carry them over with you and put them down at the place where you stay tonight.


Four faces on a mountain. The story of Mount Rushmore, memorial not merely to four presidents, a memorial to a nation's beginnings-- to the dreams and ideals on which our country was built.

Centuries ago, God caused Joshua to set up a memorial as Israel entered into the land the Lord had promised them. The Israelites took twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan according to the number of the tribes and carried them over with them to their camp where Joshua set up the twelve stones to be a memorial to the people of Israel. And what were the people of Israel to remember when they saw these stones? Not Joshua or Moses, but the Lord their God and how He had brought them into their homeland by using His mighty power on their behalf.

Our nation's founders and its guiding principles ought to be remembered, but more important than any man's efforts is the unseen hand of the eternal God guiding the course of men and nations to bring us to Himself through the message of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial dying and triumphant return from death.