Farm Fresh News - October 2014

kale patch
My Community Kale Patch
Workshops, Tours. Great Food, Music - ALL WE NEED IS YOU!

2015 Dates
  • March 20-22
  • April 17-19
  • May 22-24
  • June 3-7
  • July 15-19
  • September 18-20
  • October 16-18

Author Douglas Stevenson appearances:

Sunday, October 12, 2:00-3:00 pm Legislative Plaza,
Nashville Public Library, Southern Festival of Books, Nashville, TN
Out to Change the World: The Evolution of the Farm Community

Saturday November 8, 2 PM
in conjunction with a showing of the documentary, 40 Years on The Farm 
The Tennessee State Museum (room location to be announced)

In this issue:

  • The Farm Exhibit at the Tennessee State Museum

  • Garden Hoops

  • The 2015 Retreat Calendar!

Hi Friends,
Fall is upon us here on The Farm, but that doesn't seem to have slowed things down much.

I am happy to announce that my talk for the Southern Festival of Books has been moved to Sunday, October 12, at the Legislative Plaza in downtown Nashville, so it can be videoed by CSPAN. I will let you know when/if it will be broadcast on their channel.

I'll also be speaking on Saturday, November 8, as part of the excellent exhibit about The Farm and other Tennessee intentional communities from our State's past.

I enjoyed my recent participation in The Mother Earth News Fair in Pennsylvania. It was heartening to see so many people seeking a more sustainable lifestyle. It also helped to remind me about the difference between homesteading and life in community.

Last weekend a bunch of us turned out for, what we for decades have called, an "All Farm Day." It's when the community works together, this time in maintaining our blueberry patch. It really made me think about how lucky we are to live in community, supporting each other, creating more than any one of us could by ourselves. In this case, the rewards are obvious...and tasty!


"All Farm Day" in the blueberries

Exhibit on Intentional Communities at the Tennessee State Museum
October 3rd through November 30th

Tennessee's history includes several social experiments founded on principles of equality and justice that go back nearly 200 years.

Nashoba was located on 2000 acres outside Memphis, founded in the early 1820's by Francis Wright. She would use her own money to purchase and free people held in slavery, with the idea that the community would serve as an example of how the races could work together side by side.

Rugby, established in the 1880's on the Cumberland Plateau in Middle Tennessee, attracted hundreds of settlers drawn by its egalitarian principles expressed through a cooperative agricultural enterprise. Many of its Victorian style buildings have been preserved as a tourist attraction.

Ruskin, founded in 1893, sprung to life after an economic depression in 1893, growing to about 250 people before finally dissolving in 1901. Its blend of capitalism and communal living made members equal shareholders in a corporation as one of the first worker owned cooperatives.

The Farm Community makes up about two thirds of the exhibit, with glass cases filled with various "artifacts" and unique items dating back to our communal period. A large video screen displays images of people working in the fields, the midwives and Stephen Gaskin speaking after a Sunday Service.

It is an honor to be recognized as an integral part of the State's history.

motor pool
A three dimensional painting by Bernice Davidson and other contributing artists has windows that let you see inside to view the passengers and their belongings. "Always room for one more!"
Messages from Farm members about why they were drawn to the community adorn the bus.
The exhibit contains a number of archival photographs by Farm photographer, former member, and community historian David Frohman, who played an integral role in organizing the exhibit.
Left: The Motor Pool with Mr.Kaputi

Garden Hoops: For years we used recycled TV cable to make hoops for covering our vegetables in the garden. It was time for an upgrade.

hoop bender
Above: This hoop bender is available from Johnny's Seed for around $50 The hoops are made from steel conduit. Half-inch will cost $2-$3 for a 10 foot stick. The bender can be used on up to 1 inch conduit, recommended to give more strength at either end of your row of hoops.
hoops over raised bed
We use hoops and row cover to protect plants from both insects and frost. As temperatures drop, you can replace the cloth with clear plastic. Be prepared to take the plastic off on warm, sunny days and then cover again at night.
Above: Rabbits have been nibbling on my carrot tops, so I covered them. The bed further back contains broccoli, covered to protect from cabbage moths and their caterpillars.
Out to Change new society the farm then and now

both books for $35 including shipping


Farm Experience Retreats and Workshops
2015 Dates
  • March 20-22
  • April 17-19
  • May 22-24
  • June 3-7
  • July 15-19
  • September 18-20
  • October 16-18
Farm Experience Weekends: The best overview of the green life, providing the inspiration you need to fulfill your life goals and live your dreams.
Learn more...
Farm Experience March 20-22
Spring is our favorite time of year, and attracts our largest number of participants.
Farm Experience: The Land April 17-19
On Saturday afternoon we'll hike to a waterfall in the 1475 acre Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. The Saturday night dinner and entertainment will be a fundraiser for Swan Trust.
Community & Sustainability Conference May 22-24
Memorial Day Weekend in May Your opportunity to explore the connection between lifestyle and intention..
Organic Gardening Intensive June 3-7
A week (or weekend) of hands-on gardening as well as garden tours on and 0ff-The Farm to visit Shiitake operations, a bamboo nursery and more
End of Summer Family Retreats July 15-19
We'll spend the week swimming, hiking, listening to and playing music, enjoying really great food and each others company. Special beginner and advanced Tai Chi workshops.
Farm Experience September 18-20, October 16-18
Don't miss Fall on The Farm, the crisp, cooler temperatures are always a special time of year!
Now it's up to you. Register today!
Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes Contact:
Permaculture Apprenticeships:
Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at the Farm community.

Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes



Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259
Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office
931-626-4035 - cell