Holidays for April
April 4 - Happy Easter!
Just remember: remove all exposure possibilities of your cats to lilies of any kind. Even just licking some varieties is
lethal, but all varieties are toxic.
According to Dr. Andrew Jones:
"If you want lilies, don't have cats."

National Heartworm Awareness Month
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
National Pet Month (UK)
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

April 1–7: National Raw Feeding Week
April 11–17: National Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
April 17–24: National Pet ID Week
April 18–24: Animal Cruelty Awareness Week

April 6: National Siamese Cat Day
April 11: National Pet Day
April 11: Celebrate Shelter Pets Day
April 18: Pet Owners Independence Day
April 19: National Cat Lady Day
April 24: World Veterinary Day
April 25: National Pet Parents Day
April 26: National Kids and Pets Day
April 30: National Tabby Day
April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
April 30: National Therapy Animal Day
April 30: Hairball Awareness Day


Articles of Interest
Catnip for insect control?

Why do dog breeds look so different but cats don't?
Hair loss in cats, or cat alopecia, is a common problem for felines. Cat hair loss can be partial or complete, and the patterns can be varied or symmetrical.
Has your cat stopped eating?
Skipping a meal or two may not be a problem, but if your cat, for no apparent reason, fails to eat for 24-36 hours, there may be reason for concern.  For insight and medical advice, go to:

Thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer based in Pattaya, Thailand, for providing some great articles for us this month!


April 1, 2021     

It's Springtime and That Means Kitten Season!
Do You Know What to Do If You Find An Outdoor Kitten?

Before you scoop them up, stop and investigate. “Not every outdoor kitten needs saving,” says Alley Cat Allies. “Taking them home may not be what’s best—healthy kittens can take a turn for the worse if they’re brought indoors when they’re still too young to leave their mother. The best place for kittens is with mom. Don’t try to separate kittens younger than eight weeks old from their mother unless there is a medical emergency," according to the organization.
Are you concerned for community cats?
Visit the link below to learn how to defend them and yourself. Be sure to download the free PDF guide to keep on hand for future reference.

If you do end up with a new cat or kitten, rescued or adopted, here are 3 websites to help you pick a  name:
Kids Respecting an Outdoor Cat
Teach children to respect all animals

Official Cruelty Prevails in Many Cities

Last October and November, the East Bay Regional Park District in Oakland, Calif., shot and killed 13 cats (at night) in their ongoing policy of "removing" cats from the area, presumably to protect the environment and wildlife. This is outrageous and cruel, and despite public outrage, these misguided authorities stand by their policy. Alley Cat Allies is trying to help them find alternative ways to protect their parks without resorting to cruelty to just one species: cats. But they are not interested.

Thirteen cats? I could have rescued them all by myself and taken them to rescues, foster homes or shelters to find new homes. But if not suitable for indoor life, these small groups of cats can easily be managed by altering them, feeding them, and monitoring them in place. It's being done in many other locations already and successfully.

What can we do? Read further:

It's not much yet, but it's a start. We must keep the pressure on these heartless people in their uneducated quest to simply murder these innocent animals. (As I've always said, "If killing them worked, why hasn't it yet?")

Alley Cat Allies says, "Cats have been wrongly portrayed as a major threat to wildlife, public health, and more. This misinformation costs millions of cats their lives every year. We can put an end to it by uniting and speaking out."

We also need to educate our friends, families (especially children, who will grow up with the values we teach them), by letting them know that murder is not the answer; keeping pet cats indoors and performing spay/neuter programs for outside, unowned cats, will control the overpopulation problem without resorting to cruel and ineffective methods.
We also must help people to understand the cruelty of abandoning cats. That is a common reason so many stray and unowned cats end up in city parks and rural or wilderness areas to begin with. It is a misconception that dumping them just anywhere is better than taking them to a shelter or a rescue. With a little planning and research, it is possible to find organizations or a rescue that won't simply euthanize them when it's necessary to surrender a pet.
Applause for Austin, Texas - first Texas city to ban cat declawing!

“Declawing is an excruciatingly painful procedure that causes lasting psychological and physical harm to cats. It would be like cutting a person’s finger off at the last knuckle,” said Becky Robinson, president and founder of Alley Cat Allies.

Austin joins a growing list of governments that have outlawed this unnecessary practice: New York state, ten other major U.S. cities, seven Canadian provinces and at least 42 countries.
The Kitty Times is published once a month. Suggestions, questions and articles are welcome at

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